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Miles Kemp May 18
10million plus watching = record audience. Up yours to the “can’ts” 🍐❤️
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Port Adelaide FC May 19
How about Powell-Pepper's game today?! 26 disposals, 17 contested, 10 tackles and 2 goals 👊
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Tom Koutsantonis MP May 18
Well great to see our South Australian Treasurer ridiculing our state & his own Premier’s trip to support the game in China to showcase SA.
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Titus O'Reily May 18
1.4 billon Chinese people on the planet and at least seven of them are at this game.
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Bill Birtles May 19
Official crowd for 10,689, close to the ‘sell out’ figure predicted by the AFL. But Jiangwan stadium at its peak little more than half full. Atmosphere still decent in the stands despite woeful weather
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Cameron Atfield May 18
Really taking China by storm, hey.
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Have just been told by a senior AFL official, 10,000 was the number of tickets sold and given out. Attendance at the game was in the 5000. and chose to report the allocated tickets number.
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Nat Edwards May 18
15mins until game time...the rain may have deterred a few people 😬
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Maddie Wines May 19
Shanghai, 2019. Come at me. 🇨🇳
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Miles Kemp May 19
Poor must think the purpose of is to miss the big sticks with the closer you get to them the better the miss
Reply Retweet Like May 18
Today's attendances: North v GWS (Hobart) - 7194 Suns v Port (China) - 100,000 complete sell out (including 3 billion watching it on TV) Info courtesy of the AFL information department.
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Booze Hound May 19
OK. This isn't sarcasm. I'm being serious. And I think this code really needs to be investigated - Official crowd at Jiangwan Stadium in China is 10,689. The have no shame and no media organisation has the guts to call them out. Fuck them all.
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Michael Shillito May 18
Dermott Brereton on - looking like the re-incarnation of Sir Les Patterson.
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David Henning May 18
You’d think that in a city of 24 million they might have at least managed to half fill a 25,000 seat stadium.
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Todd Balym May 19
Just turned on to see this “sold out” crowd. Must have a different meaning in China.
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Nat Edwards May 18
Matt Rosa is out of the game with a hamstring
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Tom Richardson May 18
Today marks the second time this season that Sam Powell-Pepper has been shown on CCTV
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Swamp May 18
Tom Rockliff becomes the first person to play for premiership points in 3 different countries Also played in New Zealand on Anzac Day 2014
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Anthony Phillips May 18
How cringeworthy is this China game?
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AFL May 19
Have you ever seen this before? 👀 Jarrod Harbrow doesn't take his kick because the Sherrin went flat! 😂
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