
Dreamworld tragedy: Post-mortems completed

Post-mortems have been completed on the four victims of the tragic ride crash at Dreamworld, and their bodies released to the families.

On Monday afternoon, police advised the post-mortems were completed and they will submit a comprehensive report to the coroner when investigations into the accident on the Thunder River Rapids ride are completed.

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"As this is a coronial investigation, police are not able to provide investigative updates," police said in a statement.

Police will advise when investigations at Dreamworld are completed, but it is anticipated the police report for the coroner will take "some time".

It comes after Dreamworld's chief executive Craig Davidson hit back at union claims a roller coaster at the under-pressure theme park was understaffed.

On Friday, Fairfax Media reported on emails detailing union concerns about staffing on The Cyclone roller coaster.


In the two 2015 emails, handed to detectives on Friday, Dreamworld defends using just one staff member to operate the ride when the manufacturer's guidelines specify two, "preferably three staff".

Senior staff said the decision to run "with one operator, was made after a long and exhaustive risk assessment process."

Post-mortems have been completed following the deaths at Dreamworld last week.
Post-mortems have been completed following the deaths at Dreamworld last week. Photo: Glenn Hunt

In response, Australian Workers' Union Queensland branch secretary Ben Swan accused the company of a "straight-out lie".

A Dreamworld spokeswoman on Friday declined to comment beyond saying the issues would be "at the core of the coronial investigation"

No decision to reopen Dreamworld will be made this week.
No decision to reopen Dreamworld will be made this week. Photo: Glenn Hunt

Mr Davidson said the procedures were subject to an internal safety and risk assessment, and approved by the manufacturer, an independent ride safety expert and Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ).

A community recovery expert has been brought in to help restore trust in the damaged brand in the wake of the deaths of Canberra man Luke Dorsett, partner Roozi Araghi, sister Kate Goodchild and Sydney woman Cindy Low.

Mr Davidson said there is no timeframe to reopen the park and a decision would not be made this week.

About 200 staff returned to the Gold Coast park on Monday in a "staged" and "optional" approach to getting back to work, Mr Davidson said.

The park has promised to pay staff over the closure period regardless of whether or not they were working.