November 12, 2016

Thread below the Pet Thread: Nov. 12, 2016 [KT]

—Open Blogger

Still want to talk politics?

Victory gardeners, apple connisseurs and centerpiece designers are invited to carry on in the post below.

Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name, liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names, liberty and tyranny. The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as the destroyer of liberty, especially as the sheep was a black one. Plainly the sheep and the wolf are not agreed upon a definition of the word liberty. Abraham Lincoln

A disturbing post from a person I do not know showed up in my Facebook feed this week. They guy announced that he was setting up an Anne Frank-inspired refuge in his "cis- apartment" for any person of color, LGBTQ person or woman who felt that they were in danger due to the election of Donald Trump. In the comments, someone had posted a photo of the safety pin she was wearing.

I could have left a comment, but maybe I don't understand how dangerous Oklahoma has suddenly become to "the other". I truly could not think of anything to say. I fully agree with CBD's point this morning that there is a lot of work to do. But what could possibly get through to these people?

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Posted by Open Blogger at 01:40 PM Comments

Saturday Gardening Thread: Thanksgiving is coming [KT]

—Open Blogger

I am thankful that the election is over. I have been marveling at the reactions to it. I have been sort of dazed, so a short post today. CBD has a nice thread below for political talk.

I am trying to switch gears into Thanksgiving mode. See some conventional and unconventional Thanksgiving centerpieces here. Choose your favorite. Do guests ever have problems with TALL centerpieces?


I have some chrysanthemums blooming, and some snapdragons coming along. And a few veggies. You doing anything in the garden to prepare for Thanksgiving?

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Posted by Open Blogger at 12:35 PM Comments

A Missive From Mr Wolfe Comes To Mind [CBD]

—Open Blogger

This is a good point, and something to consider for 2020, when the Democrats will, presumably, field a slightly stronger candidate than a kleptocratic drunk with serious neurological issues.

There is a lot of work to be done.

Posted by Open Blogger at 11:21 AM Comments

Saturday Morning Weird News [Mis. Hum.]

—Open Blogger

churchill tea.jpg

Quite the week, eh?

Grab your favorite beverage and check out some items that didn't get much attention here at the Ace of Spades.

We can make an exception for a tea drinker on occasion.

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Posted by Open Blogger at 08:00 AM Comments

EMT 11/12/16 [krakatoa]

—Open Blogger

I haven't stopped laughing since Wednesday morning.

Let's play a game.

We'll call it The Debt Pool.

How soon after inauguration does the media rediscover true unemployment, a bad economy, crushing public debt, and the plight of the homeless?

Posted by Open Blogger at 06:00 AM Comments

Overnight Open Thread (11 Nov 2016)


Thank you for your service to all the Veterans out there.

How President Trump will change America's military and foreign policy. This part needs to happen stat.

A near certainty under a Trump Presidency is the total overhaul of the Veteran's Administration. Trump has pounded away on the topic since he first announced his candidacy, and it's a promise he has to keep once in office. This will likely include a total restructuring of the VA's top management, and more of a focus on providing veterans access to healthcare outside of the traditional VA system. Also going after waste and fraud within the VA will be a top priority.

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Posted by CDR M at 10:04 PM Comments

Michael Wolff: Trump Exposed Media as Smug Incompetents


And Michael Wolff is on the left side of things.

And also part of the media.

The media turned itself into the opposition and, accordingly, was voted down as the new political reality emerged: Ads don't work, polls don't work, celebrities don’t work, media endorsements don’t work, ground games don't work.

Not only did the media get almost everything about this presidential election wrong, but it became the central issue, or the stand-in for all those issues, that the great new American Trump Party voted against.

The transmutation of political identities has arguably devolved into two parties: the Trump one, the angry retro people, and the Media Party, representing the smug modern people, each anathema to and uncomprehending of the other. Certainly, there was no moment in the campaign where the Media Party did not see itself as a virtuous and, most often, determinative factor in the race. Given this, the chants of "CNN sucks" at Trump rallies should not have been entirely surprising.

But they were. The media took this as a comment about press freedom rather than its own failure to read the zeitgeist. In fact, it largely failed to tell any story other than its own.


In a situation that only had two possible outcomes, nobody was even able to pretend they had contemplated both....

It all washed away. Beyonce. The tax returns. The theoretical blue wall. Trump as sexual predator. Putin. His shambolic debate performances. Hispanics. Indeed, every aspect of the media narrative, dust. This narrative not only did not diminish him, it fortified him. The criticism of Trump defined the people who were criticizing him, reliably giving the counter-puncher something to punch. It was a juicy target. The Media Party not only fashioned the takedown narrative and demanded a special sort of allegiance to it - Twitter serving as the orthodoxy echo chamber -- but, suspending most ordinary conflict rules, according to the Center for Public Integrity, gave lots of cash to Hillary. The media turned itself into the opposition and, accordingly, was voted down.

And it was a failure of modern journalistic technique too. It was the day the data died. All of the money poured by a financially challenged media industry into polls and polling analysis was for naught. It profoundly misinformed. It created a compelling and powerful narrative that was the opposite of what was actually happening. There may be few instances, except perhaps under authoritarian regimes, where the media has so successfully propounded a view of events not only of its own making but at such odds with reality.

I have long criticized Twitter as being a very insidious conformity-creating engine, and have long advised people to get out of the sheltered comfort of their no-dissent-desired Twitter claques and behind-the-scenes list-servs and actually engage with people who will challenge their beliefs, rather that spending 10 hours a day having their thoughts validated by fellow Cultists.

And I've also said repeatedly these "thoughts" are by and large not "thoughts" at all, as they were never thought by the person parroting them. Beliefs no longer come out of someone's own brain as he sits alone and thinks about his situation; no, thoughts are now Twittered into someone's brain by the relentless yapping of the Twitter herd.

Beliefs are no longer being intellectualized into existence, but simply socialized into people through conformity rituals and group loyalty shibboleth recitations.

Thinking is not a team sport. It is not a group project. Deciding what you think is not a collaborative project to undertake with 1000 of your Very Bestest Fake Internet Friends on Twitter.

It never has been. It never will be.

Posted by Ace at 06:32 PM Comments

Some Commenters Are Saying I Misread, Or Over-read, AllahPundit's Post


Here's the specific section I found objectionable. Bolding mine. Some of the bolding supports commenters' claims that AllahPundit is just being neutral and analytical here, describing the situation as it is; other bolding supports my take-away that he's essentially grumbling the Trumpers are, well, deplorable:

The follow-up statement might be enough to protect them in court but the publicity damage has been done. Trumpers seem to have long memories -- about some things. About other things, like the conservative belief that businesses should be able to hire and fire whomever they please because they're private entities, memories might be shorter. But then, that’s true to the spirit of Trumpism, which to some degree is about making the left play by its own rules. Conservatives warned liberals for years that racial identity politics is poisonous to national unity, but Trump won because many working-class (and college-educated) whites voted the way other racial blocs do. Likewise, if the left wants to make it illegal for a Christian business owner to decline service for a gay wedding on conscience grounds, then laws prohibiting retaliation for political activity will be scrupulously applied to GrubHub too. Trump's formal campaign slogan was "Make America Great Again," but really, in practice, "It's Payback Time" would have worked as well.

