Last updated: October 24, 2016

Don’t bank on battery power

Don’t bank on battery power
Although battery technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, a lot of balderdash is being peddled about it too.

Detention the solution for seals

Detention the solution for seals
A sudden explosion in seals breaking into Tasmania’s salmon farms has prompted a radical solution — seal detention.

Sex with this guy was a mistake

Sex with this guy was a mistake
Next time you get a cold, don’t feel sorry for yourself. Consider it penance for your ancestors’ fondness for inter-species sex.

Mars probe signal cuts off

Mars probe signal cuts off
Scientists say losing contact with the Schiaparelli shortly before its planned landing on the red planet is not a good sign.

Cane toad pioneer honoured

Cane toad pioneer honoured
A zoologist who advocates learning to live with cane toads has claimed the nation’s top science award.

Cane toad pioneer honoured

Cane toad pioneer honoured
A zoologist who advocates learning to live with cane toads has claimed the nation’s top science award.

Market cleanser wins innovation award

Market cleanser wins innovation award
A poster boy for the government’s vision of industry-relevant science today claims a top innovation award.

Insurers to pass on $86m savings

Insurers to pass on $86m savings
Health insurers have welcomed $86 million in medical device cuts.

Wind farms first to fall

Wind farms first to fall
Wind farms were the first domino to fall in a cascade of errors that led to a statewide blackout in SA, report finds.

Raise glass to infertility clue

Raise glass to infertility clue
Scientists say resveratrol, a natural compound found in red wine, curbs hormones that suppress fertility.

Snake in Sydney CBD

Snake in Sydney CBD
The concrete jungle had a slithery visitor when a deadly snake was found along George Street.

CCTV sheds light on leukemia

CCTV sheds light on leukemia
Research findings into how leukemia dodges drugs are likely to refocus efforts to develop new treatments.

New record for quantum team

New record for quantum team
Sydney researchers have notched a new record in their race to develop a quantum computer.

Coffee fine for a bad heart

Coffee fine for a bad heart
Coffee is back on the menu for heart patients, with no evidence that caffeine sends dodgy tickers haywire.

Fusion club waives joining fee

Fusion club waives joining fee
Australia has avoided paying $346m to join the world’s biggest physics project.

Bid to halt ‘cruel’ dugong hunt

Bid to halt ‘cruel’ dugong hunt
Federal ministers will spearhead a government crackdown on indigenous hunting of dugongs and sea turtles.

Charity up before cash in hand

Charity up before cash in hand
Generosity increases if we are asked to donate tomorrow’s bonus or inheritance cheque rather than money we have.

Devil may save humanity

Devil may save humanity
Ground-breaking research has found that the feisty marsupials’s milk can kill human superbugs.

Space has galaxies galore

Space has galaxies galore
There are a dizzying two trillion galaxies in the universe, up to 20 times more than previously thought.

Paralysed man gets touch back

Paralysed man gets touch back
Scientists have ­restored touch to a person with a spinal injury, opening the way to recovery of feeling by quadriplegics.

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