
Theresa May and Piggy Muldoon

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Andrew Rosthorn

WHEN Theresa May sent her attorney general to court last week to stop Parliament deciding on Brexit, she stepped on a legal trip wire laid forty years ago in New …

Failure of care services damaging A&E

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Health inspectors have raised safety concerns about two-thirds of A&E units in England, blaming underfunding of council care services for causing overcrowding in hospitals.” The Care Quality Commission review said …

Workers hit by Matthews pensions set-up

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by James Douglas

Commons watchdogs have been given evidence that pensioners of the failed poultry business Bernard Matthews Ltd stand to get just 1p in the £. In a background paper written for …

Car industry fears exit from single market

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Investment decisions by major carmakers on the production of up to 15 new models in the UK are “hanging by a thread” unless the government secures tariff free access to …

Community care failing

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by James Douglas

A University of Manchester probe has found that suicides of people being cared for in the community are higher than among hospital in-patients. There are around 200 suicides a year …

Gender gap in mental health care

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon
teenage girl suffering with depression in a conversation with a therapist

The charity Agenda has found that mental health services across England are not adequately considering the needs of female mental health patients. Only one NHS Mental Health Trust, out of …

UK at sick pay bottom

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by James Douglas

Sick pay in Britain and Ireland lags far behind most European nations. Research collated by Ben Harrow at Vouchercloud, the Bristol-based money-saving mobile app platform has revealed that Norway, Luxembourg, …

Trump promises UK trade deal

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by James Douglas

Donald Trump’s trade adviser Dan DiMicco has promised that Britain will be offered a free trade deal before the rest of the EU if the Republicans win the US presidential …

Passengers furious at ‘woeful’ Southern

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by James Douglas

The transport select committee has warned that lessons must be learned from the “woeful” experience of passengers on Southern Railway. Rail passengers have been badly let down by government failure …

More schools needed

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Public sector specialists have warned that hundreds of extra schools may have to be built in England to cope with the school population bulge. Official figures suggest there will be …

Reforms hit ‘exit’ payments

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by James Douglas

The government has admitted that response to its consultation about reforms to public sector exit payments, which will see the lowest paid hit hardest, was overwhelmingly hostile.. The “reforms” will …

Theresa May and Piggy Muldoon

Published: October 24, 2016
Written by Andrew Rosthorn

WHEN Theresa May sent her attorney general to court last week to stop Parliament deciding on Brexit, she stepped on a legal trip wire laid forty years ago in New …

Rudd’s List

Published: October 6, 2016
Written by Andrew Rosthorn

The Times, London October 5: Companies will be forced to reveal how many foreign workers they employ under government plans to shame bosses who fail to take on British staff. …

Fathers and Their Daughters

Published: October 4, 2016
Written by Harold Elletson
Horst Kasner and Hubert Brasier

I have never felt so ashamed for having once been a Tory MP as when I heard the Prime Minister address the Conservative Party conference on Sunday. Wearing a black …

Corbyn maps out ‘road of advance’

Published: September 28, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Jeremy Corbyn wound up the Labour conference in Liverpool by saying that the movement must now focus on forming the next government. After months of splits, divisions and in-fighting, he …

Don’t it always seem to go…

Published: September 28, 2016
Written by Andrew Rosthorn
Helen Mountfield QC

In a skeleton argument for next month’s High Court battle against the government, Helen Mountfield QC has listed the human rights we will forfeit in a Brexit without parliamentary approval. …

Labour pledges right to quality childcare

Published: September 27, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Shadow education secretary Angela Rayner has launched a Labour taskforce at the party’s annual conference in Liverpool to “transform early years provision” for all families, saying that every parent should …

Corbyn calls for more grassroots power

Published: September 26, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Jeremy Corbyn has promised to hand more power to grassroots Labour activists but insisted that most sitting MPs need have no fear of deselection. The re-elected Leader said that, after …

Corbyn wins with increased mandate

Published: September 24, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Jeremy Corbyn was re-elected as Labour leader, comfortably defeating his challenger Owen Smith, and scoring 61.8% of the total vote, a larger margin of victory than last year. He said …

Corbyn readies Labour for snap election

Published: September 23, 2016
Written by Ian Hernon

Jeremy Corbyn told party activists after Labour’s bruising Leadership contest: “Together we are very, very strong”. From now on the party’s priority must be “reaching out, involving people in politics …