What I guess I'm zooming in on is tone, which I see here as being grumbling, antagonistic, and condescending.

But "tone" is a very nuanced thing and I may in fact be over-reading here. I can't help but add in the external information I already have about AP's general stance about "Trumpian" spirits.

I don't see it as "Trumpian" to punish a Social Justice Warrior, as if this is some deviation from the Vow of Total and Complete Political Pacifism that exactly none of us have ever sworn to.

I consider it a rather obvious thing -- when they step over the line employing an untoward tactic, you are free to use that same tactic against them -- which has a long, long pedigree.

The idea that this vengeful, intolerant spirit of using the same Social Punishment tactics against those who themselves use Social Punishment tactics is a new thing created by Trump and only subscribed to by Trumpers is... let us say, ahistorical and without support in the literature.

There is a potent and respectable ethic of total pacificism and refusal to retaliate for wrongs in existence. Jesus' turn-the-other-cheek ethic is one example of it.

But that ethic is 1, extremely hard to live by and thus more of a Heroic Ideal than a rule which is observed by most on a day to day basis, and 2, often widely taken to be "metaphor" (I personally disagree -- I think he meant it), and 3, almost never observed in politics.

I would respect someone attempting to live by that ethic -- but I don't really respect the pretense that this is just something we all commonly do in our everyday lives, and failure to maintain fidelity to this ethic is some kind of flaw or deviation, either of the "Trumpian" variety or simple character flaw variety.

And where the hell do conservatives keep getting the idea that people get special rights to be free of all criticism or ostracism -- even if they're playing the game of ostracism and coercion themselves! -- simply because they own a business?

That's a similar rule to liberals claiming media workers have special rights that "civilian" citizens do not.

I don't care what your fucking job is. No special rights. The rules apply to all or the rules apply to none.

This Maloney asshole may implement his policy (in some jurisdictions, at least, where it's not illegal) -- but I am free to implement my policy as fucking well.

And my policy is that I reject and resist attempts to create a Second Class Citizenship for conservatives.

What's everyone else's? Are Principled Conservatives now on board with the project to turn conservatives into official, state-recognized Second Class Citizens?

This isn't a "Trumpian" issue -- this is an issue, if you haven't noticed, which has been going on for years, and in fact was #WhyYouGotTrump.

Trump was not the cause of the issue; the issue was the cause of Trump.

But some people seem to think, as people thought with Obama, that politics began precisely at the moment the results of the last election were called.

Eh. Decide for yourselves.

I think the biggest divider in this "political" discussion is not political at all. It's psychological -- do you lean more to the Deference side of things, or the Defiance side of things?

Obviously I'm on the Defiance side. And I'll be damned to Hell before I willing participate in -- validate -- a never-ending push to deligitimize me as a human being by claiming that I cannot do certain things but my Social Superiors may do them.

If this asshole can boycott his Trumpian employees, then I can damn-sure boycott his business.

No special rules for special people. Not another fucking inch more down that road.

I think it was Camus who suggested that the central affirmation of one's existence was the capacity to refuse, the capacity to say "No."

I'm saying no.

I refuse.

Posted by Ace at 04:26 PM Comments

Crisis? NFL Considering Reducing Commercial Time During Games


When an organization proposes reducing the amount of money it's taking in in order to buy back some goodwill, you can take that as a sign they're really worried about having lost all that goodwill.

As Ratings Plummet, N.F.L. Considers Reducing Ads and Length of Games

By KEN BELSONNOV. 10, 2016

N.F.L. Commissioner Roger Goodell said on Thursday that the league was looking at a variety of ways to shorten game broadcasts, including trimming some advertising, to keep the action moving.

The league has seen its television ratings plunge this season, something that Goodell has said is related to a number of factors, including the intense interest in the presidential election, as well as shifts in the way fans have been watching games.


Goodell noted, though, that the pace of games could also be a factor in the ratings decline. Fans have complained for years that games are too long, and they frequently express annoyance at the number of commercial breaks and video reviews. Last season, the average length of regular-season games, from kickoff to final whistle, was 3 hours 8 minutes, six minutes longer than in 2008.

NFL viewership is down double digits this year. Goodell called the falling ratings a "cyclical" phenomenon.

In related news, Joe Thiesman has only minor permanent impairment to his leg due to the "cyclical" leg-break Laurence Taylor inflicted on him.

Goodell is also saying that Trump's election has made things difficult for him at home.

Asked whether his job was harder with Trump's ascension, at a DealBook conference in New York, Goodell pivoted to how it challenged his home life.

"It makes my job harder at home, too," Goodell said. "I have twin daughters and a wife, so I have to explain that to them. So, that's yes on that front."

Please let me give you money in the form of direct access to my brain and precious hours of my short life.

Posted by Ace at 03:34 PM Comments

Evil Geek Owner of GrubHub: If You Agree With Trump, You Have No Place In My Company


Obviously he's now denying he meant what he obviously meant.

Grubhub CEO Matt Maloney is facing a firestorm after speaking out against President-elect Donald Trump in an email to employees Wednesday, saying if employees don't agree with creating a culture of support and inclusiveness, they should resign.

In the original, nearly 300-word email sent to the online food-ordering company's 1,400 employees Wednesday afternoon, Maloney said he rejects the "nationalist, anti-immigrant and hateful politics of Donald Trump."

By the next afternoon, a Twitter campaign to boycott the company was in full force, as headlines claimed he told all pro-Trump employees to resign.

Maloney said in a blog post Thursday night his comments had been misconstrued, and that he was trying to say he doesn’t tolerate discriminatory activity or hateful commentary -- not encourage Trump voters to quit.

In the original email, Maloney wrote: "While demeaning, insulting and ridiculing minorities, immigrants and the physically/mentally disabled worked for Mr. Trump, I want to be clear that his behavior - and these views, have no place at Grubhub. Had he worked here, many of his comments would have resulted in his immediate termination."

He also wrote that the company promised to fight for any employee who was scared or felt personally exposed.

"If you do not agree with this statement then please reply to this email with your resignation because you have no place here," he wrote. "We do not tolerate hateful attitudes on our team."

In an emailed statement to Blue Sky, Maloney said his original email wasn't intended to call out all Trump supporters.

"At Grubhub, we welcome and accept employees with all political beliefs, no matter who they voted for in this or any election," he said. "We do not discriminate on the basis of someone's principles, or otherwise. The message was intended to advocate for inclusion and tolerance -- regardless of political affiliation -- during this time of transition for our country."

In a tweet that was later deleted, Maloney added: "To be clear, GrubHub does not tolerate hate and we are proud of all our employees - even those who voted for Trump."

In a statement posted by Grubhub later Thursday evening, Maloney said his comments had been misconstrued.

"I want to clarify that I did not ask for anyone to resign if they voted for Trump," the statement said. "I would never make such a demand."

There's now a boycott on, and Grubhub (a publicly traded company) dropped 2% since this event. It actually was down as far as 6%, but I guess people saw a buying opportunity and bought it back up. But as of earlier this morning, it was down 5%.

