View All Economic Standards

This page shows the Concepts, Sources & Methods that are used in economic surveys. The 'status' of a standard indicates whether it is in use. 'Preferred' indicates that it is the current and supported version; 'superseded' indicates it has been replaced by a more recent version; and 'deceased' indicates it is no longer supported or maintained.

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Keyword Acronym Title Catalogue
Status Year
Concepts, Sources and Methods National Accounts ASNA CSM Australian System of National Accounts 5216.0 Preferred 2014
Concepts, Sources and Methods Balance of Payments BOP/IIP CSM Balance of Payments and International Investment Position 5331.0 Preferred 2011
Concepts, Sources and Methods Government Finance GFS CSM Australian System of Government Finance Statistics 5514.0 Preferred 2005
Concepts, Sources and Methods House Price Index RPPI CSM Residential Property Price Indexes 6464.0 Preferred 2014
Concepts, Sources and Methods International Trade IMTS CSM International Merchandise Trade, Australia 5489.0 Preferred 2001
Concepts, Sources and Methods Labour & Wage Price WPI CSM Wage Price Index 6351.0.55.001 Preferred 2012
Concepts, Sources and Methods Labour Force N/A Labour Statistics 6102.0.55.001 Preferred 2013
Standard Labour Force N/AStandards for Labour Force Statistics 1288.0 Preferred 2014
Concepts, Sources and Methods Producer Price Index PPI and ITP CSM Producer and International Trade Price Indexes 6429.0 Preferred 2014
Concepts, Sources and Methods Consumer Price Index CPI CSM Consumer Price Index 6461.0 Preferred 2011
Standard Income N/A Standards for Income Variables 1287.0 Preferred 2010
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