Apple patents foldable iPhone

Apple patents foldable iPhone

AS Apple approaches the 10th anniversary of the iPhone, it is working on what would be the most radical design change yet: a foldable phone.

Pitch your tech idea for $100k

Pitch your tech idea for $100k

HONE your elevator pitch and give $100,000 in prizemoney your best shot at Pivot Summit.

Who are the Shadow Brokers?

Who are the Shadow Brokers?

A SECRET hacker collective has struck again leaking highly sensitive NSA information including operations codenamed “Jackladder” and “Dewdrop”.

‘Impact had a devastating effect on Earth’

‘Impact had a devastating effect on Earth’

THE cosmic collision is thought to have occurred 4.5 billion years ago and was so dramatic that it formed the moon and left Earth with a two hour day.

Woman tricks her 20 boyfriends for home deposit

Woman tricks her 20 boyfriends for home deposit

SAVING the money for a home deposit can be hard, unless you trick your 20 boyfriends into helping you out like one lady recently did.

Why your Facebook friends are checking in here

Why your Facebook friends are checking in here

BY NOW, you’ve probably seen plenty of your Facebook friends “checking in” at Standing Rock, except most of them are nowhere near the location.

MacBook Pro requires $370 of dongles

MacBook Pro requires $370 of dongles

APPLE’S forthcoming MacBook Pro line-up is the thinnest and fastest ever released by the tech giant, but its also jam-packed with hidden costs.

Supplied Editorial Michelle Lamarche. Picture: Facebook/Michelle Lamarche

Tragic last days chronicled on Facebook

A WOMAN distraught over her unravelling marriage instructed a pal to change her Facebook page to say “Remembering” before taking her own life in the US.


Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian Plan to Make Big Money on Baby Special

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian Plan to Make Big Money on Baby Special

Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian are reportedly planning on making hundreds of thousands of dollars making a "baby special" for their E! show, Rob & Chyna. Apparently they'll bring cameras into the delivery room and show footage of baby showers, preparation, and the first few days their baby is home.

Zayn Malik Suffered From An Eating Disorder

Zayn Malik Suffered From An Eating Disorder

Zayn Malik reveals that he suffered from an eating disorder, and would occasionally go days without eating anything. The singer would eventually quit One Direction, but not before being sick and causing others to worry about his habits.