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Who we are

The world is suffering from many problems: poverty, war, ecological disasters, racism, and so on. But if enough people join forces to build another world, together we will succeed.

We are a group of people engaged in the struggle for a better world. Together, we are building an organization dedicated to global revolution, called the International Organization for a Participatory Society (IOPS). For more about us, watch our introductory video, scroll through our slideshow and read more here: About IOPS.


We seek to win a new participatory society based on solidarity, equity/justice, diversity, self-management, and ecological stewardship, through:

  • flexibly exploring and advocating long-term vision
  • planting the seeds of the future in the present
  • empowering the lives of our members
  • organizing in an internally classless and self-managing way
  • winning changes in society that improve the lives of people in the present

Read our mission statement.


IOPS flexibly explores and organizes around a long-term vision of the broad features of a participatory society that centrally addresses:

  • Economics
  • Politics
  • Culture/Race
  • Kinship/Gender
  • Ecology
  • International Relations

Read our vision statement.


To give every member a proportional say in decisions affecting them (self-management), we are organizing in a bottom-up structure, aiming to become a federation of local, regional and national branches.

Local chapters are self-managing and have proportional say in regional, national and international issues.

Read our structure and program statement.


Currently, we are in a building-up stage. In due time we will take
decisions to determine further organizational details.

IOPS is open to anyone wishing to join who shares the commitments in the organizational description and wants to actively participate in the life of the organization. If you have any questions before joining, please see:

To become a member, Join IOPS.

Ready for a Change

by Leif Lønne

Latest News

Four candidates for the financial team

Till a late moment it was uncertain if we were going to have enough volunteers for the financial team when the selection process was to start, on Saturday 5th November. But in the last three days before voting opened, four new candidates volunteered:…

Good article (extract) on Trump and fascism

Here's a link to an extract from an interesting article by Australian commentator Don Watson on the possible connections between Trump, Trump followers and fascism (sorry, can't figure out how to get that link to hyper-link since that option…

Something From Basic Income Earth Network

A couple of articles from the Basic Income Earth Network news letter - http://basicincome.org. http://basicincome.org/news/2016/10/us-president-obama-calls-ubi-debate-well-coming-decades/ http://basicincome.org/news/2016/10/germany-single-issue-political-party-founded-promote-ubi/

Peace activist Tom Hayden dies

Peace activist Tom Hayden died 23 October 2016 at the age of 76. Hayden will mainly be remembered for his enduring opposition to the Vietnam war, which helped to mobilize for the anti-Vietnam War protests and make them grow into a mass movement…

Little Appetite for Iraq Inquiry ‘Down Under’

Debate over the Iraq War regained significant interest around the world with the release of the Chilcot report in the United Kingdom. In Australia, the reading of the core findings was broadcast live on the government-funded ABC. But this news…

Cholera in Haiti and the UN Link

In September Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights Professor Philip Alston advised the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the UN’s role in introducing cholera to one of the world’s…

Latest Polls

Selection of the first Financial Team

Open end: 19 November 2016

The purpose of this poll is to select the members of the financial team, in accordance with the decisions of the September 2016 poll on…

Latest Blogs

The Future of Humanity

    Anarchimedia,  Sam Curran and Fred Curran talking shit

The secure and the dipossessed

This is an audio from last years book launch in London about how the military and corporations are shaping a climate-changed world . I recommend the book and it is still an instructive talk .https://soundcloud.com/free-word/the-secure-and-the-dispossessed…

Financial Team — Call for Candidates

The task of the financial team is to ensure a regular stream of revenues that is large enough to cover our running operational expenses. The team should remind members regularly, in a friendly way, not to forget to pay their membership dues.…

Fighting free-trade agreements

As members of an organisation striving for a participatory society shouldn't we fight against these free-trade (TTP-TTIP-CETA-TISA) agreements that are undermining democracy and giving all power to multinational organisations ? Real action…

You Don't Have to be a Fascist to do Bad Things

ANARCHIMEDIA Fred Curran and Daniel de Klerk

Activisten in Afrika protesteren tegen Europese migratiebeheersing

[Dit stuk is overgenomen van de website van Doorbraak. —LM] De Europese beleidsmakers op het gebied van migratiebeheersing proberen niet alleen Turkije voor hun karretje te spannen. Ook met Afrikaanse landen wil de EU “deals”…

Upcoming Events
Events not found
Newest Projects

Reimagining IOPS – The Project (completed)

The aim of this project is to prepare one or more proposals for changes to IOPS that can be voted on by the membership against the alternative, default proposal to disband. When these proposals are sufficiently…

Lets work together to do something about climate change lets save the world

We need to do something About all this too much coal mining, even people in the villages knows what happens when we sleep with that coal heater in the house it kills everyone they go to deep sleep so…

Recycling bycicle for the people across the world

Yesterday after i met this young man who was collecting cans and bottles i didn't sleep because i was touched by how he was carrying the bags with his hands full of bottles and cans he had to walk a long…


Organizing and bookfairs in Dublin
Bookfairs in Kent
Organizingtalks and other events in London
Banners, marches and cultural events in New York
Organizing in Montana
Organizing and tabling in Oregon
Petititions in Seattle
Protests and logos in Melbourne
Protests, talks and workshops in Vienna

No more bosses

by Antonio Carty


by Claire Bruhn

Class War

by IOPS Melbourne

Newest Members
Newest Chapters


Northern Territory, Australia

Founded: 5th Nov 2016


Here are some interviews with members about IOPS including Cynthia PetersDavid MartyElizabeth MeadeFlorian Zollmann, Jermaine ChambersJustin Podur, Michael Albert (20122014), Noam ChomskyPaul Street and Verena Stresing.

You can find further testimonials of members here.

There is also an open letter from our consultative committee including Eva Golinger, John Pilger, Vandana Shiva and others which can be found here.

Social Media

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Please bear in mind that, although we realize the utility of social media, we are critical of the corporations behind those websites.