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Break-In (photo by Robert Charles Keller)


“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, ...

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Create to Destroy! 4th Annual Richmond Punx Picnic

I dropped the ball and did not post this in time. That said, I hope y'all still made it out ...

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The Mummies! (pic by Mark Murmann)

MRR Radio #1528 • 10/23/16

Rob and Frog play some favorite fall jams including an all Ian MacKaye set. Earphones on and volume up! All ...

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“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, ...

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Pretty sure the photo says it all

MRR Radio #1527 • 10/16/16

Is it moshable? Well, a little bit. Intro song: CHAIN OF STRENGTH - Just How Much? Langford and the New Gnu (not moshable) PRE ...

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October 27th, 2016 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

Band name:

Date & location formed:
December 2015 in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Reason for forming:
We formed out of another band called Iron Oath that fell apart. There’s a lack of hardcore bands in our area and we wanted to keep it going. 2 of the other people in the band started another hardcore band, Spear, around the exact same time as Head Collector.

What are your lyrics about?
Shit heads you meet in life, relationships with people you love, speech impediments and the Midwest.

How would you describe your sound?
Hardcore. I don’t want to try and make us out to be more or less than what we are.

What’s in the future for this band?
Working on new songs and recording soon. Hoping to have a new tape out for the winter. Everyone has their own thing going on and different schedules so touring is pretty hard.

Head Collector (photo by Jessica Cogozzo)

Head Collector (photo by Jessica Cogozzo)

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Date & location formed:
February 2016 in Portland, OR.

Reason for forming:
Originally Climate formed as sort of a side project but then we realized after writing the demo that we were becoming more and more invested every time we played.

What are your lyrics about?
Our lyrics are mostly about veganism and animal rights, straight edge, hating cops, and keeping sexual predators/abusers out of hardcore and the vegan community.

Climate (photo by Ashley Jennings)

Climate (photo by Ashley Jennings)

How would you describe your sound?
I guess you could describe our sound as early/mid-2000’s youth crew in the vein of Count Me Out, Carry On, Etc.

What’s in the future for this band?
We plan on doing some weekends, and shows here and there. Not too much for extended touring. We have a California weekend coming up November 18-20 in Oakland, Fullerton, and Dixon.

Links and contact info:

Twitter: @ClimateXVX






Band name:

Date & location formed:
July 2016, Bay Area, CA.

Reason for forming:
I’ve always wanted to do this— play shows, feed off people’s energy, and write music. I love hardcore and the hardcore scene. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do and I’m so lucky to have friends that want to do the same. I think when forming the band, we all wanted to just have fun.

What are your lyrics about?
They’re about my anxieties, fears, and uncertainty of the future.

How would you describe your sound?

Break-In (photo by Robert Charles Keller)

Break-In (photo by Robert Charles Keller)

What’s in the future for this band?
We’re recording our EP next month. We’re pretty excited to play these new songs live.

Links and contact info:

Twitter: @break_in_




Artwork by Lil Brooks

Artwork by Lil Brooks

Band name:

Date & location formed:
Early 2016 in Leeds, UK.

Reason for forming:
We formed because Becky and Laura wanted to start a band but had never been in one before, we also realised the Leeds hardcore scene doesn’t involve any women and we wanted to be a part of making that a thing. We then asked Ben and Alex to join us as they’ve both been in bands previously.

What are your lyrics about?
Weird things that happen on nights out, creepy men & fake hippies. Most of the lyrics are
pretty silly and sarcastic.

How would you describe your sound?
Tough guy hardcore for non tough guys played by non tough guys.

What’s in the future for this band?
Touring (hopefully), more releases including a spilt with our friends band.

Hex (photo by Ben Hill)

Hex (photo by Ben Hill)

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Date & location formed:
Spring 2016 – Oxford, UK.

Reason for forming:
Because shouting is fun, and we have lots of things to shout about.

