Upcoming Reviews

Reviews of standards and classifications are conducted on a regular basis to maintain the relevance of statistics.
Listed below is the proposed schedule of reviews for the next three years. While we aim to complete these reviews
within the timeframes specified, the schedule is subject to revision and is reviewed annually.

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Year Keyword Title Document
Jul-14-Jun-15 Demographic Sex Standard Review of the Sex Standard
ABS Response to Sex/Gender Guidelines
Jul-14-Jun-15 Demographic Number of Children Ever Born Standard
Jul-14-Jun-15 Residence Place of Usual Residence (new) Standard
Jul-15-Jun-16 Language First Language Spoken Standard Review of the First Language Spoken Standard
Jul-15-Jun-16 Language Languages Spoken at Home Standard Review of the Languages Spoken at Home Standard
Jul-15-Jun-16 Language Main Language Other than English Spoken at Home Standard Review of the Main Language other than English Spoken Standard
Jul-15-Jun-16 Language Main Language Spoken at Home Standard Review of the Main Language Spoken at Home Standard
Jul-15-Jun-16 Language Proficiency in Spoken English Standard Review of the Proficiency in Spoken English Standard
Jul-15-Jun-16 Demographic Country of Birth Standard Review of the Country of Birth Standard
Jul-15-Jun-16 Cultural Diversity Religious Affiliation Standard Review of the Religious Affiliation Standard
Jul-15-Jun-16 Demographic Gender (new) Standard
Jul-15-Jun-16 Disability Core Activity Need for Assistance Standard
Jul-15-Jun-16 Migration Internal Migration (new) Standard
Jul-15-Jun-16 Migration International Migration (new) Standard
Jul-15-Jun-16 Migration Overseas Migration (new) Standard
Jul-16-Jun-17 Labour Force Labour Force Status Standard
Jul-16-Jun-17 Labour Force Status in Employment Standard
Jul-16-Jun-17 Labour Force Hours Worked Standard
Jul-16-Jun-17 Labour Force Full-time/Part-time Status Standard
Jul-16-Jun-17 Labour Force Duration of Job Search Standard
Jul-16-Jun-17 Occupation Occupation Standard
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For more information, contact the Standards and Classifications Section: standards@abs.gov.au