Small Business

Goat for it: pharmacists upskill to run successful dairy farm

No kidding, this couple have the tree change lifestyle worked out.

In 2000, Corinne and Peter Blacket bought Sally and Teresa: a couple of goats to keep the lawn down on their rural property in Drysdale on the Bellarine Peninsula.

So began their passion for goats, which has branched into a successful micro dairy with award-winning produce.

Corinne and Peter Blacket run Drysdale Cheeses.
Corinne and Peter Blacket run Drysdale Cheeses.  

A couple of years after Sally and Teresa, the herd had grown to six and Corinne had begun making her own cheese. 

The Blackets, who were both working as pharmacists, were at a crossroad.

"We had to decide," says Corinne. "Are we going to buy more land and go commercial or are we going to stay hobby? And we decided somebody should be doing cheese on the Bellarine and that somebody should be us."

Real talk


In 2005, the Blackets bought a two-hectare block of land and began their business with 30 milkers.

"Concentrating on making a range of hand-made cheese from high-quality milk has become our aim," says Corinne. "Our ethical philosophy has developed and the welfare of soil and animals is now our priority.

"The goats are only milked once a day and each doe kids every second year. We are not fully exploiting each animal's potential, but it does mean that we have milk all year round and each goat has an opportunity to rest between kiddings."

Today, their business, Drysdale Cheeses, supplies top local restaurants in the Geelong region including award-winning chef Aaron Turner's new restaurant Igni, Tulip Restaurant, Jack Rabbit Vineyard and The Vue Grand in Queenscliff.

"The chefs that use me know they can offer speciality products that I'll make for them and no one else will have," Corinne says.

And they have won numerous awards for their produce including this year's gold medal for goat milk from the Royal Agricultural Society and gold medallist for goat milk yoghurt in the Delicious Produce Awards.

Small profit

The business turns over $150,000 per annum and produces 3½ tonnes of cheese, yoghurt and milk.

Corinne says they make a small profit, they've paid off their block and it's doubled in value. The business pays the bills and they live off their own milk, cheese and meat.

Peter still works in a pharmacy three days a week; Corinne one. Their farm business load is split between the "heavy lifting" (Peter) and "head chef" (Corinne).

Peter is the farm manager. He distributes feed and attends to fencing and tractor duties. Corinne milks, acts as midwife during kidding season and creates the produce. She is also the public face of the farm, teaching cheese-making locally and greeting customers at farm gate sales.

"I could make a lot more money being in pharmacy but I wouldn't find that satisfying," she says. "The money isn't the end game. I see money as a tool rather than an end point and I'll use it to make my life more interesting rather than just accumulate wealth."

The Goat Industry Association of Australia says the dairy industry is still small but goat milk, which has a more easily digestible fat and protein content compared to cows' milk, has become a popular alternative for people intolerant of cows' milk.   

This ties into another hugely satisfying element of the business for the Blackets – the community engagement.

Corinne sells milk privately to locals who are intolerant to cows' milk. Then there are numerous connections with local restaurateurs and farmers and ordinary members of the community who appreciate what they do.

For instance, Corinne takes daily photographs of her goats and posts them on Instagram and Facebook. Recently, she was contacted by a local lady who – after having a stroke – thanked her. During her recovery, every morning she would look for the goats online. It always made her smile.

"You can't put a dollar value on that," says Corinne. "The support and feeling of community … you just don't know how you touch people when you do quirky stuff."   

And while they wouldn't have it any other way, the constant demands of farming can be tough.

Corinne's typical day starts at 5am and finishes about 5pm. During that time, she attends to administration, milks the goats, makes cheeses and yoghurt and, during spring, delivers kids.  

"I'm always tired," she admits. "I'm always dressed in shit. Broke is not a fair word to use but it's not lucrative. But if you're feeling a bit tired or grumpy you just grab a glass of wine and …well, come on I'll show you."

And in the next instant she's out the door calling for her "bubbas". At the bottom of the yard, it's feeding time. As Peter handballs goat after goat over a fence, they each grab on to a teat to drink.

"There goes the pleasure meter," Corinne says, pointing at the furiously wagging tails.

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