SBS welcomes Government's Public Broadcasting Review

16 October 2008

SBS today welcomed the Government's announcement that it will conduct a review into the role of national broadcasting in Australia.

The review, announced today by the Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator the Hon Stephen Conroy, will look at the role of national broadcasters in light of the technological and funding challenges facing the media industry.

"Broadcasters such as SBS play a vital role in protecting and promoting Australia's cultural and creative identity and I welcome the chance to take part in a national debate around our role and our contribution," SBS Managing Director Shaun Brown said.

"Over the years SBS has given both a face and voice to the true diversity of the Australian community. There are strong arguments for SBS to continue its unique contribution to the Australian media landscape and to expand our services so we can meet the evolving needs of Australia's multicultural communities."

The Australian Government is currently considering proposals from SBS about its funding level for the next triennium (2009-2012). SBS recently released a summary of its ambitions to expand services over the next three years and beyond.

"SBS wants to harness the potential of digital to deliver something different to Australian audiences. But to do so we need to be adequately funded to keep pace with the growing expectations that audiences have of public broadcasters," Mr Brown said.

"It is vitally important that all Australians can benefit from the advances technology can bring and that there is both ubiquity of access and participation for all Australians - regardless of where they live or what language they speak.

"SBS is the only broadcaster that can speak to all Australians in languages they understand and the need for a distinctive and courageous broadcaster like SBS to reflect the reality of the broader Australian community is more vital than ever.

"The Australian Government has an historic opportunity to look at the role of public broadcasting in Australia and the serious civic, cultural and creative contribution that SBS makes. I look forward to making SBS's case for our continued contribution to the Australian media and cultural landscape."