Federal Politics

Malcolm Turnbull flags national roll-out of cashless welfare card, met by protests

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says a cashless welfare card could be rolled out to more communities across the country as poker machine use, arrests for public drunkenness, domestic violence reports and ambulance call-outs all fall in the trial site of Ceduna, South Australia.

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Mr Turnbull's visit to the fishing town of Port Lincoln was cancelled – for the second time in a month – because of high winds but he made it to far-flung Ceduna, on the first day of a three-day swing through regional, remote and Indigenous communities in South Australia that will take him to the APY lands on Monday.

The visit came as a report on the first six months of a cashless welfare card trial was released. 

Protesters also greeted Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during his visit to Ceduna.
Protesters also greeted Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during his visit to Ceduna. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The cashless debit card, which is also known as the Healthy Welfare card, functions as a Visa card with up to 80 per cent of a welfare payment paid onto it.

The Prime Minister, who was met by a small group of about a dozen protesters on his visit, said the 12-month trial, also underway in the East Kimberley towns of Kununurra and Wyndham in WA, would need to run its course.


"Communities around the country will be looking at the success, or the experience – let's not jump ahead of ourselves – and they will be making judgments about whether it may suit their circumstances," he said.

"We have got to weight that [the experience] as we seek to ensure out welfare system provides the support it is designed to do ... and encourages people to have healthier lifestyles."

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is greeted during a supermarket in Ceduna in South Australia.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is greeted during a supermarket in Ceduna in South Australia. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The Prime Minister acknowledged their were some opponents, "but they are very much in the minority ... and the benefit to the community from the trial was so considerable that I can understand why they would be outweighed by the supporters."

Unlike the Basics card, used primarily in the Northern Territory, shops do not have to "opt in" to accept the cashless welfare card but restrictions on it do not allow it to be used to buy alcohol.

Minister for Human Services Alan Tudge and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull are shown the cashless debit card in use.
Minister for Human Services Alan Tudge and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull are shown the cashless debit card in use. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Turnbull and Human Services Minister Alan Tudge were cautiously optimistic about a further roll-out.

The report card, produced by Human Services, contained promising signs but Mr Tudge said "no decision has been made yet" on the roll-out of the card.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull met locals on the first day of his three day tour of remote South Australia.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull met locals on the first day of his three day tour of remote South Australia.  Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

"The most logical extensions would be to offer it to other regions," Mr Tudge said.

"Six months in, presentations at sobering-up centres are down, pokies revenue is down, hospital admission due to drunkenness is down [and] most community leaders say they have seen a difference in the community."

Human Services' statistics showed people needing homelessness services in Ceduna fell 42 per cent in the three months since the trial began in March, while between April and August, poker machine revenue was down 15.1 per cent in the Ceduna region, and 30 per cent in the town.

Monthly arrests for public drunkenness were down 54 per cent between March and June compared to a year ago, while the number of "at risk" people discharged from a sobering-up facility fell 12 per cent

However the number of emergency department admissions in Ceduna, after an initial fall, remained unchanged. While robbery and drug-driving incidences had fallen in the first six months of the trial, the number of drink-driving incidences had risen slightly.

Local Ceduna mayor Allan Suter, said the card "wasn't perfect" but it was changing his local community for the better as violence, public drunkenness and arrests had all fallen.

One protester, Susan Thistelton, said the card was "against human rights" because of the severe restrictions it placed on welfare recipients' access to cash. However, she said the card needed to be redesigned, not dumped.

In the East Kimberley, similar results – such as a 68 per cent fall in admissions to a sobering-up unit, a three-month, 13 per cent fall in domestic violence reports and a 28 per cent fall in year on year ambulance calls-outs – were found.

And the results were not positive across the board in the Kimberley, either, with an initial 25 per cent spike in domestic violence reports between April and May 2016, from 93 to 116, before an even bigger fall to 81 in July 2016.

Assaults also rose in Wyndham, from 5 to 11, between the start of the trial in April and September 2016.

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