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[Colombia] Las víctimas más allá de los acuerdos

Anarkismo - Wed, 12/02/2015 - 22:07
La reparación de víctimas, ha sido un tema recurrente no solo en la mesa de negociación de la Habana sino en el grueso de la población colombiana. En el meollo del asunto la interrogante constante es cómo asegurar los mecanismos necesarios para que posterior a la firma de los acuerdos se cumpla con los estándares exigidos por la corte institucional como lo son: Verdad, Justicia, reparación y garantías de no repetición.
Categories: Anarchists

Domingos Passos – the Brazilian Bakunin

Anarkismo (en) - Wed, 12/02/2015 - 18:01
Republished in "Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism" no.14 in the Black Stars of Anarchism series

‘I woke at 5.00 am. Passos, who had been up and about for hours, was sitting on his bed reading Determinism and Responsibility by Hamon. I grabbed a towel and went downstairs to wash my face. When I came back from the yard, after drying off, I saw two individuals. It was a moment or two before I realised who they were. With revolvers drawn they spoke to me and asked me harshly: “Where’s Domingos Passos?”Anticipating another of the attacks that our comrade had been through so often before, I was keen to cover for him and said that he was not around. I told them: “There’s no Domingos Passos living here!”

Domingos Passos – the Brazilian Bakunin

Anarkismo - Wed, 12/02/2015 - 18:01
Republished in "Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism" no.14 in the Black Stars of Anarchism series

‘I woke at 5.00 am. Passos, who had been up and about for hours, was sitting on his bed reading Determinism and Responsibility by Hamon. I grabbed a towel and went downstairs to wash my face. When I came back from the yard, after drying off, I saw two individuals. It was a moment or two before I realised who they were. With revolvers drawn they spoke to me and asked me harshly: “Where’s Domingos Passos?”Anticipating another of the attacks that our comrade had been through so often before, I was keen to cover for him and said that he was not around. I told them: “There’s no Domingos Passos living here!”

Categories: Anarchists

Emergency protest for abortion demand held in Belfast

Anarkismo (en) - Wed, 12/02/2015 - 08:07
Somewhere in the region of 70 people attended an emergency protest yesterday outside Belfast City Hall.

Emergency protest for abortion demand held in Belfast

Anarkismo - Wed, 12/02/2015 - 08:07
Somewhere in the region of 70 people attended an emergency protest yesterday outside Belfast City Hall.
Categories: Anarchists

Γενική απεργία 3/12 - Καμάρα 10.00

Anarkismo - Wed, 12/02/2015 - 05:31
Ίδια είναι τ’αφεντικά δεξιά και αριστερά ή αλλιώς η αλυσίδα της κοινωνικής εκμετάλλευσης δεν σπάει όσο ο αφέντης δεν αποκαθηλώνεται | ΓΕΝΙΚΗ ΑΠΕΡΓΙΑ 3/12
Categories: Anarchists

Αλληλεγγύη στους συλληφθέντες του Παρισιού

Anarkismo - Wed, 12/02/2015 - 05:25
Κάτω το καθεστώς έκτακτης ανάγκης
Αλληλεγγύη στους/στις συλληφθέντες/ίσες αγωνιστές/ριες του Παρισιού
Κάτω το καθεστώς έκτακτης ανάγκης
Ανακοίνωση του Τμήματος Διεθνών της Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστικής Πρωτοβουλίας Ροσινάντε
Categories: Anarchists

Globalisation and the Neoliberal Permanent Revolution

Libcom.org News - Tue, 12/01/2015 - 18:48

Globalisation has created a permanent revolution in reverse; one for the rich that requires a mobilisation of mobilisations from below to combat.

read more

Categories: Anarchists

Putting Politics into Practice: The Importance of Democracy and Education in Unions

Anarkismo (en) - Tue, 12/01/2015 - 18:10
First published in "Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism" no.14
Trade unions have played a major role in defending workers’ rights against the bosses and politicians, also in advancing workers’ interests. This is why, even today, workers are still loyal to their unions. However, there are obstacles within the unions – one being the union bureaucracy, of paid and full-time officials. This can develop its own interests, undermining the unions.

This is a challenge faced by many unions. This bureaucracy is at times unable to represent workers’ grievances effectively: they often spend more time fighting amongst themselves for certain positions within the union instead of for workers’ rights. Due to this bureaucracy, which is structured hierarchically, higher positions hold more power, including in terms of decision-making. Those in leadership are often full-time and recieve much higher salaries than those of the workers they represent. This means they often want to prevent union actions that threaten their own positions, like long strikes.

Putting Politics into Practice: The Importance of Democracy and Education in Unions

Anarkismo - Tue, 12/01/2015 - 18:10
First published in "Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism" no.14
Trade unions have played a major role in defending workers’ rights against the bosses and politicians, also in advancing workers’ interests. This is why, even today, workers are still loyal to their unions. However, there are obstacles within the unions – one being the union bureaucracy, of paid and full-time officials. This can develop its own interests, undermining the unions.

