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Jack Chick has died at age 92.

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Can You Trust Just One Bible?
David W. Daniels & Jack McElroy
160 pages - Paperback

Answers to the Most Common Anti-KJV Accusations


Why They Changed the Bible
David W. Daniels
288 pages - Paperback

See who is behind the gradual changing of modern Bibles. There's no guessing about what these people believe. They will tell you, in their own words!


Which Bible Would Jesus Use?
Jack McElroy
342 pages - Paperback

Everyone's got an opinion as to which Bible is best. If Jesus walked into your church, which Bible would He quote from?


Look What's Missing
David W. Daniels
256 pages - Paperback

Publishers are removing
things from new Bibles!


Let's Weigh the Evidence
Barry Burton
96 pages - Paperback

The Bible version issue made simple.


Did the Catholic Church
Give Us the Bible?

David W. Daniels
203 pages - Paperback

The True History of God's Words.


Why the King James Bible is the Perfect Word of God
Gary Miller
48 pages - Paperback

The Bible isn't just God's ideas. It contains His actual words.


Understandable History of the Bible
Dr. Samuel Gipp
557 pages - Paperback

The history of the Bible...
in plain language.


Answers To Your Bible
Version Questions

David W. Daniels
224 pages - Paperback

Did God preserve His words?
Or does my Bible contain errors?


Answer Book, The
Samuel Gipp
165 pages - Paperback

Answers to the most often asked Bible version questions.


Final Authority
Dr. William Grady
392 pages - Paperback

History Endorses the KJV.


If the Foundations Be Destroyed
Chick Salliby
98 pages - Paperback

What does the NIV
have against Jesus?

God's Bible in Spanish
Emanuel Rodríguez
239 pages - Paperback

How God preserved His words in Spanish through the RVG.


King James Bible Companion
David W. Daniels

If you have a King James Bible, this book needs to be inside it.