How to Apply for Microdata

Applying for TableBuilder and Census DataPacks

Step 1 Register and activate user account

  • Register for a new user account. Use your organisation email address when registering.
  • Contact or phone 02 6252 7714 to check if you are already registered before registering multiple accounts.
  • When you receive an "activate your account email" click on the link "My Account" and accept Terms and Conditions to activate your account.
  • When activated, all registered users automatically receive access to free products:
    Census TableBuilder Basic
    Census DataPacks

Step 2 Join an organisation
  • Click on the email link to request to join an organisation. Please provide your name, organisation and user ID number.
  • The ABS joins user to your organisation. All users joined to their organisation automatically have access to all of their organisation's subscribed data series.

Step 3 Subscribe to paid products
Step 4 Log in and use TableBuilder or Census DataPacks
Step 5 Update user contact details
See Help and FAQs for further assistance on how to apply for TableBuilder and Census DataPacks.

Applying for Basic CURFs, Expanded CURFs and DataLab

Step 1 Register an organisation
  • Check if your organisation is already registered for microdata access: Organisations approved to use CURF microdata.
  • If your organisation is already registered, go to Step 2 below.
  • For organisations not yet using microdata, click on the email link to request the ABS to register your organisation.
  • Head of your organisation submits Responsible Officer Undertaking to the ABS. It can be found in downloads tab of Responsible Use of ABS Microdata guide.
  • Organisation appoints staff member/s as Contact Officer.
  • The ABS sets up organisation in MiCRO, the ABS microdata application management system.

Step 2 Register user account and join your organisation
  • Register as a new user in MiCRO. Use your organisation email address when registering.
  • Contact or phone 02 6252 7714 to check if you are already registered before registering multiple accounts.
  • In MiCRO, request to join your organisation.
  • Your organisation's Contact Officer endorses you as a member of your organisation in MiCRO.
  • Read the Responsible Use of ABS Microdata guide to ensure you use microdata appropriately.

Step 3 Apply for microdata access
  • User logs into MiCRO.
  • User applies for access to microdata. Microdata is listed under one of:
    - Apply for Microdata held by your organisation (no further charges apply)
    - Apply for Microdata not held by your organisation (charges may apply).
  • See also:
    Available microdata
    Microdata prices
    ABS/Universities Australia agreement
  • The ABS approves or rejects the microdata application and advises you and your organisation's Contact Officer of the outcome.
  • The ABS contacts your organisation's Contact Officer to arrange payment (if required). Access is expected to be granted within 5-15 working days (if paying by credit card) or 10-20 working days (for other modes of payment).

Step 4 Accessing Microdata (CURFs and detailed microdata files)
  • Basic CURFs: Your organisation's Contact Officer provides you with access to basic CURFs on CD-ROM once you have been approved for access.
  • Expanded CURFs: Log into RADL to access expanded CURFs once you have received your log in credentials from the ABS.
  • DataLab: Detailed microdata and expanded CURFs. Contact with your name, organisation and the microdata file you are interested in accessing. An ABS staff member will contact you to arrange a session.
  • Read the User Manual: ABS Remote Access Data Laboratory before using the RADL.

Step 5 Update user contact details
  • Log into MiCRO to view or update your contact details or change your password.


The ABS privacy policy outlines how the ABS handles any personal information that you provide to us.