About TableBuilder

For Census 2006 & 2011 datasets:

TableBuilder Basic & Pro

For all other TableBuilder datasets:


Don't have TableBuilder access yet?
See How to apply for microdata

TableBuilder is an online tool for creating tables and graphs from ABS microdata. Starting with an empty table, data variables can be selected for cross-tabulation. For available products and supporting documentation, see the Available microdata page.

The ABS offer two TableBuilder interfaces - one for the 2006 and 2011 Census of Population and Housing, and one for all other datasets.

TableBuilder Advanced product, Charges apply
TableBuilder Basic (Census) Intermediate product, Free
TableBuilder Pro (Census) Advanced product, Charges apply

Features include
  • construct your own tables using data variables you select
  • options to display counts, percentages and relative standard errors in your table
  • select from categorical variables (eg state, age, sex)
  • calculate means, medians and quantiles for continuous variables (eg income)
  • create custom ranges from continuous variables
  • create graphs using your customised tables
  • save or export your tables as CSV, Excel or SDMX files.

Additional features available for Census 2006 and 2011 datasets
  • create your own customised tables of up to 5 million cells
  • create thematic maps and download them as PDF and KMZ files
  • access all geographic areas, ranging from Statistical Area Level 1 to the whole of Australia
  • create, save and share customised geographic areas and data items (recodes) with other users.

Help using TableBuilder
  • User Manual: TableBuilder provides detailed information on how to build, customise, save and export tables and graphs
  • Available microdata page includes links to topic specific user manuals for each TableBuilder dataset.

Help using Census 2006 and 2011 datasets in TableBuilder
TableBuilder help desk and further support

If you are not able to resolve your query through the self-help products available, email microdata.access@abs.gov.au. The help desk support is available for paid TableBuilder product subscribers.

If you would like further assistance with your table results, fill in a request for an Information Consultancy quote. This is a charged service.