Trying to Conceive



Discuss your thoughts of "I'm not done yet" with your partner.

When you want a baby but your partner doesn't

My husband and I have enough to disagree on. Whose turn is it to do the dishes? Big Brother or Masterchef? However lately it’s the decision of whether or not to have another baby that is causing the most trouble.

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"I declared with much gusto that I would always be up for it; it was the case of the kid in the candy store" ... Justin ...

A man's view of the TTC journey

His wife blogs regularly about their journey of trying to conceive, but this time it's Justin McCabe's turn to share how he feels about the monthly tests and their impact on their relationship.

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"There are a few things that helped me take a little bit of the anxiety out of giving up control" ... Melody McCabe

Trying to relax while trying to conceive

I'm getting into the right frame of mind to give up the charting, to just "relax", while trying to fall pregnant. It’s just not up to me and thinking about it has gotten absolutely exhausting.

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Video: Baby timing

In the fifth episode of the Essential Baby/Elevit with Iodine ‘Conception Series’, we ask the question: is there really an ‘ideal’ time to have a baby?

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The road to conception (Thumbnail)

Video: The road to conception

In the sixth and final episode six of the Essential Baby/Elevit with Iodine ‘Conception Series’, we look at the difficulties that can come our way on our journey to parenthood.

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  • This article contains a video
elevit guide free

Free download: Elevit's Guide to Conceiving

Falling pregnant is one of the most exciting things that can happen to a couple. But sometimes the process can be difficult, so Elevit has created a guide to help you along the way.

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episode 3

Video: Keeping the spark alive

In episode three of our 'Conception Series’, we look at maintaining relationships while you’re trying to fall pregnant.

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Video: Tracking your fertile times

If you’re trying to make the most of that small monthly window of opportunity to fall pregnant, it’s a great idea to learn how to keep track of your most fertile times.

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  • This article contains a video

The ABC of TTC

As if trying to get pregnant isn't difficult enough, there is a whole language of acronyms out there to get your head around too. Let me (try) to explain.

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