The Iraqi General and the Pentecostal Missionary

Claims by a former Iraqi general that Saddam Hussein smuggled WMDs into Syria aboard converted passenger planes have been creating a bit of a stir. The New York Sun reported a few days ago: The Iraqi general, Georges Sada [var. George Sada], makes the charges in a new book, “Saddam’s Secrets,” released this week. …Mr. […]

Accelerated Christian Education Under Spotlight

Thanks to Richard Dawkins, the British public are finally taking notice of the Accelerated Christian Education syllabus in use in fifty independent British schools (see my 2004 blog entry on the topic here). From his Diary in the latest New Statesman, where he discusses his recent TV polemic against religion: One of my TV locations […]

Who Wants to be a Soul Billionaire?

…just about everyone, judging by the line-up for the Global Pastors Network “Billion Soul” Conference in Orlando – a who’s who of American Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism (plus some international figures), offering their expertise to other pastors and leaders: Would you like to see a record number of souls saved this year? Would you like to […]

Zion Oil Asks for More Cash

After a two-month hiatus, Zion Oil & Gas has finally updated its website. I’ve been keeping an eye on this company since 2004, when Christian “prophecy expert” and WorldNetDaily columnist Hal Lindsey urged his readers to buy shares – without disclosing (as was exclusively revealed on this blog!) that his cousin Ralph DeVore was a […]

Colorado School Board Slams NCBCPS Bible Curriculum

From the Steamboat Pilot: In [a] momentous, unanimous decision…Monday night, the Steamboat Springs School Board voted against bringing an elective class titled “The Bible in History and Literature” to Steamboat Springs… Board members made their decision on the Bible class at 11 p.m. and cited existing curriculum at the high school and respect for diversity […]

American Pastor Helps SPLA Battle LRA in Sudan

ASSIST Ministries introduces a fascinating character (link added): Pastor Sam Childers, founder of World Missions, which operates orphanages in Southern Sudan and Uganda…In the last eight years, Childers and his organization have rescued over 300 children caught up in the conflict between the North and South. Most of the children he rescues and houses at […]

Neda the Twain

I contacted UNISPAL (the United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine) with my concerns that their site’s list of pro-Palestinian NGOs included the Neda Institute in Tehran – an institution which, as I noted a few days ago, seems to be more active in promoting Holocaust denial. I received a very polite reply thanking me, and Neda […]

Pass the Sickbag

World O’Crap brings to our attention yet another Christian masculinist…coach Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries and Minutemen United. Daubenmire sings an all-too-familiar lament about the need for men to be warriors, how churches “effeminize” them, and so on: Longing to do something great for Christ, we have instead been given effeminate, nursery school […]

The Clash

A clip of Richard Dawkins’s meeting with Ted Haggard is available online at Tauqil, including the bit where Haggard turfs Dawkins off his church premises. I last blogged on Haggard here. Interestingly, despite his views on evolution and the idea of an earth that is 4.5 billion years old (Haggard believes Dawkins’s grandchildren will “laugh” at the […]

New email address

Due to Yahoo’s involvement in the jailing of Chinese dissident Shi Tao, I am no longer using my Yahoo email address. There is a also a petition here.