Terms & Conditions for Microdata and TableBuilder

The following terms and conditions are applicable to all users registered in the Registration Centre.

By registering for the Registration Centre, I agree to:

  1. keep my user identifiers and passwords for ABS systems secure
  2. not share my log in credentials with any other person or organisation
  3. inform the ABS or my Contact Officer if I leave my organisation.
If, by registering and joining my organisation, I am also granted access to other ABS data and systems, including TableBuilder, Basic Confidentialised Unit Record Files (CURFs), Remote Access Data Laboratory (RADL) and the DataLab, I will:
  1. not attempt to identify particular persons, households, or organisations, to which the data relates
  2. immediately report to the ABS any possible identification or disclosure that may have occurred
  3. use outputs from the systems in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Australia and Copyright licences they carry. This includes attributing the work in the manner specified by the ABS but not in any way that suggests that the ABS endorses me or my use of the work.
  4. only use microdata (unit record data) for a statistical purpose. This includes microdata sourced from Basic Confidentialised Unit Record Files, RADL and the DataLab.
  5. keep any microdata secure and not disclose any microdata to any other person or organisation, other than:
    1. members of my organisation who have been approved by the ABS to have access to microdata, or
    2. other individuals or organisation as authorised by the ABS
  6. where applicable, adhere to all ABS directions and system constraints, including those provided in the Undertaking by the Responsible Officer of an Organisation, Undertaking by an Individual, Declaration of Compliance, User Guide: Responsible Use of ABS Microdata and User Guide: Remote Access Data Laboratory publications on the ABS website
  7. delete, destroy or return to my Contact Officer or the ABS all microdata I have in my possession if I leave my organisation.
I acknowledge that:
  1. my use of ABS systems may be audited
  2. a breach of these terms and conditions may result in sanctions which may include, but are not limited to, ABS removing access to these systems for me and/or my organisation for a set period of time. Removal of access under such circumstances does not entitle a user or organisation to a refund of any subscription charges and the ABS is not liable for any damages this removal of access may have for a user or organisation.
  3. my saved data, tables and custom groups may be removed if my access to ABS systems is removed, suspended or deactivated
  4. the ABS may discuss my registration and access with my organisation's Contact Officer, who has the authority to remove my access
  5. no reliance should be placed on data cells of small value in tables
  6. while the ABS has taken great care to ensure that the information provided within ABS systems is as correct and accurate as possible, the ABS does not guarantee, or accept any legal liability arising from, or connected to, the use of any material contained within, or derived from these systems
  7. where systems allow, it is my responsibility to download my data, tables and custom groups for future use. The ABS takes no responsibility for my saved data, tables or custom groups and accepts no liability if these are not compatible with later versions of the systems.