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Toilet seat up or down? Here’s what most people think

Not surprisingly, more men than women prefer that the toilet seat is left up.Not surprisingly, more men than women prefer that the toilet seat is left up. Photo: Paul Edmondson

It’s the little things – lights left on, dirty dishes left out or TV volume too loud – that turn a perfect living situation into a battle. 

Now US home maintenance and improvement company Home Advisor has done a survey of 2000 participants about home habits – so you can find out whether or not you’re in the majority with your domestic preferences. Here are some of the results.

Electricity habits:
The survey found both men and women of all ages liked to monitor the usage of the heating and cooling systems. A whopping 82.3 per cent of men and 81 per cent of women thought they should have personal control over the thermostat, so it’s not hard to see why it’s common to have households squabbles over this one.  

Lights on while sleeping:
If you’re someone who likes to sleep with a light on, you’re in great danger of making housemates grumpy. Ninety per cent of those surveyed preferred the lights off while sleeping. 

Toilet seat up or down:
This one won’t surprise anyone. More men than women prefer that the toilet seat is left up. Fifty two per cent of men surveyed thought it was acceptable, whereas only 16.8 per cent of women would be OK with the seat left up.

Cleaning dirty dishes straight away: 
Pretty even split on this one: 46.7 per cent of participants agreed dishes should be cleaned right away, which leaves the other 53.3 per cent who are content to leave dishes uncleaned. 

Not closing the blinds at night:
More than 85 per cent of respondents prefer to close the blinds, shades or curtains at night. So if you’re someone who likes to look out at the city lights, you’re likely to be out-voted.


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