The Custom 3rd Party Build Advertisement is currently available for SMH for the iPad, The Age for the iPad, The Canberra Times for iPad with iOS4+ Operating System installed. Fairfax Tablet apps accept creative built in HTML5 using CSS3 and JavaScript, which is delivered to the native WebView (a.k.a. ‘in-app’ or ‘mini-browser’) to render and display. Ads, including all assets, must be served via a 3rd party ad server such as DoubleClick for Advertisers (DFA), Media

Additional specifications/restrictions

Fairfax welcomes custom HTML5 full page executions and emphasises the importance of a collaborative approach to these projects. Please contact your account manager prior to commencing creative production.

  • To preserve user experience, initial creative load size is limited to 150kb, followed by a subsequent polite download of up to 1.2mb.
  • The Tablet Full Page ads accept creative built in HTML5 using CSS3 and JavaScript, which is delivered to the native WebView (a.k.a. ‘in-app’ or ‘mini-browser’) to render and display.
  • Assets for both orientations are mandatory and orientation changes must be handled by CSS*
  • No flickering animations / strobing effects allowed.
  • A standard tablet close button must be included in every full page creative using the following HTML snippet:

    <a class="closeBtn" href="button:close">Close</a>

  • The ad must follow the native navigation of the app, therefore users must always be able to swipe the ad away.
  • Initial animation should be triggered on a call of function. See below for more information.
  • Video player implementations should use the native HTML5 tag and must retain basic video controls such as toggle, play/pause and mute/unmute or volume control slider. The preload=’none’ attribute is also required to prevent excessive user data usage.
  • Any additional asset downloads (videos etc.) must be user-initiated.
  • For 3rd party hosted videos, max 5MB / 30 seconds @300kbps on 3G / 1000kbps on WiFi
  • The creative must be tested and run in the device’s native browser before submission. It is recommended that you also test the creative in WebView, the OS provided in-app browser module, which is used to display your full-page advertising creative.
  • Remember that even if your advertisement works smoothly in the native browser on an iPad it may not when implemented within our app due to the amount of processing power available or some differences between the rendering engines of the native browser and WebView.
  • Fairfax has no control over these aspects as they are native to the Operating System. Note, however that creative, which does not work in the native browser will not function within WebView either.
  • While Fairfax encourages you to submit custom creative and will test and feed back on these, it is not liable to troubleshoot foreign code, other than providing feedback when bugs are encountered.
  • Click-through must be a text link or button and its size appropriate to the associated CTA / copy length. While touch interface design principles are encouraged (e.g. appropriate padding around links and buttons), extensive (e.g. full page) linked areas are not acceptable.

NB: Other, not-listed functionality may also cause operational errors which may only be feed back upon experience through the creative testing process.

Initial Animation

Full Page Ads are preloaded out-of-view,  so to ensure initial animation is not missed, please use the following function to trigger all initial animation:

window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {

    if ( == "startAnimation") {



}, false);

 function startAnimation() {

    // function that kicks off your animation


DoubleClick Studio Build Notes

Below are links to the DoubleClick Studio HTML full page build guide. On the penultimate page under ‘Resources’, files that are referred to in the guide can be downloaded and used as a wireframe for your custom creative build with two important exceptions:

  1. Please remove Google’s close button from the creative (by removing the class ‘close-full-screen-button’ from the <button> tag with ID ‘ad-close-full-screen-button’) and replace with a custom close button with the code snippet as mentioned above (<a class=”closeBtn” href=”button:close”>Close</a>). It is very important that when the creative goes through the DoubleClick QA process, Google understand that their close button has been removed and replaced with a custom one – else they will not approve the creative. The reason for this is that the native app listens for the “button:close” event. Please add a custom message before submitting to QA outlining this change.
  2. As we want this creative to expand to full screen straight away, we need to manipulate the function main() within the main.js file – simply comment out the line which reads showInPage(); and add the following code underneath openFullScreen();
  3. The tapToFullScreenParent.js file (supplied as part of the resources in the build guide) must be hosted on a CDN (Content Delivery Network) or FTP server, with a link to this file being placed in the ‘Survey URL’ field under the creative properties in DFA.

Example creative:

Build guide

Note that limited Fairfax support is offered on templates and sample files provided by DoubleClick – DoubleClick support ticket can be raised by contacting

Notes & Recommendations

Consider typeface sizes for legibility.

Photo-realistic images should be in JPG format for optimal compression.

Using transparency can significantly increase the size of your image files, so you should avoid it as much as possible. If some of your images require transparency, you can use either GIF or PNG format. PNG images have higher quality, but are generally larger in size. If you need to use PNG images, you should use an image optimising utility (e.g. PNGCrush) to compress them as much as possible.

You can use CSS tiled backgrounds and WebKit gradients to help reduce overall file size.


Templates supplied as guide only. Limited Fairfax support is offered.
Tablet Full Page Image & Video Sushi Train
Tablet Full Page Video


3rd party JavaScript tag(s) – 1 per placement


Any rich media reporting must be implemented into ads by the creative agency prior to being uploaded to advertisers’ 3rd party ad servers. Fairfax are unable to provide rich media reporting metrics for 3rd party ads over and above user clicks and page impressions.

In order to preserve user experience, full page iPad ads are preloaded in the device’s memory prior to being displayed. As such, Fairfax reported impressions are only counted when the ad is brought into 100% view by the user. Fairfax reported impression counts are likely to be lower than those recorded by advertisers’ 3rd party ad servers – this is normal behaviour and in no way impacts the delivery or performance of full page ads.
Therefore 3rd party impression tracking is supported but not recommended.
3rd party click tracking is supported.

Initial tests have been carried out using creatives built in Doubleclick Studio V2 and served through Doubleclick for Advertisers (DFA) adserver, however you are welcome to implement your preferred vendor’s tracking mechanism, subject to testing.

Lead Times


Fairfax build. 5 days from receiving all assets. Your Fairfax Account Manager will advise you about creative lead times at the time of signing your booking.

Fairfax reserves the right to change the specifications without notice at any time!


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