
2017 Regional Meetings

The following Calls for Papers are open:

Eastern International
Deadline: February 15

Deadline: December 16

Rocky Mountain-Great Plains
Deadline: October 26

Southwest (SWCRS)
Deadline: October 15

Upper Midwest
Deadline: January 6

Deadline: October 15



In Memoriam: Jacob Neusner (1932–2016)

Longtime member and President of the AAR in 1969, Jacob Neusner died October 8, 2016, at the age of 84. Read Aaron Hughes's article in Religious Studies News on the life and work of Professor Neusner.

Getting to Know You: Member Profile and Employment Survey

Read Jack Fitzmier's message about our new Member Profile and Employment Status Survey—exciting opportunities with great incentives for participating!

Teaching Buddhism: New Insights on Understanding and Presenting the Traditions

Recently published: Todd Lewis and Gary DeAngelis's new book in the AAR Teaching Religious Studies Series with OUP. AAR members receive a 30% discount on all AAR/OUP series titles.

2016 AAR Officer Elections

Elect the future leaders of the AAR! Voting is open to members from September 21, 2016, through 12:00 pm EDT on October 20, 2016.

2017 Excellence in Teaching Award Nominations

The AAR Teaching and Learning Committee encourages and solicits nominations for the 2017 Excellence in Teaching Award. The deadline for nominations is October 15, 2016.

Types of Pentecostal Theology: Method, System, Spirit

New in paperback: Christopher Stephenson's Types of Pentecostal Theology, published by OUP. AAR members receive a 30% discount on all AAR/OUP series titles.

Annual Meeting Full Paper Program

The full text of papers for more than twenty sessions is being made available to members in advance of the 2016 Annual Meetings, San Antonio.

Keshavarz to Deliver 2016 ALHR Series

The American Lectures in the History of Religions welcomes Dr. Fatemeh Keshavarz, who will speak on Unsilencing the Sacred: Conversations with the Divine in Notre Dame and Chicago on October 24–28.

2016 National Humanities Conference

Cohosted by the National Humanities Alliance and the Federation of State Humanities Councils, register today for the November 10–13 conference in Salt Lake City.

ACLS Fellowship Competitions

The American Council of Learned Societies announces the 2016–17 ACLS fellowship competitions, which promote the full spectrum of humanities and humanistic social sciences research.

International Dissertation Research Grants

Apply for a 2016–2017 AAR International Dissertation Research Grant! These annual grants are intended to help candidates complete their doctoral degrees. Deadline: December 1, 2016.

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