What are your lyrics about?
Things that annoy us and people who suck.

How would you describe your sound?
Rudimentary pogo hardcore.

What’s in the future for this band?
We plan to play more shows, write more songs and drink more tea.

Basic Dicks (photo by Pier Corona)

Basic Dicks (photo by Pier Corona)

Links and contact info:




product-lust-artBand name:

Date & location formed:
February of 2016 in Denver, Colorado.

Reason for forming:
Every member of Product Lust either plays in multiple bands and or creates visual art. When we started this band the intention was to draw upon influences that we couldn’t necessarily draw upon in our other projects, but still held lots of personal meaning for us.

What are your lyrics about?
Lyrical themes include: social alienation, futility, isolation, and the anger induced by people who hide behind a veil of art school nihilism as a means to be complicit in the current systems of oppression.

How would you describe your sound?
We are influenced primarily by Post Punk, No Wave, Surf, and Hardcore. We sometimes jokingly refer to ourselves as Surf Goth.

What’s in the future for this band?
We plan on making a few more copies of our Cassette EP and then going on tour a few times. We are also working on our next release.

Product Lust (photo by Tom Murphy)

Product Lust (photo by Tom Murphy)

Links and contact info:





Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…

1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.

Create to Destroy! 4th Annual Richmond Punx Picnic

October 26th, 2016 by


I dropped the ball and did not post this in time. That said, I hope y’all still made it out to the 4th Annual Richmond Punx Picnic in Richmond, Virginia. Even though this has already passed, I think it’s important to read what goes into making a fest happen and get a mini update on RVA. Interview with Bobby Egger of Vinyl Conflict Record Store and Headcount Records and Nathan Ryan by Amelia

What’s the scene like in Richmond, VA right now?
Bobby: Richmond’s scene is ever evolving. At its base it’s a college town so we have a turn over always of new students coming and going every year. It is also still a moderately cheap place to live, so we still find lots of very active bands who will tour a lot based out of here. I wouldn’t say any specific scene is really popping off more than another at this particular moment, but there is really something for everyone. When bands come through and have a decent gig, we know how to put on a good time and our crowd is always quite diverse.


Aseptic at 25 Watt, 2015 Richmond Punx Picnic

Any good bands we should know about?
Bobby: For Richmond the list goes on an on. I’ll do my best and probably forget something important. BARGE, MAD EXISTENCE, FIRING SQUAD, NOSEBLEED, FRIED EGG, LEFT CROSS, SINISTER PURPOSE, NIGHT SHANK, MEMORY LOSS, ASYLUM, and KOMMUNION for hardcore punk for sure. The metal scene is just as sprawling, but I’m not even going to start on that.

Crimson Scarlet at 25 Watt, 2014 Richmond Punx Picnic

Crimson Scarlet at 25 Watt, 2014 Richmond Punx Picnic

How’d the Punx Picnic start?
Nathan: We started doing Richmond Punx Picnic because other cities like Baltimore and Philly were doing their own punx picnics and we started talking about it and decided that since nobody in Richmond was organizing one, that it was our duty as punx to at least do one and to see how it went. Richmond used to have Best Friends Day, which was occasionally peppered with punk and hardcore bands as well as Kollapse Fest, which was always stacked with the best punk and hardcore, but both events had permanently stopped happening. There have also been other punk fests in Richmond that did quite well such as No Way Fest, which additionally stopped after its 3rd year. The first year that we organized RPP it was kind of a gamble — a whole lot of shows over one weekend while we were used to only handling one show at a time. By the end of the weekend, we could tell that everyone had a blast and people were already starting to ask about the next year, so…

Has it evolved since then?
Nathan: It definitely has. Each year the cast of people who participate as RPP “staff” has rotated a bit. In the four years that we have been piecing it together we have all learned a lot. It seems that it’s picking up speed and we seem to have an easier time booking bands that we really want as each year passes. People seem more aware of it now that it’s been happening for a few years. We have also figured out what types of events, venues, and advertising works for us over time.

