Eun is an uncommon Korean family name, a single-syllable Korean given name, and an element in many two-syllable Korean given names.
The Korean family name Eun is written with only one hanja, meaning "flourishing" (殷). The 2000 South Korean Census found 15,657 people with this family name. They traced their origins to three different bon-gwan: Yonan County, South Hwanghae and Kangeum, Kumchon County, North Hwanghae in what is today North Korea, and Haengju (행주동), Goyang, Gyeonggi-do in what is today South Korea.
People with this family name include:
There are 26 hanja with the reading Eun on the South Korean government's official list of hanja which may be used in given names; common ones are listed in the table above. The meaning differs based on the hanja which the name contains. Since the 1970s, a number of given names containing this element have been popular for newborn girls in South Korea, including:
EUN may refer to: