Linda MorrisVerified account


Arts and books writer for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. Love stories. Love books. All opinions my own.

Joined May 2011

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  1. Pinned Tweet
  2. Remember the School Magazine? It turns 100 with new anthology and drive for readers via

  3. JM Coetzee, now Australian citizen, in running to win his third Man Booker Prize as longlist announced via

  4. Review: A master wizard Harry Potter might be but in the Cursed Child he is ''downright crap'' as a dad via

  5. End of an era After 80 years, Sydney's wooden escalators face the chop via

  6. Schools' children's book highlighting benefits of govt bays redevelopment, condemned as propaganda via

  7. More bad news for the arts: NSW Govt offers no guarantee for the future of the National Art School via

  8. Cartoonist Michael Leunig: I've had my three score and ten, now I'm on borrowed time via

  9. Susan Wyndham's obituary for Cory Taylor: Make no mistake she is one of the writers who matter via

  10. The charts that reveal Australia's environmental peril |

  11. Move over Matilda. Alice-Miranda books by Australian author Jacqueline Harvey to be turned into TV series via

  12. My report from hearing: Productivity Commission warned imports could halve no of Australian books published via

  13. 's beautiful also tells the story of the endangered shorebirds. We need to act.

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