I of course advise everyone to vote with their dollars: #boycottgrubhub.

Allah claims that it's a "Trumpian" will-to-power move to boycott someone who is threatening his employees for not following the literal company line. He implies -- stop me if you've heard this before -- that Good Conservatives are corrupted by "Trumpian" tactics and are of course now monsters.

Completely novel take from Allahpundit.

I never get the people who claim that Social Justice Warriors are free to use social coercion and boycotts to inflict their will upon others, but it's somehow untoward of conservatives to use the same tactics against the Social Justice Warriors.

I emphatically do not support these tactics -- except in the limited circumstance of using these tactics against those who themselves use these tactics.*

I do not support arson, but I do support fighting fire with fire. The people claiming that others can set fire to us but we must be #Principled and not deploy fire as a weapon in reprisal will have to explain this curious ethic of surrender rather than just asserting it.

Let's analogize this to the use of physical force against someone. Generally, it is forbidden. You can be arrested for assaulting someone, and also sued.

But the law does permit you to use force to defend yourself against another's use of force, or to defend another person from someone's use of force against him.

The ban on the use of force is not absolute, as Allah seems to want to pretend. It is the general rule, yes, but there is an important circumstantial caveat permitting it.

If a Social Justice Warrior decides to use the untoward tactics of coercive social or economic pressure in the name of politics -- then I get to use force against him. He's declared his own Rules of Engagement; he cannot weep (and Allah should not weep on his behalf) to see those Rules of Engagement followed as regards conduct directed towards him.

As AllahPundit's new schtick seems to be to endlessly lecture actual conservatives about their supposed departure from longstanding conservative beliefs, I hope he'll bother himself to look up what Reagan and almost every other real conservative had to say about the efficacy of Unilateral Disarmament.

You know -- since he wants to be totally consistent in his conservative principles and all.

I guess "politics" just comes down to which Tribe you feel kinship with and which you hate, and we're seeing a realignment of many as far as which Tribe they now are looking to defend, and which they're looking to attack.

And it's very possible Grubhub's action is illegal in some jurisdictions. In some states, an employer can fire someone (or strongly suggest he self-deport, as it were) for his political beliefs.

But while employers may terminate employees for political opinions they don't like, they can't do so in others, where such conduct is considered illegal and creates the basis of a lawsuit, as several lawyers active on Twitter pointed out. Read this string of tweets from employment lawyer Popehat in reverse order (bottom to top):

And Kurt Schlicter, who doesn't mind making some money off the pain of a Social Justice Warrior Gone Wild:

The only good news for this Mahoney or whatever guy is that he totally does Not look like the sort of still-angry-about-high-school nasty geek who leaps at any little chance to exert power over others because he's still smarting over the powerlessness he's felt most of his life.

Oh wait. On second thought, I guess there's no good news here.

* Oh -- and I also encourage a total boycott (or as much as people can manage) against the media and all affiliated industries. They are now simply the Democrat Party, Entertainment Division. I don't patronize the Democrat Party and I try, to the extent possible, to avoid patronizing the media.

Posted by Ace at 01:47 PM Comments

Powerful Rant: British Leftie Explains That "Being Offended, Insulting People Doesn't Work Anymore," And If You Keep Calling Anyone Who Disagrees With You Racist, Sexist, and Stupid, That's How You Get Trump


You'll have to put up with him in the beginning as he (somewhat briefly) offers the left his credentials to speak, and trashes Trump as a "shit-spewing demagogue." He's no kinder to Hillary.

But that's not the point of the video. The point is that he's telling the left it is their very "crying" about being "triggered" and making people afraid to speak their true thoughts lest the be "silenced" and "shut down" that makes people vote for Trump.

He says, more than once, the left itself is responsible for Trump's victory, and he includes himself in that, I guess for having put up with or even indulged in this emotive hysteria himself.

Worth a watch. Content warning for lots of cursing. Maybe a tipping point.

Continue reading

Posted by Ace at 12:06 PM Comments

Mid-Morning Open Thread [OregonMuse]

—Open Blogger

Middle Earth map_525.jpg
Map of Arda, Including Middle Earth

Here is one possible map of the area of J.R.R. Tolkien's imagination known as Middle Earth. He spent most of his adult life working on it and filling it out.

The above map is so tiny, you can see hardly anything So please click on it to get the big picture. Especially if you're a Tolkien fan. You'll be glad you did.

That little area in the red box? That's the part of Middle Earth where pretty much all of the action of both The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring trilogy takes place. Similarly, we're used to thinking of the FOTR as this yuuuge epic, and it certainly is, but it's actually a relatively small part of Tolkien's vast scheme of things.

The red box doesn't show up on the embiggened pic because I could only add it to the small pic I stored on my hard drive.

As probably most of you know, in order to tell the history of Middle Earth, Tolkien invented whole languages and borrowed others, such as the language of Rohan, which I've heard is actually an obscure dialect of c. 5th century English.

Incidentally, this is not the only possible rendition of what Middle Earth could have looked like. See, for example, this one and that one. And this one in particular.

And now for something completely different (below the fold)

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Posted by Open Blogger at 09:45 AM Comments

The Morning Report 11/11/16 [J.J. Sefton]

—Open Blogger


Joseph F. Ambrose wearing his own US Army WW1 uniform and equipment, while attending the official dedication of the Vietnam Veterans dedication in November 1982. He is clutching a folded US Flag that covered the casket of his son Clement A. Ambrose, who was Killed In Action in Korea on 14 February 1951.

Good morning all. On this day 98 years ago, at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month, the guns of August fell silent after four long, brutal years of the Great War. To all of you who have worn and continue to wear the uniform, the words "thank you for your service" are completely inadequate to express our gratitude. And I hope that those who languish in VA hospitals or suffer in silence elsewhere will be remembered, comforted and rescued from their shameful abandonment. G-d bless them all. Have a great weekend, kids.

Posted by Open Blogger at 06:56 AM Comments

Thursday Night Overnight Open Thread (11/10/16) [Mis. Hum.]

—Open Blogger

The ONT Word of The Week

Schadenboner: Definition

Taking really, REALLY immense delight in the misfortune of some loathesome person-like creature. Well beyond garden-variety schadenfreude, a case of schadenboner lasting beyond four hours means the tumescent owner must seek medical attention.

The final exposure of Dan Rather as a failshit partisan back in 2004 gave me a 3-hour least.

Schadenboner: Illustrated


Yes, the ONT is still a little giddy over Tuesday's results.

Continue reading

Posted by Open Blogger at 10:01 PM Comments

Leftists Ruin Everything, Including Childhood [Warden]

—Open Blogger

I'm seeing posts like this all over Twitter.

It's bad enough that progressives put this kind of irrational fear into their children, worse how they then wave their kid's wholly unnecessary trauma around like some sort of badge of honor.

"See? My kid is SCARED! Are you HAPPY, Trump voters?"

Eat shit and go fuck yourself simultaneously. Your child freaking out over a completely valid election result has nothing to do with me, with "hate", or with America being an awful place. No, it has everything to do with your own emotionally instability and terrible parenting.

