George Carey: Prime Minister to Blame for Christians’ Anxieties

Left: Christmas 2011: Prime Minister David Cameron reportedly scolds Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams for not doing enough for Christians Right: Easter 2013: Former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey reportedly scolds Prime Minister David Cameron for not doing enough for Christians The top news story in the UK today is an “Astonishing Easter Attack” on […]

Michele Bachmann and Anti-Obama Conspiracy Mongers to Bring “Prayer and Patriotism” to Florida

This looks fun: The Awakening 2013 is an in-depth Prayer and Patriotism event where people are united by our love for our country’s freedom and our faith in Christ. You can choose breakout sessions with topics from Israel to immigration, from our families to our nation’s future. We welcome all ages, denominations, and ethnicities to unite […]

Russian Creationists Protest at Charles Darwin Museum

Reuters reports: Russian Orthodox religious activists festooned a Moscow museum named for Charles Darwin with banners and leaflets denouncing evolution theory in a display of disdain for secular education… Footage released by Orthodox activist group Bozhaya Volya [Божья воля], or God’s Will, showed activists unfurling a banner reading “God created the world” on the building’s […]

Joseph Farah Endorses Crank “Temple Mount in Wrong Location” Claim

It appears to be an intractable and unsolvable dilemma, but what you are about to hear could change all of that. So intones Joseph Farah, editor of WorldNetDaily, appearing in a trailer for a crank DVD which explains that (according to a blurb on Farah’s website) there is …new and conclusive proof and undeniable evidence as […]

Together at Last: Jim Barfield and Ralph Messer

Odd Oklahoma draws attention to a video posted in November 2012 by “Rabbi” Ralph Messer, showing Messer in conversation with Jim Barfield (misspelt “Jim Berfield in the accompanying blurb). The two men have a lot of common: both are known for their eccentric appropriations of Jewish tradition, which they have fashioned into weird idiosyncratic forms of […]

LibertyGB: What Paul Weston Did Next

3 January, from the website of the English Defence League’s political wing, British Freedom: British Freedom are pleased to announce that Deputy Chairman Kevin Carroll has today stepped up into the role of party Chairman. Outgoing Chairman Paul Weston: “It is with great sadness I must announce my resignation as Chairman of British Freedom. I […]

WND Still Pushing “Final Pope” Pseudo-Prophecy

One in a series of pieces from WND: An author who predicted Pope Benedict XVI would be the first pontiff in nearly 600 years to resign is keeping close watch on the conclave of cardinals through the lens of a medieval prophecy that indicates the man they select will be history’s “final pope.” Tom Horn, co-author […]

Patriarch of Moscow Mourns Hugo Chávez

From the website of the Russian Orthodox Church: His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, sent the following message of condolences over the death of President Hugo Chavez to interim president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro: …The deceased was one of the most striking political leaders of today, a sincere […]