Google Search Results Call Clinton 'Pathological' Liar

Also show Trump as '45th US president'.

31/10/2016 2:55 PM AEDT | Updated 31/10/2016 2:57 PM AEDT

Donald Trump has constantly accused "the media" of being biased during his U.S. presidential campaign, but the Republican nominee will no doubt be happy with the world's biggest search engine.

As of 2.30pm on Monday (Sydney time), there are some interesting results when you Google 'pathological lying' and '45th U.S. president'. A photo of Hillary Clinton, who Trump has continually called "crooked Hillary" and accused of lying, is returned for 'pathological lying'. A picture of Trump stands prominently at the top of the results for '45th U.S. president'.


Screenshots from Google

The top Google result in cases like this often auto-fills a picture from the result in question; often a Wikipedia article, but often news articles and other reputable sources of information. In this case, the pathological lying result links to a Wikipedia article on the subject.

The article in question, as can be seen in its Wikipedia edit history, has been edited multiple times today. Some of the edits, which have since been removed by moderators, include adding Clinton's picture to the article, and deleting the entire introduction to the page and replacing it with the words "Hillary Clinton". The page has since been locked to further edits until November 3, with moderators citing "vandalism".

The search results for '45th U.S. president' link to the page 'United States presidential election, 2016'. This page has also been 'protected' due to repeated recent edits.

We've asked Google how their search results happened -- whether it was accidental, a Halloween prank, or some errant Trump fan having some fun online. We'll let you know what they say.

Hat tip to Twitter user 'Dilo On Fire' who pointed it out.

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