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Blogs & articles

  • The real problem with the Quilliam Foundation +

    The think tank's focus on radical Islam leaves equally dangerous far-right movements under-investigated writes Tom Griffin. Read More
  • Guardian interview finally brings an MI5 boss in from the cold – but why? +

    I cannot believe that a frisson did not pass through The Guardian’s offices when the paper’s executives had to balance the value of an exclusive interview with Andrew Parker, the director-general of the security service MI5, against the fact that it meant giving front page Read More
  • Press release: Climate denier Lord Ridley refuses to reveal coal profits +

    Spinwatch to expose how oil lobbyists attack climate scientists at inaugural annual lecture at the Royal Society in London on 14 November 2016. Read More
  • Officer anonymity threatens the integrity of the Pitchford Inquiry +

    The Undercover Research Project pulls apart the Metropolitan Police's applications for officer anonymity in the Pitchford Inquiry into 'spycops'. Read More
  • Prevent profiteers: companies exploit climate of fear +

    Counter-extremism 'experts' offering training in spotting 'radicalisation' are cashing in on the government's controversial Prevent strategy, writes Hilary Aked. Read More
  • Security firm running Dakota Access pipeline intelligence has ties to US military work in Iraq and Afghanistan +

    Several security firms are under investigation for their work guarding the Dakota Access pipeline in the US writes Steve Horn. Read More
  • Who broke the Syria ceasefire? +

    Rely on the UK media for your information about Syria, and you probably think it was Russia and Assad says David Morrison. Here is what goes unreported. Read More
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