This behavior you're describing is abnormally neurotic and wholly inflicted by YOU as a result of your spiritual emptiness, your need for a bit of drama to spice up this soft, meaningless life you're living, and your complete inability to control your shrieking hysterics in the face of even the most minor of setbacks.

Here's a question: When did it become okay in this country for so-called adults to exhibit roughly zero self control in public or in front of their children at home? Have any of these primal scream addicted ninnies considered that embracing and amplifying every last emotional impulse is not a healthy thing for them or for our civil society?


As my wife commented to me today about many of her political tantrum throwing friends on Facebook, "My God. Control your shit!"

Yeah. Maybe pause and walk away for awhile. Read something having nothing to do with politics. Calm down. Consider. Reflect. And choose to face life as an adult instead of letting your juvenile, knee-jerk reactions run your life while damaging your marriage, your children and all the relationships you hold dear.

There's a difference between thinking about something deeply and letting that thing own your thoughts.

Edit: Loved this enough to pull it into the post.

Trumphausen by Proxy - when parents instill in their children irrational fears to garner sympathy and attention for themselves.

Posted by: Anna Puma at November 10, 2016 09:20 PM (HgtNw)

If you don't get the reference, it's Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which is when a parent deliberately makes her kid sick to garner sympathy and attention.

Posted by Open Blogger at 08:50 PM Comments

Reason's Robby Soave: I Tried Telling My Confreres on the Left That Social Justice Warrioring Was Going to Produce a Trump-Shaped Backlash, But They Refused to Listen


They say every political memoir can be titled If Only They Had Listened to Me, but in this case, Soave would have a right to that title.

My liberal critics rolled their eyes when I complained about political correctness. I hope they see things a little more clearly now. The left sorted everyone into identity groups and then told the people in the poorly-educated-white-male identity group that that's the only bad one. It mocked the members of this group mercilessly. It punished them for not being woke enough. It called them racists. It said their video games were sexist. It deployed Lena Dunham to tell them how horrible they were. Lena Dunham!

I warned that political-correctness-run-amok and liberal overreach would lead to a counter-revolution if unchecked. That counter-revolution just happened.

There is a cost to depriving people of the freedom (in both the legal and social senses) to speak their mind. The presidency just went to the guy whose main qualification, according to his supporters, is that he isn't afraid to speak his.

Even when it comes to fantasy play -- like videogames -- the Thought Police were determined to hunt their quarries down and bring their scalps back wet and red.

As I've said: This Big Brother regime will yield to you no solace from their prying eyes and following footsteps.

They will even pursue you into realms of pure fantasy -- they will even hunt you down in your dreams.

Well, we can now say things like "Grab life by the pussy and never let go" again.

And that is, in fact, a victory worth celebrating.

And yes: The fact that you wouldn't even leave us alone in our daydreams and play is exactly #WhyYouGotTrump, you thought-patrolling Adult Baby monsters.

Enjoy the harvest you seeded.

Posted by Ace at 08:12 PM Comments

Hillary Clinton's Top Aides Have Figured Out Who to Blame For Her Epic Loss
(Come on, It was Epic; Don't Judge Me For Using That Word)


So, she blamed two institutions for her loss.

The first one, I won't make you guess. Come on, you already know: The FBI, obviously.

But what about the second?

What other powerful institution could possibly have sabotaged Hillary's chances?

Come on, you know. Even though it's so absurd you don't want to say it.

Go ahead, say it. I promise you, you won't look absurd.

Yes, that's right: The second culprit is the media, for being, you know, so obviously biased against her.

The Hill (the website) is skeptical. But then, the media is always extremely hostile to any suggestion they're less than perfect.

But in this case, that hostility is justified.

Aides also blamed the media for the loss.

"The media always covered her as the person who would be president and therefore tried to eviscerate her before the election, but covered Trump who was someone who was entertaining and sort of gave him a pass," Podesta said. "We need to reflect and analyze that and put our voices forward."

All Democratic failures are always blamed on "messaging," if possible, and if that's not possible -- and only if that's not possible -- then the messenger.

They can never blame their disastrous results nor the core ideology they prescribe.

Trump during the campaign frequently criticized the media for being too hard on him.

Podesta, whose hacked emails were released by WikiLeaks over the campaign’s final stretch, said top Clinton aides will argue that the press created a "false moral equivalency" in its coverage of Clinton and Trump.

The campaign chairman blamed the press for "the dominance of the way they covered the email" controversy, saying it overlooked "the conflicts of Trump's businesses, the Russian contacts we are now learning to be true, the failure of the press following the 3-page leak to the New York Times to really dig into the income tax question."

And they totally acted with tranquil reserve about Pussygage too, I'd add.

Posted by Ace at 06:36 PM Comments

As Calls for Political Violence Increase, CNN Keeps Putting on Van Jones, Who Stokes Fires of Political Panic


Violence in some causes is acceptable.


Incidentally, thought this entire account has been deleted and I therefore can't confirm this tweet existed, a lot of people on twitter are claiming that a UK based reporter tweeted, "Time for a presidential assassination."

Should that pan out as true, I have this prediction:

The media, so worried about threats to reporters, will be strangely reticent to report on a threat made by a reporter.

Who wants to bet against me?

And someone from Mother Jones claimed that Hillary losing is a lot like the buildings coming down on 9/11. Or at least that she hasn't felt such a blow as this since 9/11.

The Real Deplorables

They're calling from inside the media...! They're inside the media!

Posted by Ace at 05:18 PM Comments

CBS Opinion Writer Will Rahn: Gee, The Press Sure Is Unbearably Smug, Isn't It?


Agree to agree.

The mood in the Washington press corps is bleak, and deservedly so.

It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that, with a few exceptions, we were all tacitly or explicitly #WithHer, which has led to a certain anguish in the face of Donald Trump’s victory. More than that and more importantly, we also missed the story, after having spent months mocking the people who had a better sense of what was going on.

This is all symptomatic of modern journalism's great moral and intellectual failing: its unbearable smugness. Had Hillary Clinton won, there’s be a winking "we did it" feeling in the press, a sense that we were brave and called Trump a liar and saved the republic.

So much for that. The audience for our glib analysis and contempt for much of the electorate, it turned out, was rather limited. This was particularly true when it came to voters, the ones who turned out by the millions to deliver not only a rebuke to the political system but also the people who cover it. Trump knew what he was doing when he invited his crowds to jeer and hiss the reporters covering him. They hate us, and have for some time.

And can you blame them? Journalists love mocking Trump supporters. We insult their appearances. We dismiss them as racists and sexists. We emote on Twitter about how this or that comment or policy makes us feel one way or the other, and yet we reject their feelings as invalid.

It’s a profound failure of empathy in the service of endless posturing. There's been some sympathy from the press, sure: the dispatches from "heroin country" that read like reports from colonial administrators checking in on the natives. But much of that starts from the assumption that Trump voters are backward, and that it's our duty to catalogue and ultimately reverse that backwardness. What can we do to get these people to stop worshiping their false god and accept our gospel?

