Top Resources
Coping with secondary infertility
Although it's not as common as primary infertility, it's estimated that as many as one in 10 couples experience secondary infertility.
Understanding ovulation signs, symptoms & your cycle.
Hold the eggs: Scientists working on a new way to make babies
The landmark experiment on mice could pave the way for a baby to be born from the DNA of two men.
Is ovulation pain normal?
Despite it being a common experience, ovulation pain isn't necessarily something you just need to put up with.
New internal monitor helps women predict ovulation
When a couple is trying to conceive it is easy for a woman to become obsessed about when she ovulates.
Understanding the psychology of fertility
One in six Australian couples is affected by infertility. But even that large number isn't the full picture of fertility issues experienced by women and couples.
Mum of three denied tubal ligation because she's 'too young'
A 22-year-old woman who is pregnant with her third child has had her requests for a tubal ligation denied because doctors believe she is too young.
How so many of us can relate to Jennifer Aniston
"When are you going to have kids?" people would ask, at what ended up feeling like every turn I made. "Are you ever going to have a baby?"
Couple overwhelmed by offers of egg donation
When Sophie Jennison went public with her fertility struggles, she did not expect the massive response she received.
Does cannabis affect a man's sperm?
If you're pregnant or planning to be, tobacco and alcohol are high on the list of things not to use. But do we need an equally loud message about avoiding cannabis too?
Womb scratching could double chances of a successful birth - but caution urged
Experts urged caution over new findings and stress that "endometrial scratch" was not a pleasant procedure.
Dead man's testes removed after application by fiancee
A Toowoomba woman is one step closer to being able to have a baby fathered by her dead fiancé, after successfully applying to have his testes removed and stored.
For half her life, doctors told her to lose weight - but something else was going on
She wasn't sure what to make of her irregular menstrual periods, but doctors didn't seem concerned.
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