
Letters to the Editor

Housing solutions are ripe for the picking

SMH Letters

Jacob Saulwick's useful comment on affordable housing explains how massive numbers of affordable rental homes in the US have been built by incentivising developers through tax credits.

Allow empty-nesters to breathe, please

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

As a so-called "empty nester", I would point out that many of us do not have empty bedrooms gathering dust. There's the joy of finally having our own study or work space, as well as these rooms doubling up as somewhere to put the exercise bike to renew our ageing bodies.

Growth not enough

SMH Letters

Arthur Sinodinos believes that a strong economy is the key to relieving child poverty in Australia. Australia has had a strong economy for more than 25 years. Yet for some reason that hasn't helped.

Libs forsake spirit of Menzies

SMH letters dinkus

The role of government should be to look out for the public interest, and while the health of the private sector is important, the cannibalisation of our public services is hardly an innovative use of private capital.

Circus acts are not all fun and games

SMH Letters dinkus

Adam St James may well rail against the protests about animal cruelty in circuses ("The circus conundrum", October 9) but his assertion that the circus owners are doing nothing wrong is surely incorrect. The owners may well be doing nothing illegal but that is a long way from doing nothing wrong. Wild animals should not be locked up in cages for most of their lives simply for human entertainment.

Brandis directive threatens to erode democracy

SMH letters dinkus

With conflicting accounts from Attorney-General George Brandis and Solicitor-General Justin Gleeson, the Senate committee will probably have to decide on the balance of probabilities whether Brandis misled the Parliament.


SMH Letters

I doubt the word "pussy" has ever been used on the Letters page except in the context of a discussion about pets until now.

What else has Baird got wrong? Plenty

SMH Letters

Premier Baird's recent fall down the stairs didn't just damage a vertebra as was initially reported, it is now apparent he lost his entire backbone.

Pranksters have forgone right to privacy

SMH letters dinkus

Your article quotes the prepared statement delivered on behalf of those young men who returned home through Sydney Airport ("Chastened revellers keep their pants on", October 8-9). The statement concluded: "We'd like to take this opportunity to ask you to please be respectful of our families' privacy at this time." This would be the greatest piece of hypocrisy that one could possibly hope to encounter. By their very position in life and their conduct, they had negated any right that their families and they may have had to privacy. Don Landers Northbridge

Vets set example

SMH letters dinkus

What a wonderful example of human kindness - vets treating the pets of homeless people ("Hope for homeless as vets waive their fees", October 2). What a great pity the state government does not show the same compassion to their owners.


SMH Letters

Predictably, the appearance of the bosses of the big four banks before Parliament this week generated a sustained stream of correspondence. Expectations were low and appear to have been met.

Government lets Narev off the hook

SMH Letters

His appearance reminded me somewhat of King Charles I, and his attitude to the English parliament, which did not end well for him.