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Turkey: Yesterday & Today

Turkey: Yesterday & Today
by Gun Zileli & Ilhan Tekin

A brief Political History of Turkey
Second Edition (1994)

Originally published by Karambol Publications (London)


Fred Hampton Day

Today is Fred Hampton Day. A day to remember a dynamic revolutionary and community organizer. He was key in building a multiracial working class movement that challenged the system of oppression and exploitation. Due to his effectiveness, he and Mark Clark murdered in cold blood by the Chicago Police Department on December 4, 1969.

The Global Influence of Anarchism? A Fall/Winter Reading Group

Anarchism is often portrayed as an isolated group of angsty teens smashing a Starbucks window. However, Anarchism historically has been a vibrant movement active in nearly every corner of the world. In this reading group we will discover the movement that is Anarchism, its history and culture, as a force for total liberation. This is a great opportunity to explore your curiosity about a widely misunderstood ideology and to learn its fundamental beliefs. For this reading group we'll be reading Black Flam e: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism by Michael Schmidt and Lucien Van Der Walt.

Boston: Black Flame Reading Group

Join us for a public reading group - the first Saturday of every month, 6pm at Encuentro 5, 33 Harrison Ave, Chinatown, Boston.

Reading Schedule:

Saturday, December 3rd: Chapters 1-2

Saturday, January 7th: Chapters 3-5

Saturday, February 4th: Chapters 6-8

Saturday, March 3rd: Chapters 9-11

Purchase Black Flame online from AK Press or at the Lucy Parsons Center.

A Flame to Extinguish Capital

Book Review of Black Flame: The revolutionary class politics of anarchism and syndicalism. Oakland, CA: AK Press. By Michael Schmidt and Lucien van der Walt.
by Deric Shannon

At the outset, after reading Black Flame, it's impossible not to reflect on the massive amount of research that such a work must have entailed. The book is a narrative about anarchism and, with interest in anarchism on the rise worldwide, it could not have come at a better time. There are a couple of reasons for this. One, we need new narratives of the anarchist tradition to understand where we've been. Secondly, Black Flame contains critiques of the ways that "radical" circles contemporarily have too often turned away from the radical class politics that have always defined the socialist movement.

Ironically enough, this is both a major strength of the book, but also, in my opinion, one of its weaknesses. As Schmidt and van der Walt state their case early in the book, "'(c)lass struggle' anarchism, sometimes called revolutionary or communist anarchism, is not a type of anarchism; in our view, it is the only anarchism" (19--emphasis theirs). This essentially leads to the authors deciding throughout the beginning of the book who the "real" anarchists are and who gets defined out.

Again, there are strengths and weaknesses with this approach.

Socialism or Barbarism; Anarchism or Annihilation

The Relationship Between Crisis and Consciousness
by Wayne Price

Considering the economic and social crisis we are facing, what are the relationships between the objective tendency of capitalism toward catastrophe and the subjective consciousness involved in class struggle? Is it "inevitable" that capitalism will crash and produce the socialist-anarchist revolution? Can we ignore or deny objective social laws in favor of focusing on the self-activity of the working class?

The History of NEFAC in Quebec-city (2001-2008)

from 'Ruptures' – Spring 2009 special edition

While it is too early to draw a comprehensive balance sheet of NEFAC (in Québec City, and in the province of Québec), one can nevertheless find some items that are food for thought.

Reply to the Platform (Synthesist)

The synthesist response to Dielo Trouda's 'Organizational Platform of Libertarian Communists'. First published in French (Paris 1927).REPLY TO THE PLATFORM (SYNTHESIST)

by 'Several Russian Anarchists' (Sobol, Schwartz, Steimer, Voline, Lia, Roman, Ervantian, Fleshin)

[first issued in French, Paris 1927]

Reasons for the Weakness of the Anarchist Movement

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