We diagnose them as racists in the way Dark Age clerics confused medical problems with demonic possession. Journalists, at our worst, see ourselves as a priestly caste. We believe we not only have access to the indisputable facts, but also a greater truth, a system of beliefs divined from an advanced understanding of justice.

Sounds like stuff I've written a dozen times. Glad they're finally getting it.

One thing I can say proudly for the conservative media: At least none of us winked and postured as we sneered at "Trumpkins," nor not-so-secretly supported Hillary while carrying on like a Priestly Caste determined to root out all sin from the backwards natives.

Not a single one of us. Not a one.

Posted by Ace at 03:55 PM Comments

As Anti-Trump Violence Perpetrated By Hillary/Obama/Soros Minions Spreads Across America, Media Blesses It and Encourages It With Their Silence and Even Support



Is it true that "dark rhetoric" encourages violence?

I think it might be true. I'm not convinced it's true, but I'm sensitive enough to the possibility that it may be true that I'm cautious about writing things that might stir dark hearts to perform dark deeds.

But I know who definitely thinks it's true: the media, which is always on vigilant patrol about "dark rhetoric emanating from rightwing quarters" and said dark rhetoric's ability to spark genuine political violence.

Well, the political left is right now calling for a lot of violence.

Last night, CNN interviewed a protester who explicitly called for violence -- people will have to die for there to be real change, she avowed. And CNN didn't seem particularly fussed by it.

"If we don't fight, who is going to fight for us? People had to die for your freedom where we’re at today. We can’t just do rallies, we have to fight back," said Lily, a Latina woman from Los Angeles.

"There will be casualties on both sides. There will be, because people have to die to make a change in this world," she continued.

This call for violence -- political murder and assassination -- went out over CNN's bandwidth. Seems to me that as they were the conveyor of the call to assassination, they have a moral duty to repudiate it -- but I do not see this story on their front page, nor in politics, nor any mention in Opinion, where I'd expect CNN to sternly warn people from this kind of "dark rhetoric."

If it's there, I don't see it. I did see a headline on "Trump's tax trick, explained," so you can tell, they're really up-to-the-minute on breaking news.

So which is it, media -- is hateful, violent rhetoric something to be sternly vigilant about, or is a little exhortation to murder just fine and dandy if you want to kill the right people for the right reasons?

Think this has no effect? Think again. In another story the media is embargoing, an older man was dragged from his car and beaten by a mob which shouted "He voted for Trump!" as he was subject to a beat down from multiple people attacking him in wolfpack style, one attacks while the other waits for his turn.

Is this just some Dark Rhetoric by Conservatives Making up Racist Stories?

Nope! It's all on dramatic videotape. The perps videotaped themselves doing it.

They seem to steal his car at the end too, but we don't see them drive it away, because the video ends there.

So: which is it, media?

I know #WhiteLivesMatter is a politically incorrect thing to say, but are you really now standing behind the actual declaration that white lives don't matter?

If so, then say so: If it be war, then let it be a declared war, so that both sides know the agreed-upon Rules of Engagement.

Please: Watch language in comments. I know this story is infuriating but never forget their violence is speech but your speech is violence.

And remember, there are bad people and criminals of all races. Race is not the issue here -- except indirectly, in that the Orwellian culture promoted by the media is single-mindedly set to detect and shame conservative misbehavior, while pretending away any bad actions committed by a member of the Obama/Clinton Coalition.

Either the rules bind all or the rules bind none.

The media, more than any institution in America, is undermining and actually now destroying the very fabric of American political stability.

No one is willing to be the last person to take up violence. The last person to take up violence usually winds up dead or at least bleeding on the street.

By not condemning violence on all sides, the media is doing its level best to promote violence by all sides.

Posted by Ace at 02:37 PM Comments

Roll Call: The Real Bubble Is Rural America, For Not Understanding the Many Challenged Faced By Hipsters in Brooklyn


The hotness of this #HotTake rivals that of the Fires of Creation.

I'm from the rural midwest. I now live in Washington, D.C. All of this talk about coastal elites needing to understand more of America has it backwards.

My home county in Ohio is 97 percent white. It, like a lot of other very unrepresentative counties, went heavily to Donald Trump.


In many of these areas the only Muslims you see are in movies like American Sniper (I knew zero Muslims before going to college in another state). You never see gay couples or even interracial ones. Much of rural and exurban American is a time capsule to America's past.

And on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 they dug it up.

The first gay person I knew personally was my college roommate -- a great man that made me a better person. But that's an experience I would have never had if I didn’t go to college and instead decided to live the rest of my life in my hometown.

That was when I realized that not supporting gay marriage meant to actively deny rights to someone I knew personally. I wouldn't be denying marriage rights to other people; I would be denying marriage rights to Dave. I would have to look Dave in the eye and say, "Dave, you deserve less rights than me. You deserve a lesser human experience."


I have some extended family in rural New Jersey. Some of them had never been to D.C. before visiting me. They had never made the two hour and fifteen minute drive to see the Constitution in person. They had not seen the Apollo moon lander, nor George Washington's Revolutionary War uniform.

And they certainly have not seen the new African American Museum. They've never seen the extent of American greatness or its messiness.

And you know what they certainly wound not have seen at the new African American Museum? Supreme Court Justice Thomas.

To pin this election on the coastal elite is a cop out. It’s intellectually dishonest, and it’s beneath us.

We, as a culture, have to stop infantilizing and deifying rural and white working class Americans. Their experience is not more of a real American experience than anyone else's, but when we say that it is, we give people a pass from seeing and understanding more of their country. More Americans need to see more of the United States. They need to shake a Muslim's hand, or talk soccer with a middle age lesbian, or attend a lecture by a female business executive.

We must start asking all Americans to be their better selves. We must all understand that America is a melting pot and that none of us has a more authentic American experience.

This #HotTake grabbed my brain by the pussy and made it all swollen with knowledge.

By the way, this pencil-neck Mouse-clicker is the "director of User Experience" at Roll Call.

Posted by Ace at 01:25 PM Comments

How About Some More Delicious Tears from SJWs?


The first clip of the second vid you've seen before; I posted it yesterday. But the other stuff is new (at least to me).

Language warning.

This is a blow-off dilatory post while I try to find something to write about. Eh, hopefully it will pass some time.

One thing that really strikes me is the intense narcissism of the Millennial generation. It would never occur to anyone of my generation that we should videotape our convulsive sobbings so that posterity could see our transitory emotional outbursts.

And yet, these people seem to think they're doing the world a service by Documenting Their Feelz.

Amazing. The mindset here -- beyond my fathoming.

Update: I missed the real story -- which Fritzworth had put in the sidebar.

This series of photos of Hillary staffers' faces as election returns came in is delicious like chocolate cake made of flour ground from the bones of my enemies.

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Posted by Ace at 12:44 PM Comments

Mid-Morning Open Thread [CBD]

—Open Blogger

Bierstadt Sunrise.jpg

Albert Bierstadt

What? Symbolic? Of what? I have no idea to what you lunatics are referring.

