Monthly Archives: January 2011

The 9/11 Social Network

What does Mohamed Atta have in common with Carlos Salinas? The tenth anniversary of 9/11 approaches. New books, new documentaries, saturated airwaves. Filled with sound, filled with fury, signifying—most of them—more or less nothing. What have we learned? A decade … Continue reading

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The 9/11 Social Network

What does Mohamed Atta have in common with Carlos Salinas? We're a decade into the 21st Century. No rocket cars, no hovercraft, no trips to Mars. A world without Robocops.The only really keen new insight is an old one we’d forgotten: The social … Continue reading

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Daniel Hopsicker needs your help

  A Fundraising Appeal    It’s the biggest story of our time… and the biggest taboo.    It’s a testament to the power of America’s biggest taboo that drug connections between terrorist hijacker Mohamed Atta and the owner of the … Continue reading

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