An intimate story of infertility, told from a man's perspective

Dan Majesky and his wife Leah.
Dan Majesky and his wife Leah. Photo: Dan Majesky/Facebook

You'll need a good ten minutes and a box of tissues, but it's time well-spent to gain an insight into a male perspective on infertility.

On May 20, Dan Majesky from Ohio posted an honest account of the 3 year quest for parenthood he and his wife Leah have endured.

"Do you have a minute? I've got kind of a long story.

Leah and I have been trying to get pregnant for over 3 years."

That's the hook. Then you're compelled to read on.

"I mean, look, when you're in your twenties, it feels like you can't look at someone else without getting pregnant. We've all heard about someone who got pregnant through 2 condoms, spermicidal lubricant, and an IUD. Right? But we didn't get pregnant. No big deal.

"We're in our 30s. Things are probably a little bit dusty, and a little bit rusty. So, three years ago, we started using apps and calendars to track this and that. Ovulation test sticks. Old wives' tales of positions and timing. We got some late periods. And some periods that never came!

But we didn't get pregnant."

What follows is an intimately-detailed account of a couple trying to conceive.

It's a rollercoaster with many kick-in-the-guts moments for those who have experienced similar - and anyone with an ounce of empathy.

Dan tells all from the pain of watching his wife Leah endure daily medical procedures and the dark feelings, right through to his time spent making sperm deposits.

"You don't want to hate people. You don't. I think babies are beautiful. I think kids are awesome. But you can't help the jealousy. The envy. The resentment. It really creeps up on you. And you search for positive things. And you talk on end about your capital-O Options."

Take the journey with Dan and read his incredible post below. 

Not only is it rare to have such an intimate glimpse into the experience of the male partner, it'll make you think twice about asking anyone ever again when they're going to have kids.

And make sure you get to the end; we promise you it's worth it.