I woke up this morning after having dreamed that HRC, the drunk, neurological disease-ridden kleptocrat that the Democrats had anointed as president had lost the election to a shit-stirring, combative bombast who wouldn't cower from the typical Leftist attacks, and would even fire off broadsides of his own.


Anyway, if you don't like the non-symbolic nature of this morning's art, perhaps this link will be more satisfying.

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Posted by Open Blogger at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report 11/10/16 [J.J. Sefton]

—Open Blogger


Hey all. I feel like a million; a million pieces of crap. Went out to dinner last night and came home with some sort of food poisoning. Very little sleep on top of the maybe 3 hours I got the night before. Still bloated, semi-nauseous and pain in the kishkes. Sorry for the meager pickings. Pick a meager and discuss. Have a better one, certainly better than I will.

Posted by Open Blogger at 06:25 AM Comments

The Wednesday ONT is Tired [Weirddave]

—Open Blogger

Good evening everybody. So, did anything interesting happen in the last few days? I've been busy.

Actually, I have been busy. I worked a 12 hour day today, EVERYBODY is desperate to escape the horror that is the Affordable Care Act (and if any Morons have gotten those letters telling you that your rate is going to a million, drop me a line, my nic at Gmail, and I'll see if I can help). Still, despite staying up until 3, I feel great.

Ding Dong.jpg

I didn't expect that. Truly I didn't, about 60% of the stuff I had bookmarked for tonight isn't really appropriate after last night (How far off base was I? Well, to give you an idea, I was all ready to lead off with the last line of The Masque of Red Death-”And Darkness and Decay and the Red Death held illimitable dominion over all"). Thank God that isn't necessary. Lets have some fun!

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Posted by Open Blogger at 10:00 PM Comments

Pass The Hat!


By Popular Demand, I'm Putting The Bite On You Now

No, really. People were asking in the threads for a fundraiser.

If you like and appreciate what your host does for you here, please consider paying the man for his talent and his content.

And then actually do it. Holy moly. What a day. What a ride.

It puts the moneys in the hat or it gets the hose again.

The PayPal button is located on the top left sidebar. You do not need a PayPal account in order to give. Just a credit card. And it is a very, very, secure form of online payment.

Do it. He deserves it. It feels so good. I even primed it for you.

Posted by LauraW. at 07:48 PM Comments

Early Night For Me


I'm really exhausted. Was up till 5 until the concession, and then I felt I had to watch further spin and crying jags.

Anyway, what I learned today from watching CNN and MSNBC is all the concessions Trump would have to make to the Obama coalition in order to be a "real president." It's not that I object to Van Jones demanding that Trump must ditch his agenda to fight for the Obama Coalition's agenda -- I expect that from him. He's an idiot, and he's paid to say stupid things.

What I objected to is that the media itself kept asking this question.

That Brooke idiot at CNN, for example. The question wasn't "How does Trump follow through on the promises he made to the voters who turned out for him?"

No, of course not. Because liberals are determined to win this election whether they win the election or not.

The only important question is, What can Trump now do to advance the liberal agenda?

That's on the media.

And that's why Trump won, morons. Because of you.

I'm just gonna leave you with this:

And, for those with harder hearts, this: The faces of the soon-to-be-looking-for-jobs-on-Craigslist Obama staffers.

Posted by Ace at 07:13 PM Comments

Hot New Meme Among Dejected Progs-- #NotMyPresident


They're about to learn what we-all learned -- doesn't matter how opposed you are to the asshole in the White House -- he will make it clear to you he is your president, whether you like it or not.

Oh, and lots of clips from The View, which I forgot to watch today, and man am I kicking myself.

Posted by Ace at 06:39 PM Comments

One Anecdote That Helps Explain the "Rage" Our Liberal Masters Don't Understand


Here is why Trump won:

1. People are sick of being bullied. Especially by sanctimonious assholes who offer no achievements or evidence of their moral or intellectual superiority other than mere assertion of it (or, more commonly: by a sort of pussy implication of it).

2. People are sick of being lied to all the time by people -- including the conservative media and establishment -- who clearly have an agenda when they offer allegedly "objective analysis." And that agenda is contrary to the interests of those they're supposedly trying to "help" think "better thoughts."

3. People are sick of the attitude from many that they have some special constitutionally-enshrined duty or #Privilege to "guide the thoughts of the lower orders," to make sure those uneducated "lower orders" do not have access to information that might cause them to "think wrong things and vote the wrong way."

And on that last point, this Class I'm talking about is largely the college educated, and the Twitterati, and the people who are super-proud to have relatively low-profile, low-paid jobs posting dreck online.

So listen to me, idiots:

Three things:

1. The fact that you have a college degree is no big deal. It's an "honor" shared by a mere 36% of the population. And frankly, many of you went to very non-prestigious schools, if we're going to be putting so many eggs in the credentialism basket.

And even those who went to the Better Schools: Nothing about attending college proves you learned a damn thing there. Or, more importantly: Have learned a damn thing since.

I went to college.

Know what most people in college are?

Fucking idiots. Just like everywhere else.

So stop aggrandizing your not-very-impressive non-credentials into some sort of Caste-Signifier conferring upon you the duty and #Privilege of thwarting the lower orders and making sure they don't think wrongthoughts.

2. The fact that you have a Twitter Account is even less of a big deal. Literally anyone can have one. Folowership is not mostly due to talent; it's due to simply filling the world up with more distracting, bullshit stupidities.

Having a Twitter presence doesn't mean you're important. Quite the opposite: There are Doers and Achievers, and then there are Twitter Jerkoffs.

If you were as important as you imagine yourselves to be, your time would be too precious to Jack Off until all hours of the night on Twitter.

There is no such thing as a "Twitter Elite" -- the very phrase is a contradiction in terms.

Try writing something that isn't a 140 character snap, Geniuses.

3. Last one: even if you do occasionally write online in something that resembles an essay, guess what?

You're an extremely peripheral commentator and, let's be honest, if you had genuine talent and reach, you'd be being paid by a more prestigious platform than your blog or magazine's blog extension.

And even if you are in the "regular media," so the fuck what? Having a job doesn't mean you're particularly good at it; it just means they needed a warm body to fill a seat and your ass looked like it might fit as well as any.

I include myself in all these by the way. (Except the regular media part-- obviously I'm not part of that.)

But then, I don't believe I have some kind of Caste Privilege to guide the thoughts of the disreputable, deplorable lower orders.

I don't think I'm special. I kind of despise myself for having such an incredibly low-level mediocrity of a non-career.

I wish some other people would similarly take a more realistic view of their own position in the hierarchy of all things, and stop imagining themselves to be some kind of important, super-influential and ultra-connected world-beaters shaping public opinion with each nimble strike of their Twitter Hammers.

Stop fucking being impressed with yourselves for things that aren't impressive in the least.

And on that point, O Thee Who Presume to Instruct the Lower Orders:

How do you idiots know you're not yourselves the lower order?

I mean, look objectively at your lives: In what deluded, egotistical way of thinking are you somehow part of the High Caste Elite burdened with the awesome responsibility of guiding your Lessers to good decisions?