This is a challenge faced by many unions. This bureaucracy is at times unable to represent workers’ grievances effectively: they often spend more time fighting amongst themselves for certain positions within the union instead of for workers’ rights. Due to this bureaucracy, which is structured hierarchically, higher positions hold more power, including in terms of decision-making. Those in leadership are often full-time and recieve much higher salaries than those of the workers they represent. This means they often want to prevent union actions that threaten their own positions, like long strikes.
Categories: Anarchists

The Anarchist Road To Revolution

Anarkismo (en) - Tue, 12/01/2015 - 18:05
First published in "Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism" no.14
We, anarchists, are committed to building a society based on self-management and equality. We identify with the analyses and experiences of Mikhail Bakunin, who stated the need for freedom beyond the limited confines of “democracy” – where you are only free to vote on who is next to govern you. Bakunin argued that freedom comes responsibility: this included responsibility to others in the maintenance of this freedom. We need a society based on these principles; an anarchist society which expects from each according to their ability, and provides to each according to their needs.

How do we achieve this? The anarchist society is achieved through a revolutionary strategy based on mass organization to overthrow systems and relationships of hierarchical (or top-down) political, economic and social power. These organisations – trade unions and community movements – we refer to as counter-power.

The Anarchist Road To Revolution

Anarkismo - Tue, 12/01/2015 - 18:05
First published in "Zabalaza: A Journal of Southern African Revolutionary Anarchism" no.14
We, anarchists, are committed to building a society based on self-management and equality. We identify with the analyses and experiences of Mikhail Bakunin, who stated the need for freedom beyond the limited confines of “democracy” – where you are only free to vote on who is next to govern you. Bakunin argued that freedom comes responsibility: this included responsibility to others in the maintenance of this freedom. We need a society based on these principles; an anarchist society which expects from each according to their ability, and provides to each according to their needs.

How do we achieve this? The anarchist society is achieved through a revolutionary strategy based on mass organization to overthrow systems and relationships of hierarchical (or top-down) political, economic and social power. These organisations – trade unions and community movements – we refer to as counter-power.
Categories: Anarchists

Κομματική πολιτική ή ελευθεριακός σοσιαλισμός;

Anarkismo - Tue, 12/01/2015 - 04:46
Αυτό πρέπει να κατανοείται ως: α) ικανοποίηση όλων των υλικών αναγκών του κάθε ενός από εμάς και β) να γίνει το επίτευγμα της απρόσκοπτης ανάπτυξης όλων των δυνατοτήτων μας, απαλλαγμένης από την καταπίεση του κεφαλαίου και τους Κράτους, ελευθερία για όλους και όχι μόνο για μια συγκεκριμένη ομάδα. Ας αφήσουμε τις εκλογές κατά μέρος. Δεν εξυπηρετούν κανένα σκοπό. Ας συμμετάσχουμε τώρα στην πολιτική, εδώ, όπου ζούμε.
Categories: Anarchists

Non à l'état d'urgence ! Non à la répression des manifestant-e-s !

Anarkismo - Tue, 12/01/2015 - 04:20
Ce dimanche 29 novembre, 4000 à 5000 personnes se sont rassemblées place de la République à Paris contre la COP21, grande mascarade écologiste à laquelle participent les dirigeant-e-s des États et des entreprises responsables de la destruction capitaliste de la planète (voir notre communiqué1). Elles ont bravé l’interdiction de manifester due à l'instauration de l'état d'urgence, et c'est pour cela, contrairement aux discours des mass-média qui les caricaturent honteusement en « casseurs », qu'elles ont été réprimées.
Categories: Anarchists

Changeons le système, pas le climat ! Ne laissons pas les États et le capitalisme décider à notre place !

Anarkismo - Tue, 12/01/2015 - 04:17
La conférence COP21 réunit au Bourget du 29 Novembre au 11 Décembre de nombreux experts et chefs d’États autour de la question du réchauffement climatique lié aux activités humaines. Cette conférence est organisée, financée et animée par les entrepreneurs et politiciens responsables de ce dont ils prétendent nous sauver.
Categories: Anarchists

Un Califato terrorista, con dominio territorial y apoyo de los Estados wahabit

Anarkismo - Mon, 11/30/2015 - 21:06
30 de noviembre 2015, Bruno Lima Rocha

El Estado Islámico

Mucho se ha especulado, acerca de la financiación del llamado Estado Islámico (EI, ISIS o Daesh). Lo que se sabe, es que el tiene una circulación de venta de petróleo que gira en torno a US 1 millón de dólares diario, teniendo posibilidad de alcanzar 3 millones de dólares. ¿La duda no es como extrae petróleo, ya que domina territorios con refinerías, pero sí como compensa estas ventas?.

Categories: Anarchists

Korea (South): Police say they’ll arrest all participants at this weekend’s big rally

Labour Start - Mon, 11/30/2015 - 20:00
LabourStart headline - Source: Hankyoreh
Categories: Workplace Struggle

Οι μετανάστες της γης οι κολασμένοι

Anarkismo - Mon, 11/30/2015 - 16:21
Πορεία Αλληλεγγύης στους μετανάστες απεργούς πείνας στην Ειδομένη 1/12, Καμάρα 18.00

Η αλυσίδα της κοινωνικής εκμετάλλευσης δεν σπάει όσο ο αφέντης δεν αποκαθηλώνεται.
Categories: Anarchists

Don't Mourn, Organise: Derry Anarchists Mark 100 Years Since Joe Hill's Death

Anarkismo (en) - Mon, 11/30/2015 - 13:28
November 19th marks the 100th anniversary of the execution of activist and labour organiser Joe Hill by the hands of the state.
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