NY Christians Protest Against Korean Faith Healer

A reader sends me a link to a remarkable set of photos of a protest against Korean evangelist Lee Jae-Rock in New York last week. The protestors were all Christians who believe that Lee is heretical; banners included signs such as “JESUS IS THE ONLY ROCK! NO JAE ROCK!”, and one, from New York Presbyterian […]

Shurely Psalm Mishtake?

The discovery of a medieval Psalter in an Irish bog is being hailed as the “Irish Dead Sea Scrolls”; it’s also got Christian Zionists excited. Agape Press gets a soundbite from prominent Christian Zionist Dave Hunt (link in original): The book was open to Psalm 83, in which God hears the complaints of nations plotting […]

Anti-Communist Islamist Recruits for Lebanon Conflict in South Asia

AKI reports from Indonesia: Some 200 Islamist extremists mostly from Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand have enrolled to fight against Israel in the Middle East, a top official of a radical Indonesian Muslim organisation said Thursday. The Islamic Youth Movement’s Suaib Didu, told Adnkronos International (AKI) that he was aware of 217 jihadists who […]

UK Chief Rabbi Invokes Mother Teresa at Rally for Israel

MSN reports on Sunday’s pro-Israel rally in London, and includes a curious quote that has British Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks supposedly citing none other than Mother Teresa in the context of the bombardment of Gaza: “Israel is fighting today in Gaza because one year ago it withdrew from Gaza. And Israel discovered the terrible truth […]

Samaritan’s Purse: Lebanese Muslims “Softened” to Gospel

Of all the comment and analysis about the Israeli attack on Lebanon, Agape provides the unlikeliest quote, from Ken Isaacs of Samaritan’s Purse: He says this crisis has softened the hearts of many Muslims in Lebanon to the spiritual truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Samaritan’s Purse, as is well-known, has been controversial for […]

Saudi Arabia Wins New US Human Rights Waiver

This is a week old, but it has only just caught my eye. Headline News reports: The State Department officials on Wednesday said that the United States has extended a waiver that avoids imposing sanctions on Saudi Arabia…The extension, which came Wednesday, was based on the kingdom’s efforts to improve religious tolerance in the region, […]

Israeli MK: McCain and Gingrich Got WW3 Talking Point from Christian Zionist

Sarah Posner at American Prospect notes a very interesting comment that appeared recently in the Jerusalem Post: Several top US political figures, including Sen. John McCain (R) Arizona, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (Rep.) called the current Middle East crisis the beginning of “World War III” and said they were “gravely concerned” in an […]

O Lord, Make Me a Martyr, But Not Yet

Radical cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed, as reported in July 2005: “Let your death occur in the battlefield. If you make yourself available to Jihad He will accept you as Shaheed (a martyr).” Radical cleric Omar Bakri Mohammed, as reported in July 2006: Omar Bakri Mohammed, the controversial Islamic preacher banned from returning to Britain, has […]

Simon & Schuster Editor “Believes” Claims of “Jesus Descendant”

In the aftermath of the James Frey fiasco, is there any evidence that US publishers are showing increased scepticism towards claims made by their authors? Erm…USA Today reports (link added): Meet Kathleen McGowan, novelist and self-proclaimed descendant of a union between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. McGowan, who says she is from the “sacred bloodline” Brown […]

Islamist Demagogue Cheered at Stop the War Meeting

Lenin’s Tomb links (approvingly) to a short video of a sanguinary speech delivered by Dr Azzam Tamimi at an anti-war meeting in London on Monday. The meeting was convened by Stop the War to oppose Israel’s attacks on Lebanon and any escalation of the conflict; Tamimi, however, seems to have little interest in stopping any […]