WA News

Speed camera operator caught on camera using a mobile phone while driving

A group of activists who warn Perth drivers about speed cameras have turned the tables on one speed camera operator after catching him using a mobile phone whilst driving.

The Revenue Raiser Resistance is an anonymous group of people who can be seen standing on the side of the road holding up or placing signs warning drivers about upcoming speed traps.

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WA speed cam operator busted using phone while driving

The camera operator was trying to photograph a group of campaigners warning drivers about his roadside speed trap. Vision: 9 News Perth.

On Saturday, members of the group were in Bedfordale in Perth's east when the operator of a speed trap drove past attempting to photograph their activities on a mobile phone - a breach of the law the group caught on their own camera.

A member of Revenue Raiser Resistance told 9 News Perth the man had just packed up his gear when the incident occurred.

He certainly should not be breaking the law he is enforcing," the man said, his face blurred to obscure his identify.

"I don't think it's fair for a member of the WA police force to be taking photos of the public and acting in an intimidating way. This operator did breach the law and he did put pedestrians and other road users at risk. A lot of the operators actually go to a lot of effort to get rid of us."

The radar operator was caught on camera using a mobile phone while driving.
The radar operator was caught on camera using a mobile phone while driving. Photo: @RevenueRaiserResistance

In recent months WA police have been cracking down on drivers using mobiles whilst driving, with more than fifty people pinged with fines in ninety minutes during a blitz in September.

Police Minister Liza Harvey said she's disappointed in the worker's actions, and WA police are investigating the incident.
