newengland's blog

Freedom #8

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Previous issues: #6, #5, #4, #3, #2, #1

Nursing Home Workers Begin Second Day of Unfair Labor Practice Strike at Spectrum Homes

Friday, April 16, 2010 -- Nurses, nursing assistants and elder-care support staff at skilled nursing homes operated by Spectrum Healthcare are hitting the picket lines again this morning in four Connecticut towns.

Almost 400 caregivers at the four facilities - Birmingham Health Center in Derby, Hilltop Health Center in Ansonia, Laurel Hill Health Center in Winsted and Park Place in Hartford went on strike over Unfair Labor Practices on the part of their corporate operator, Spectrum. Caregivers at the four striking homes have been working under the terms of their previous contracts, which expired more than a year ago (March 15, 2009).

Struggle Changes Everything: Direct Action Organizing Panel & Discussion

Saturday, April 10, 2010
5:00pm - 8:00pm
Community Church of Boston
565 Boylston St.
Boston, MA

Panel, followed by discussion, composed of individuals with experience in different organizations around soliciting grievances and mobilizing around labor, housing, and immigration issues.

Panelists will talk about their organizing experiences and strategic orientation. Specifically panel will address how taking collective action and directly confronting bosses, landlords, and other powerful institutions brings a sense of empowerment and consciousness to those involved. Discussion will focus on how best to support, network, organize, and/or supplement these activities.

Sponsored by NEFAC.
Info:, (617)544-3932

UConn Students Protest Hogan's Office Renovation, Tuition Hike

STORRS - University of Connecticut students, unhappy with next fall's tuition increase and with costly renovations to President Michael Hogan's office, were treated to an impromptu walk on the president's $4,215 rug Monday.

The office tour occurred as the students who call themselves SCORE — the Student Coalition on Reprioritizing Education — were delivering their list of grievances and demands to Hogan's office.

Women in House of Correction in Boston resisting! Call in this week!


Women at South Bay are being served bug-infested food, are forced to live in flooded cells, and daily face unsanitary and dangerous conditions. Women are refusing meals and demanding that the situation immediately be put to rights.

Grievances have been filed about food infested with maggots*; rat droppings have also been found in prisoners' food. The late rain may have been an annoyance to some of us, but it was flooding the women's cells in the tower where they are held. One woman was given a plastic trash bag to

Shaw’s Strikers Rally as Health Care Is Cut

METHUEN, Mass. — Striking workers of Shaw’s distribution center here planned rallies at various Shaw’s locations Thursday to protest the retailer’s actions to hire replacement workers and cut off health insurance for striking workers, union sources said.

Solidarity with Haiti!

Saturday, January 30th
Encuentro 5
33 Harrison Ave., Boston, MA

The earthquake was a natural disaster, but the poverty of the Haitian masses and the injustice of the social order, are unnatural. Our solidarity is with the struggling people of Haiti. Together we are engaged in common struggle against a system that works to exploit us all.

Sponsored by NEFAC
For more information, or to support this event please contact: or (617)544-3932.

Libertad #3

Anunciamos la edición #3 de 'Libertad,' el boletín bilingüe de NEFAC-Nueva Inglaterra.

Descargarla aquí.
Ediciones anteriores: #2, #1

Cerrar Guantánamo

Participamos en una concentración en el centro de Boston, exigiendo que la administración de Obama cierre el centro de detención de Guantánamo, Cuba. Activistas locales se comprometieron de nuevo a la lucha para detener la tortura y represión en el nombre de la así llamada "Guerra Contra el Terror." El presidente Obama todavía no ha cumplido con una orden ejecutiva que firmó en enero de 2009 que cerraría

Close Guantánamo

Some of us attended a rally in downtown Boston, calling on the Obama administration to shut down the detention facility at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Local anti-war activists re-committed themselves to the struggle to end torture and repression in the name of the so-called "War on Terror." President Obama has yet to follow through on an executive order he signed in January, 2009 that would shut down the facility completely. Shutting down Guantánamo Bay should be seen as one step in stopping State repression world wide.

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