Judith Reisman Hits Croatia

News from Croatia, via OneWorldSee: The Centre for LGBT Equality demanded, in an open letter to the Croatian Sabor (the Parliament), to cancel the announced lecture by Judith Reisman, scholar notorious all over the world or her discriminatory and homophobic views, believing that the Sabor is not a proper venue for Reisman to give a lecture. The site […]

Pastor Who Prays for Obama’s Death Called onto Stage at Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast

This one’s a few days old; RightWingWatch has an eyewitness report from the unofficial “Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast“, which took place at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park hotel. Big names such as Michele Bachmann and Eric Cantor failed to show up, while Joseph Farah, who had made a big fuss about reports that he had been excluded […]

Joseph Farah and the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast Saga

From the Christian Post: A news report that Joseph Farah, the CEO and chief editor of the conservative website WorldNetDaily, had been removed from the guest list of the sixth Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast that took place on Jan. 21 has been proven to be false. …WorldNetDaily contacted The Christian Post this week… and said that […]

MK Candidate Joked with Church Group about Dome of the Rock being “Blown Up”

This one is being reported widely; from Haaretz: Atlanta-born Jeremy Gimpel, who moved to Israel at the age of 11, is angling for a seat with Habayit Hayehudi and serving as a voice for English speakers in the West Bank. …Now Gimpel, who sits precariously at number 14 on the party’s list, faces a more uncertain […]

Peter Waldron vs Michele Bachmann

This one has been noted elsewhere; from a press release issued by Peter Waldron (H/T Ed Brayton): Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN), former presidential candidate and a leader of the Tea Party Caucus in the House of Representatives in Washington, has yet to pay some of her Iowa presidential campaign staff after one year and in spite of […]

“Muslim Patrol” Videos Stoke London Vigilante Fear

From the Daily Mail: Police are investigating reports a gang claiming to be Islamic vigilantes have been confronting members of the public and demanding they give up alcohol and women cover their flesh in their ‘Muslim area’. Videos made by the “gang” were posted to YouTube under the name “Muslim Patrol”, and came to the attention […]

US Tablet Defends Convicted Dead Sea Scrolls Cyberbully

The US Tablet has published a gushing puff piece on Raphael Golb, by a certain Batya Ungar-Sargon. The background to the story has been widely reported: Golb conducted a long-term campaign of identity theft and harassment in order to defend the academic theories of his father Norman Golb concerning the Dead Sea Scrolls, using a plethora […]

Anti-Islam Activist Faces Deportation From Spain

Here’s an ongoing story I’ve missed; from Adam Turner of “The Legal Project”, at the Blaze: Just this December, we saw another person targeted by European nations for his critical speech about Islam. The target this time is a man named Imran Firasat, who is a former Muslim from Pakistan who is now a convert […]

Anne Arundel County House Delegation Chair Backs Pamela Geller

From the Maryland Gazette: The new chairman of the Anne Arundel County House delegation said today he will attend a conservative political conference Saturday in Annapolis despite calls from a Muslim advocacy group that described a keynote speaker as a notorious “Islamaphobe.” [sic] Del. Nic Kipke, who was elected chairman on Tuesday, called blogger and author […]

Geller and Spencer OK With Passport Fraud

As has been widely reported, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, aka “Tommy Robinson”, has been sentenced to a 10-month prison sentence for using a friend’s passport to enter the USA illegally. Robinson, who heads the English Defence League, had travelled to New York with his deputy and cousin Kevin Carroll to take part in an anti-Islam conference organised […]