Reports Highlight Efforts to Counter On-line Extremism

I’m a few days late with this – an interesting article from the Independent on Sunday: An Independent on Sunday investigation has revealed that more than 2,000 websites promoting terrorism have been taken offline since 2010 by the Metropolitan Police’s counter-terrorism internet referral unit. Experts are now bombarding extremist websites to create “counter-narrative” messages from survivors of terrorism. […]

Spotlight on Greenwich University Islamic Society in Wake of Murder

From the Daily Telegraph: The Islamic Society at Greenwich University, where both the Woolwich suspects are thought to have studied, has hosted a series of radical Muslim speakers and distributed extremist literature, The Telegraph can disclose. The group’s possible role in radicalising Michael Adebolajo, 28, and Michael Adebowale, 22, is coming under close scrutiny after it […]

BBC Doc Highlights Continuing Abuse of Children Accused of Witchcraft in Congo

BBC Three has broadcast a documentary entitled Branded a Witch, in which young British mother of Congolese heritage named Kevani Kanda visited Congo to see the consequences of child-witch accusations in the country. The statistics are grim: 50,000 children held in churches for abusive “deliverance” sessions, and 20,000 living in the streets after being thrown out by […]

Religious Opposition to Gay Pride Event in Moldova

From the website of the Orthodox Church of Moldova: His Eminence Metropolitan Vladimir addressed a message to General Mayor of Chisinau, Mr. Dorin Chirtoaca, pleading that the authorities do not allow the organization of a gay pride planned for the 19th of May. It is mentioned in the message: “The Metropolis of Chisinau and All […]

Judith Reisman’s Kinsey in Croatia Conspiracy

Right Wing Watch has the latest from Judith Reisman, as the anti-Kinsey obsessive returns to the subject of her recent visit to Croatia. In conversation with anti-Illuminati conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles, Reisman explained that funding from George Soros has “brought in pedophiles from around the world” to Croatia, as part of a plot to establish […]

Third Wave “Apostle” Calls For Homosexuality to Remain Criminalized in Singapore

Sermon followed visit by key Newt Gingrich ally Pastor Jim Garlow From Gaystarnews: A Singaporean pastor has delivered a sermon titled God’s Pattern for Marriage in front of 3,000 people in which he called the LGBT movement ‘diabolical’. ‘I believe that God has awakened to face one of the greatest attacks on the family by the […]

Together at Last: Newt Gingrich and Jonathan Cahn

From the Bullard (TX) Banner News: Pastor Dan Cummins of Bridlewood Church in Bullard, and founder of “Come Pray with Me,” has, for the second consecutive year, been granted use of Statuary Hall in the nation’s capitol as the venue for “Washington A Man of Prayer 2013” by Speaker of the House, John Boehner. This […]

Pamela Geller to Address Jewish Defence League in Toronto

From the Canadian National Post: Jewish activists say a Toronto-area rabbi has been pressured by an area police force to change plans to host a controversial anti-Islamist speaker, prompting accusations the force is squelching free speech. Rabbi Mendel Kaplan, of the Chabad @ Flamingo Synagogue, cancelled plans to host a talk by Pamela Geller, an American […]

Book Published by NYU Press Bills Putin Ally as One of “The World’s Foremost Thinkers”

A new book on the way, from the NYU Press: 22 Ideas to Fix the World Conversations with the World’s Foremost Thinkers …In this unique volume from the World Public Forum Dialogue of Civilizations and the Social Science Research Council, some of the world’s greatest minds—from Nobel Prize winners to long-time activists—explore what the prolonged […]

Vatican Astronomer Claims Thomas Horn “Twisted, Misquoted” His Words, “Invented Utter Falsehoods”

Here’s one from early last month – Vatican astronomer Guy Consolmagno writes on his Specolations website: About a year ago, an author (whom I will not name or link to) conducted an extensive interview with me by email. I thought he was a legitimate journalist. However, seeing the ways in which he has twisted, misquoted, and invented […]