Wednesday, November 9

Ep 362 The Professional Left Podcast

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Friday, November 4

Ep 361 The Professional Left Podcast

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Wednesday, November 2

Saying Goodbye to my Mom...

I got back yesterday from Pittsburgh. Said goodbye to my mother, who is in home hospice. All I want to say about that is that the day I was there was a good day for her -- all three of her children, 3 daughters, were there and she is home. The hospice nurse is terrific and someone my mother likes and trusts. The hospice agency brought medicine for her stomach and anticipatory medicine should she have any pain. She says for now she has not. And Mom's dog lies on the floor next to the bed with loyalty and love. Dad brought popsicles and she was able to eat one. And she talked to me about her latest paintings and how she's feeling and she knew pretty much everything that's going on except a bit of confusion as to time of day. There is SO MUCH to be grateful for.
This photo is from 1966, I think it's likely Christmas, as the infant, my youngest sister, was born in November of that year. I'm the one on the right. Middle sister on the left. I do think I had three kids in part because she did. :D
The last thing my mom asked me for was to look at her hair and tell her if it was long enough to donate for wigs for pediatric cancer patients. Always she thinks of what she can GIVE. I am so grateful for that legacy.

crossposted at Facebook

Sunday, October 30

Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband Driftglass

I love you so much and am blessed to be your wife.

Also, wanted to make sure the Cubs won before I posted this.  xoxoxo

Everyone go wish Driftglass a happy birthday in comments at his blog, or via Twitter at @mr_electrico.

Friday, October 28

Ep 360 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Blue Gal's post at Crooks and Liars on Trumpism

Primary Concerns, a podcast with guest Norman Ornstein

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Friday, October 21

Ep 359 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Driftglass on Kristol versus Scarborough and David Brooks

Blue Gal on Why Fox can't lie about poll numbers this year.

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Friday, October 14

Ep 358 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Wikileaks warnings from Engadget and Motherboard

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Friday, October 7

Ep 357 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Luke 23: 34  Forgive them for they know not what they do.

The managing editor of the NYT on calling out lies. 

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Friday, September 30

Ep 356 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Driftglass live blog of debate

Zianna speaking in Charlotte on racial justice

Bible Bitch 1 Corinthians 13

EJ Dionne at Harvard Divinity School  on religion and the election 

Hillary Clinton and Methodism

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Friday, September 23

Ep 355 The Professional Left Podcast

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