ACCC chases cowboy cartels

The competition regulator has put the Australian cattle market on notice.
The competition regulator has put the Australian cattle market on notice. Louise Kennerley

The competition regulator has put the Australian cattle market on notice by reinforcing recommendations for modernising reform with news that it has launched cartel investigations in the wake of a self-initiated market study into the nation's single biggest contributor to agricultural incomes.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is reviewing as many as three allegations of bid rigging at cattle auctions under Australia's anti-cartel laws and is running at least two more investigations of illegal "anti-competitive conduct".

The ACCC reports that cattle buyers who have resisted pressure to join or maintain networks of collusion have fallen victim to social pressure on their families and to bullying that stretched to "social isolation, physical intimidation and sometimes violence".

"Auctions are held frequently with the same individuals often attending a network of yards within a region," the ACCC study found. "We have also heard that buyers often will share a vehicle while travelling to a sale," a situation that allowed for "repeated interactions" that gave buyers the chance to "communicate private information and develop strategies for bidding in a way that maximises their joint profits".

This routine proximity also allowed buyers to "punish" those who "break away from any 'agreed' bidding strategies," the ACCC said.

"The buyer's (and his or her family's) social networks within the local community also provide a broader range of options for 'punishment', with examples provided to the study including social isolation, physical intimidation and sometimes violence," the study found.

The ACCC's self-started review of the structure and operation of the $11 billion a year cattle and meat industry was launched in the wake of the regulator's decision to green-light the $1.45 billion acquisition of small-goods manufacturer Primo Foods by Australia's biggest meat processor, JBS Australia.

Market soundings

The regulator's interest in the sector was piqued by the market soundings taken in assessing that 2015 deal and then set firm by a separate investigation into allegations of "collective boycott by cattle buyers at the Barnawartha saleyard on a day in February 2015".

Barnawartha sits near the northern Victoria centre of Wodonga and it hosts the Northern Victoria Livestock Exchange. On February 17 last year, nine cattle buyers boycotted a sale in protest at the point of the sale process that the cattle were being weighed.

Having exercised its statutory muscle to gather evidence, the ACCC concluded there was no proof of any arrangement to avoid the saleyards that day. In the past, that might well have been that for the ACCC's interest in matters beefy.

Instead ACCC chairman Rod Sims assessed that the beef business was ripe for the sort of market study that he would like to see the regulator pursue more often.

"What those issues brought home to me was the issue that arises when people might complain about something, about an issue where competition law appears to be tested and where, after running market inquiries, we go back and 'we cannot see anything that might trigger the protections of the Competition Act'. But that does not help people much. We have to accept that not everything anti-competitive is a breach of the Act.

"As competition regulator we need to be looking more broadly to study and work to improve the markets and the efficacy and efficiency. This is the sort of thing I would like the ACCC to do more of. We can only do two or three of these a year, that is probably our maximum capacity," Sims said after releasing the interim study into cattle markets on Monday.

The chairman admitted that he was surprised at the imbalance of market power between the cattle growers and those who work in the downstream end of business, from the buyers and livestock agents to the processors and live cattle exporters.

Several allegations

The ACCC reported that "analysis for this market study has revealed a number of issues which risk damaging transparency, competition and efficiency in the cattle and beef industry".

"Specifically, there are shortcomings in the transparency of price reporting and carcase grading, and concerns about conduct affecting the competitiveness of saleyard auctions, including collusion among buyers," the ACCC said in the preamble to its interim report.

"The ACCC has heard several allegations of bid-rigging and other anti-competitive conduct which we are continuing to investigate outside of this study."

It is worth noting that the study was prepared on the basis of evidence and information voluntarily provided by interested parties. The concurrent investigations the study has launched will see the ACCC exercise the section 155 powers that compel witnesses to provide evidence and to produce documents.

The ACCC study team reported concerns about a lack of transparency in saleyard auction generally and insights into the buy-side of these routine transactions generally. Saleyards account for about half of the cattle sold in Australia.

The regulator noted it had received allegations of agreements between buyers to rig the outcomes of saleyard auctions, that some businesses that been employing a single buyer to coordinate bidding to avoid competition and of agreements before auctions about who will win any particular bid.

Those allegations included claims of agreements that limited competition for any lot with potential bidders agreeing to set out bidding rounds. There were claims too of commission bidders taking turns to be the low bidder and of individual pens being allocated to one particular bidder or other ahead of an auction.

"These are examples of bid-rigging," the ACCC asserted with blunt accuracy. "Bid-rigging is a form of cartel conduct. Like other forms of cartel conduct, that is, when competitors agree or make arrangements such that they will not compete with each other, bid-rigging is illegal and may result in criminal convictions. Cartel conduct can involve express, formal agreements between competitors, as well as arrangements where competitors deliberately co-ordinate their conduct indirectly, including through third parties," the report said.

The ACCC found that the $11 billion cattle and meat industry was vulnerable to market manipulation because growers are many and relatively small while the sales and processing arms of the industry are increasingly concentrated as the animal becomes meat.

Between grower and processors sits a stockyard sale system that belongs to a by-gone age not least because it provides little in the way of price transparency for the seller.

Preferential relationships

Sales data is random and inconsistent, the ACC found. Commission bidders are able to represent multiple buyers for the same lots without the buyer or auctioneer being aware of this apparent conflict. And livestock agents can represent both sellers and buyer for lots also without the necessity of conflict declaration.

The ACCC also reported allegations that some livestock agencies have control or preferential relationships with individual saleyards. According to the ACCC, the agencies then "use this position to prevent rival agents from competing, either by completely foreclosing access to auction sales by that agent, or providing access at a level that prevents the rival agents from competing profitably".

This potential of this sort of behaviour is the subject of at least one of ACCC's investigations into anti-competitive conduct. "The ACCC is presently assessing an allegation that two livestock agency businesses are engaging in anti-competitive conduct by excluding an independent stock agent and auctioneer from conducting auctions at a particular saleyard," the regulator reported.

Presciently enough, the ACCC's interim report concluded with a warning to the cattle and meat world and an invitation.

Under the headline "Did you know the maximum penalty for a criminal breach of the Australian cartel provisions is 10 years in jail?" the regulator outlined in threatening detail the cost of breaches of the cartel laws. Just for the record, those penalties range from fines of up to $500,000 per contravention for an individual and the greater of up to $10 million or three times the gain obtained by any corporation. Criminal offences trigger jail terms of up to 10 years.

And the invitation? Well, the regulator reminded readers of the Amcor clause. "The ACCC has established an immunity policy for both corporations and individuals who have been involved in a cartel but then report their involvement to the ACCC," the report noted before listing the number for the "Immunity Hotline".