The Nun’s Non-Story

The Daily Mail sniffs out a story about Laura Adshead, a former girlfriend of David Cameron who has reportedly become a nun based at the Abbey of Regina Laudis in Bethlehem, Connecticut: Laura dated him from the spring of 1990 until summer 1991, and while he worked at Conservative Central Office, she went on to become the […]

4 Freedoms Amends Code of Conduct After Post on Who “Should Have Been Killed” by Breivik

Writer was formerly the EDL member “most trusted” by Pamela Geller The anti-Islam 4 Freedoms Community website has updated its Code of Conduct: 2.1 Legality (b) Unlawful Killing You must not endorse or encourage people to perform criminal executions. However, you can endorse enforcement of execution by the state (capital punishment) after application of due […]

Pat Robertson on Charles Taylor in 2009: “I Know Not the Man”

Pat Robertson, 2003, on Charles Taylor of Liberia: So we’re undermining a Christian, Baptist president to bring in Muslim rebels to take over the country. And how dare the president of the United States say to the duly elected president of another country, ‘You’ve got to step down.’ Pat Robertson, some time later: In terms […]

Attack on Charles Johnson Over Ironic Headline

From Charles Johnson at LGF, last week: Vatican Cracks Down on Uppity US Nuns The Vatican is cracking down on American nuns who aren’t opposed to women’s rights and gay rights, which should surprise no one who’s been following the Catholic Church’s swing to the right. As will be immediately obvious to anyone, the headline contains […]

Molotov and Maranatha

Last December, Good published a profile by Kristin Rawls of Jason “Molotov” Mitchell and his wife Patricia (“DJ Dolce”). Molotov is one of WND‘s more abrasive commentators: he has no problem with the Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill, pointing out that it reflects Uganda’s culture and that gay Ugandans can simply leave the country; he has a long list of […]

Christian Concern and World Congress of Families to Hold London Conference Ahead of Madrid Event

Christian Concern has published details of its upcoming “One Man, One Woman” conference, to be held on 23 May. The event was announced earlier this month in a press release issued by Don Feder of the World Congress of Families; here’s the line-up: Remembering the Nature of Marriage Peter Duckworth (Barrister – Family Specialist) Observing the State […]

No Investigation of Fabricated Evidence sent to Bedfordshire Police about Blogger

Once again, I return to the subject of anonymous smear attacks against Tim Ireland of Bloggerheads. Tim is adept at identifying and exposing instances of dishonesty on-line, in the media, and in politics, as a result of which he has a number of enemies who use underhand methods in attempts to discredit or intimidate (I’ve […]

Daily Telegraph on Anders Brevik and Paul Ray

A breathless report in the Telegraph: Anders Behring Breivik trial: the ‘real’ Lionheart Anders Breivik has insisted at his trial that he attended a meeting in London in 2002 in which his violent right-wing group, the so-called “Knights Templar,” was founded. …Three days after the Norway attacks, the Daily Telegraph identified and tracked down a […]

Mikhalkov Attacks “Standards” of Russian Cinema, Calls for Putin to Intervene

Interfax reports: Russia’s Union of Cinematographers came out with a statement in which it lashed out at the standards of Russian cinema, lambasted the Russian media and claimed that Russia is on the verge of a cultural and moral “catastrophe.” …The union said illiteracy, degradation of gender relationships, and depreciation of family values are features […]

Paul Diamond, MassResistance, and Scott Lively

Back in November, I noted an article on the website of Christian Concern about Scott Lively; the piece for the most part was sourced from MassResistance, and described how Pastor Scott Lively had been the target of protests: There have been reports that ‘Occupy’ activists in America have started targeting Christians, in a new development […]