Tribune Blog

Letter from America

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Ian Williams

It was not good week for the bean counters. António Guterres is neither East European, nor female, but the newly designated ninth UN Secretary General is indisputably the best person …


Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Chris Proctor

The thing is, doctor, I don’t seem to be able to concentrate properly. My memory is shot. I haven’t got a grip on reality any more. There’s all these thing …

Buds of May keep up a pretence

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Hugh Gault

Even some Tory MPs are chafing at the new regime’s dictatorial approach.   In office but not in power’ is a memorable political phrase that might be bandied about by …


Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Joy Johnson

Become a Deliveroo rider and “pick up a ton of perks to sweeten the deal, like discounts with Apple and Vue Cinema on top of your self-employed £16 an hour …

Agenda Setting

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Chris Williamson

This weekend I am speaking at the Labour Assembly Against Austerity conference in London on why Corbynomics works. It is abundantly clear that the austerity agenda the Government has pursued …

Out Of The Cage

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Paul Routledge

Sporting a new haircut and a more confident style, Jeremy Corbyn came back to Batley for the by-election that nobody ever wanted. It was his second visit. The first took …

As I Please

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by Martin Rowson

Of course, by now it’s almost purely about embarrassment, which just serves to make the whole thing even more embarrassing. It was embarrassing enough that David Cameron’s reckless short-termism in …

John Street’s Diary

Published: October 25, 2016
Written by John Street

School’s out There are more signs that Mrs May’s honeymoon period amongst her conference-weary rank and file is waning. Paul Goodman of the conservativehome website blogged: “Not everything is changed, …

Theresa May and Piggy Muldoon

Published: October 24, 2016
Written by Andrew Rosthorn

WHEN Theresa May sent her attorney general to court last week to stop Parliament deciding on Brexit, she stepped on a legal trip wire laid forty years ago in New …

Out And About

Published: October 13, 2016
Written by Cary Gee

I can’t even remember the day the letter arrived. Certainly no one bothered to wait at home for the mail. Least of all me. I had a valley to conquer …

As I Please

Published: October 12, 2016
Written by Kevin Maguire

Power. That was the fundamental gulf between this ­autumn’s Labour and Conservative conferences. ­Power. The Tories flaunted power in Birmingham while the hard truth is Labour displayed little or none …


Published: October 12, 2016
Written by Elizabeth Matsangou

After more than five decades of violent conflict in Colombia, finally peace was in sight. Four years in the making, a new deal that was brokered between the government and …

The Diary

Published: October 11, 2016
Written by John Street

Monster’s ball Theresa May appears to have recognised that the Black and White Ball, the ultra-lavish annual Tory fund-raiser where table places go for up to £1,500 a head, may …

Ireland Eye

Published: October 11, 2016
Written by John Coulter

The exclusively Protestant Orange Order needs to decide if it can become a vehicle for the rebirth of Christian socialism in Ireland, or take advantage of the growing cross-border relations …

In Perspective

Published: October 11, 2016
Written by Catherine Macleod

Lewis Carroll would have had a field day had he been alive to attend the Tory and Labour conferences. In Liverpool, for all the earlier talk of a fight for …


Published: October 11, 2016
Written by Jill Palmer

The NHS is struggling to reconcile burgeoning health demands with the need to limit spending. It does not have the money to fund care for all those who need it …

The Union Card

Published: October 10, 2016
Written by Len McCluskey

The Tories gather in Birmingham following a Labour Party conference which opened with what we hope is not an annual event – a Labour leadership election result – and was …

Cat About The House

Published: October 10, 2016
Written by Cat Smith

When it comes to equality the Labour Party has been pioneering. We are the Party of the Equal Pay Act, the Sex Discrimination Act and the Race Relations Act. It …

Pound Notes

Published: October 9, 2016
Written by Stephen Pound

Keith Waterhouse once suggested that anyone who felt his (sic) faith in the Labour Party waning should make sure that they attended conference as they would most assuredly be inspired, …

Letter From America: Ian Williams

Published: September 28, 2016
Written by Ian Williams

The United Nations this week has its annual ‘General Debate’ where world leaders congregate to exchange platitudes across the floor and meet each other on the sidelines. Diplomacy is like …

Agenda Setting: Chris Williamson

Published: September 28, 2016
Written by Chris Williamson

New Labour is in its death throes and is experiencing severe convulsions as its former dominance over the Labour Party is being comprehensively expunged. This is manifesting itself with increasingly …