BBC Sacranie Interview Airs

I’m back in the land of dial-up modems for a few weeks (hence one reason for the lack of recent postings), but one upside is that I was able to watch Sunday’s Panorama on the Muslim Council of Britain, which the Observer discussed last week (I blogged on their reporting here). The programme was made […]

Muslim Council of Britain Responds to Observer

Following Sunday’s reports in the Observer, the Muslim Council of Britain makes a spirited defence (all hyperlinks in quotes added by me): In an extraordinary attack today, The Observer (Sunday 14th August 2005) has published a front page article, a two page ‘Investigation‘ on pages eight and nine, together with an editorial, all seeking to vilify […]

Musical Interlude

I don’t usually use this blog just to plug stuff, but for those not in the know, the CD producer Naxos has one of the best sites on the whole web: for just $20, you can stream thousands of their classical music recordings, which range from Gregorian Chant to modern Japanese composers, with pretty much […]

The Gatumba Massacre One Year On

A letter in the Guardian that deserves some wider dissemination (links added): On August 13 2004, 152 Congolese Tutsis were shot, hacked and burned to death, by members of the Hutu-extremist group Palipehutu-FNL at the Gatumba refugee camp in western Burundi. The attack was the largest of a series of FNL atrocities. In December 2000, […]

WND’s Favourite Kahanist Linked to Shfaram Killer

A couple of days ago I blogged on Aaron Klein’s WorldNetDaily coverage of the recent shooting incident in Shfaram, Israel. Eden Natan-Zada, a 19-year old army deserter from the West Bank settlement of Tapuach, killed four Arab Israelis before being lynched. Klein described the lynching as murder, but declined to be so judgemental about Natan-Zada’s […]

Abstinence in Africa

ASSIST Ministries has another interesting profile (link added): Professor Dick Day, founder of Sub-Saharan Africa Family Enrichment (SAFE), and co-author with Josh McDowell of the bestselling book “Why Wait? What you need to know about the teenage sexuality crisis”. Day apparently first came to notice for teaching abstinence in Malawi: Day happened to be in […]

Ian Paisley to Advise Queen?

The Daily Telegraph 1998: Ian Paisley, Democratic Unionist Party leader, criticised the Queen for welcoming the deal struck in Ulster on Good Friday and hit out at reports that the Queen was considering a visit to Dublin. He said: “She is very foolish to do what she is doing, I don’t think the people of […]

Hal Lindsey’s Cartoon Jews

Following on from my previous entry, a titbit from WND‘s other Kahanist fellow-traveller, Hal Lindsey. The funny thing is, while Lindsey is as about as pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian as they come, it seems he has a bit of a soft spot for Bible-based anti-Semitism. At least, if I’m reading the latest Hal Lindsey Orifice Oracle […]

WND Chai!

ConWebWatch gets to grips with WorldNetDaily’s Jerusalem correspondent Aaron Klein, a man whose constant shilling for the fringes of the Israeli far right has been discussed on this blog before. The topic concerns the 4 August shooting incident at Shfaram. As Klein described it at the time: A mob of Palestinians tonight murdered a Jewish Israeli […]

The Ark-Eologists

Vendyl Jones has now disassociated himself from claims reported in May that he will find the Ark of the Covenant by August 14. As explained on his website: What he actually said was that it would be very appropriate IF he could discover the Ark by Tisha B’Av [14 August]. At this time it is […]