Lessers? If you're on Twitter all the time, why are you so certain there's a huge pool of "Lessers" for you to lord over?

Foul Language Warning:

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Posted by Ace at 04:27 PM Comments

This Social Justice Warrior's Tears Are Sweet Like Honied Milk


This chick just beat the Wokedness Game on Nightmare Level with all collectibles collected and not a single re-start from a checkpoint.

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Posted by Ace at 03:22 PM Comments

So, Not To be All Obama On This, But: Tell Me About Your Emotional Journey Last Night


I think I mentioned mine: I expected Trump to lose. I said early in the night, on Twitter, "Look, if Trump is going to lose, can he just lose early? These Psych repeats aren't going to watch themselves."

I meant it. I did not want to sit through a grueling night like I did in 2012, watching the TV in a daze, not believing the awfulness I was seeing unfold.

If the pain was to come, I wanted it to be quick, so I could turn the page and get on with my life.

Then I put on FoxNews at 8:20 or so. FoxNews was talking as if Trump had a chance. Looking at the map, I saw the Reverse Romney: I knew in 2012 Romney was in trouble because "Obama states" were being called quickly for Obama, but "Romney states" were being called much... more... slowly.

And ultimately, of course, a passel of "Romney states" was called for Obama.

North Carolina was eventually called for Romney: the next day, after Obama already had over 290 Electoral Votes.

But now, watching Fox, I saw that "Trump states" were being called quickly for Trump, and many Hillary states remained... undecided.

I immediately put on CNN Because I did not want my hopes raised only to have them dashed. I expected CNN would give me a more upbeat assessment of Hillary's odds.

But when I put on CNN, I saw Howard Finemann saying that the vote represents "a massive primal scream against globalism."

So I turned them off and but on MSNBC, still looking for someone to squash my hopes so I could accommodate myself to defeat.

But MSNBC was funereal, and they weren't calling the Hillary states any faster than anyone else. They had a guy on, I think, a Dem shill, who was saying "We're still confident" but when you have to say "We're still confident," this implies, unavoidably, that you have experienced a setback that many would take to be confidence sapping.

Then I kept hearing about the New York Times forecaster from commenters. They said that Trump's odds had risen from 27% to 37%.

So I clicked on that widget. And I found out they were wrong. Because When I clicked on it, Trump's odds were at something like 41%, and while I was watching the thing, they jumped up to 43%.

Then for an hour I kept clicking that thing. It creeped up every single minute, almost. Eventually it got to 49%, then 50% (!!!), then... 51%.

Then, Katy Bar the Door, it began climbing into the high 50s, then the sixties.

At this point I stopped trusting the widget and tried to put it out of mind. It was lying to me. It was a stupid algorithm without the ability to figure out where in a state votes were coming from; it was just tabulating early votes, and those come from more rural counties, so it was stupidly crediting Trump as more likely to win than not simply because it was so stupid.

That's what I told myself.

I did not believe what I was seeing and I did not want to get my hopes up, only to be crushed with another Romney drubbing.

Then... came Wisconsin. And I decided that okay, maybe the circumstances warrant -- or even demand -- some optimism.

But I still din't believe he could win. Even as the networks said "Hillary's path has narrowed" and then "Hillary must now run the table and cannot lose a single other state," I said: "I don't want to be the guy saying this, but Hillary's path may be narrow, but it is not very steep."

All she had to do, after all, was win some traditionally Democratic states -- and she was close in those, in Michigan for example, and we all know what happens when the Detroit vote comes in -- and Arizona, where she had sometimes led in polling.

Even when Decision Desk called it, I did not believe it, because Hillary did not concede, and I was pretty sure armies of lawyers would be filing forests of lawsuits and the Democrat Fraudulent Ballot Printing Presses were running so fast and hot the rollers smoked like brimstone farts from the Devil's ass.

I didn't actually believe it until Hillary conceded, and even then, I still thought maybe I was having a bizarre and lengthy waking dream of some kind. Maybe the election had broken me. Maybe I'd simply gone mad.

It's happened before, of course. And this has been a trying season on the psyche.

I'm still not sure I fully believe any of this.

Jim Geraghty named me as one of the "Trump-friendly" people who saw the possibility of a Trump win. "I did not see the possibility of a victory," I responded, "but merely its necessity."*

I still don't see the possibility of a Trump victory. Honestly!

And yet -- it moves.

* My friend Mike Flynn, RIP, was a big Rick Perry supporter in 2012, as I was. As Rick Perry plummeted in the polls, Mike was still convinced that Perry had to be the candidate.

"But what's his path?" I asked. "How does it happen?"

"I don't know how it happens," Mike said. "But it must happen."

He still believed. I wanted to believe, but could not.

And even today, now watching the media repeat "President-Elect Trump," I still don't know how any of this happened.

Posted by Ace at 02:03 PM Comments

These 23 Celebrities Vowed to Leave the US if Trump One.
Time to Go, D-Bags.


Hillary Conceding Now. She'll be spending more time with her neurologist.

Try not to break your stupid necks tripping over the border.

This is also big fun: The various panics and bodily emanations that loud liberal celebrities let out as it became clearer that things weren't going to plan.

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Posted by Ace at 12:50 PM Comments

Son of Mid-Morning Open Thread [OregonMuse]

—Open Blogger

Lots of traffic on the old one, thought a new one would be just the thing. Drink recipe reposted below the fold:

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Posted by Open Blogger at 12:06 PM Comments

Mid-Morning Open Thread [CBD]

—Open Blogger

Napoleon David.jpg

Jacques-Louis David

It's a famous painting, and much overused, but it is an impressive piece nonetheless. Sure, it's jingoistic and unabashedly nationalist, but that's okay.

Posted by Open Blogger at 09:00 AM Comments

The Morning Report 11/9/16 [J.J. Sefton]

—Open Blogger


Oh, what a night it was and oh, what a day it is! I still can't believe that the long, national nightmare of Barack Hussein Obama is going to be over and that we will have avoided the catastrophe of Hillary Clinton becoming president. I will issue a caveat that my mother, of blessed memory, would always remind me: EVIL NEVER RESTS. As sweet and wonderful as last night was and still is, we did not defeat the Left. We merely put a four- to eight-year halt to the 100-year counterrevolution. Because sure as the sun rises in the east, the Left is plotting, scheming and figuring out ways, legal and otherwise, to regain power and complete the transformation of a battered and bruised nation.

The Leviathan will be regulating unrelentingly, the media will be propagandizing even more ferociously and academia will be brainwashing more insidiously than ever before. We dared slap them in the face and shout "stop!" Once the shock has worn off, they will be back at it. And in four years time, though the Clintons may be gone, an already Marxist party will become even more rabid as Elizabeth Warren or some other freak of that ilk becomes the face of that party.

I hope and pray with every fiber of my being that Trump and Pence can at least begin the process of reversing course. We have to recognize the decades-long destruction will not be reversed in one election, and maybe not even in four or more. We have to lay the groundwork here and now for the long war and make a plan to take back our institutions, most crucially our schools. We have to dismantle the welfare state and save black America. We have to have our own project to try and take back New York and California. We need to move the Article V process forward. If we throw up our hands and just say it's impossible, then last night will have been for nothing. I'm tired of elections having consequences only if our side loses. Let's play for all the marbles starting now.

Anyway, apologies for chucking a bucket of cold water on the celebration. It really is sweet, all the more for the bitterness we have so long endured. Congratulations to United States President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Pence. May G-d bless you and give you the strength, wisdom and courage to unite us and preserve the Republic. G-d Bless America.

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Posted by Open Blogger at 06:31 AM Comments

Pence Announcing Victory; Trump to Address Crowd Soon


Posted by Ace at 03:43 AM Comments

Hillary Clinton Has Conceded the Race


The Obama Captivity is over.

Hillary cancelled her fireworks show. Let's have one ourselves.

Hillary is refusing to concede. She sent over Jon Podesta to say she's not coming to the Javitz Center and won't have anything to say until tomorrow a.m.

I suspect she's drunk a fair amount. Perhaps too much to appear in public.

UPDATE! Hillary Clinton has called Donald Trump to concede the election.

AP just called Wisconsin, I guess (they had called Pennsylvania, but not Wisconsin, so they still didn't have Trump as the winner), but now they've called it:

Fox has finally called Pennsylvania for Trump, and announces Trump has won the Presidency.

Posted by Ace at 02:47 AM Comments

AP Calls Senate Race in Pennsylvania for Toomey; Dem Challenger Calls to Concede to Blunt in Missouri


So the Democrats needed five. They'll get, at most, three, and they probably will only get two -- Ayotte and Kirk, who were pretty useless in the first place.

Still waiting for the big fireworks of a network call of the election.

Posted by Ace at 02:24 AM Comments

Election Night Overnight Open Thread (11/8/160 [Mis.Hum.]

—Open Blogger


Election results

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Posted by Open Blogger at 01:20 AM Comments

Still Waiting for the Last Blow


Update: I'm not calling this yet, but Decision Desk HQ is calling it

Decision Desk now calls Pennsylvania for Trump

It's not that I doubt them, I just want it to be more official.

I'm going to stay up as long as I can until we get the final resolution, unless something happens to make it appear that the election won't be called tonight.

Someone just told me to be magnanimous (if there is any call for magnamity it all, which I'm not assuming there is, because I do believe in hubris and jinxes).

I said I would not be magnanimous, but I might be #MAGAnimous.

To that end, as we wait for the results, let's check in with the two campaign headquarters:

Trump HQ:

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Posted by Ace at 01:13 AM Comments

The AoSHQ Amazon Store

Top Headlines
Headlines: 11/12/2016
Boycott-Israel Movement Tainted by Ties to Terrorists, Researchers Find "The campaign to subject Israel to boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) is tainted by ties to the terrorist organization Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), researchers from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies wrote Wednesday in The Hill." Scratch a Leftist organization, find a link to terror. [CBD]
Headlines: 11/11/2016
I once advocated the Golden Rule in politics -- treat others as you expect them to treat you. That failed to change how they behave. In fact, our failure to retaliate only encouraged them to hunt for more scalps. Weakness in the face of aggression, as has been said, is provocative. I now advocate the Iron Rule in politics -- treat them precisely as they treat you, until they squeal in pain and sue for peace.
To hope for human compassion from those who see you as fundamentally inhuman is to hope for a scorpion to not sting the frog.
These people are like children, and children lack empathy; children only learn by feeling the consequences of their transgressions. One day, the child figures out that the harm he visits on others must feel to the person he hurt the same way the belt feels on his own ass; and that's the beginning of empathy.
If a kid is always kicking, punching, and biting his classmates, and you never punish him, what lesson do you think he's learning? You think he's going to spontaneously develop the moral understanding that hurting others is bad? There's a small chance of such a moral awakening, but I imagine 99+% of the time, the lesson that's being taught to him is that hurting people is awesome and has no downsides whatsoever. The adult babies have long had need of a good strapping and its time to begin their painful lessons in empathy, by making them experience the same pain they inflict on others.
Either they'll "get it" or they'll just have black and blue asses forever. I'm fine either way.
I guess the question comes down to which you prioritize, if you can't have both: Treating others well or being treated by others well. It seems to me that our unilateral non-aggression pact is causing us to be treated poorly, and that we are effectively the authors of our own pain. I think it's a righteous and defensible position to say the most important thing is to turn the other cheek to allow an assailant to strike the other-- but I hope those proclaiming that position are willing to admit 1, that's going to involve taking a lot of blows to the face, and 2, that while that position is morally laudable, it is not actually morally required.
Well for some it's morally required. For deeply observant Christians, I suppose, and maybe Buddhists. But I'm neither of those, and I believe in the ethic of self-defense.
This is big news. Or as Uncle Paste Eater would say, this is a big F-ing deal. Chris Christie out as Trump's transition team leader and replaced by Mike Pence. It appears that this will be a conservative White House. [Mis. Hum.]
RIP Robert Vaughn [Mis. Hum.]
You can fool facial recognition systems by wearing glasses printed with elements of other peoples' faces. [dri]
The E.P.A. is corrupt and must be stopped. From gold mine pollution of a western stream to rolling over an playing dead when sued by the "tree huggers" this agency is unaccountable. Now they want to rush through regulations in their lame duck session. President Trump's first day in office should include repealing every damn E.P.A. rule over the past 8 years. [Mis. Hum.]
Insanity = Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. The Democratic Party continues their leftward push. This signal once again shows that the only party which will cross the aisle is the Republican party. SSDD. [Mis. Hum.]
World War II Marine, 96, Finishes Marathon With Shot of Scotch "As a bomber pilot in the Marines, Jonathan Mendes flew more than 100 missions in World War II and then more than 70 missions in the Korean War. He trained John Glenn and Ted Williams. He graduated from Dartmouth College and Harvard Business School. Now he lives in a spacious apartment on Manhattan’s Upper East Side. He still walks two miles around Central Park’s reservoir every morning at 7:30 a.m., and drinks a scotch every afternoon at 4 p.m." [CBD]
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Headlines: 11/10/2016
Coexist? Talk about a hostile work place environment. [Mis. Hum.]
This shouldn't come as a surprise. The market is doing great, just great with a President-Elect Trump. This shouldn't come as a surprise. A capitalist replacing a socialist does it every time. [Mis. Hum.]
We have our mid-day art thread. Now the Morons have street art. The Los Angeles street artist Sabo has struck again. I would entitle the series, "The urge to purge". Awesome work. [Mis. Hum.]
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Duke Lowell : "I've got an idea for health insurance. Wanna hear? ..."

rhomboid: "Chris Taylor I'm fairly shocked that you don't see ..."

Buck Ofama: "As a recognition sign, I sorta like the finger by ..."

JackStraw: ">>I'm really shocked that Trump caved this quickly ..."

PaleRider: "I am the designated host for work tea time on Tues ..."

real joe: ""437 I'm really shocked that Trump caved this quic ..."

Christopher R Taylor: "[i]Well he said he'd repeal the whole thing and th ..."

Ayotte?: "Reasons to be Cheerful ..."

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