Fourth year — did you ever think you’d come this far?
Nathan: Honestly, not really. As we mentioned earlier, the first one was more like an experiment more than anything. We weren’t really sure that we could even pull it off. The second year that we did it, we had people approaching us, saying things like “this could be the next big thing in Richmond” like it had the potential to turn into another Best Friends Day or Kollapse Fest. The thing is — we don’t really want that. What is the most important to us is to showcase a roster of awesome bands as well as place emphasis on our own local talent. We have traditionally made it a point to avoid going heavy on metal or hardcore bands as well — all of those guys already have their own fests and big show weekends. It’s called Richmond Punx Picnic for a reason. It’s punk. It’s for punx.

Left Cross at The Rockpile, 2015 Richmond Punx Picnic

Left Cross at The Rockpile, 2015 Richmond Punx Picnic

Who is involved in organizing it right now?
This year there are four main organizers: Bobby Egger (Vinyl Conflict Record Store), Nathan Ryan (ASYLUM), Ryan Zell (DISEVERED, ASYLUM), and Justin Hast (PRISONER). We have a lot of friends within the Richmond DIY community who always pitch in each year without fail, mainly Kasey Simcoe, who was one of the original weekend organizers but has recently moved back to her hometown of Baltimore, MD. Shout outs and big love to Matt Sachs, and all of the maniacs from VSC community.

Where is the show happening?
Nathan: This year we have two shows at Strange Matter (one on Friday and a matinee on Saturday). There is also a late show on Saturday at 25 Watt. Besides the show we are hosting a daytime cookout at a local park and then the actual picnic itself which always held at this sandy beach along a beautiful stretch of the James River.

2015 Richmond Punx Picnic Guide

2015 Richmond Punx Picnic Guide

Is it hard to find an all ages venue in Richmond?
Bobby: The issues aren’t so much finding all-ages venues as it is finding all ages venues that will host what we are bringing to them. Richmond is a college town. There are so many bars that want shows and only a few of them that really support what we have going. As far as actual venues go, there are only about three or four willing to do punk. Richmond has a curfew of 11p.m., which is actually why most shows end up being 18+ it isn’t some nasty jab at kids and it was put in place far too long ago and should be removed in this day and age. However these rules were not put in place for concert go-ers as much as they are weak attempts to bring down crime rates. So finding a place that will let us do what we want, but having it over at an acceptable hour tends to be the issue. We do have gigs that will be all ages, and at worst 18+. Nothing will be 21+, it’s about city limitations not adhering to drinking booze.

Aspects of War and Final Assault are your headliners, who has headlined in previous years?
Bobby: Last year we had THE PIST as a headliner! The year before that we had ASPECTS OF WAR and WHO KILLED SPIKEY JACKET?, with CRIMSON SCARLET headlining an earlier Thursday gig.

Are there bands with women playing this year?
Bobby: Yes! Actually most of our locals this year will have ladies involved! NOSEBLEED, KOMMUNION, MEMORY LOSS, and ASYLUM all have females in them. THE BROOD from Philly also has a female member.

How can we stay up to date on the fest?
Nathan: Richmond Punx Picnic has an Instagram account (@rvapunxpicnic) as well as a Facebook page. It’s actually listed as PUNX RVA PICNIC because we had an issue choosing the name we wanted. Facebook has become a huge pain in the ass over the past few years, but unfortunately it’s a great tool for networking and advertising events and gigs.

Any last words, punks?
Nathan: Thanks to everyone for attending or participating over the past few years. It’s always stressful to book a weekend-long event every year, especially while all of us have relationships, jobs, and school to focus on but in the end, seeing so many amazing bands and partying super hard with all of your buddies is what keeps punk alive and reminds you that it’s all worth it. Up the punx! Richmond rules, OK?


MRR Radio #1528 • 10/23/16

October 23rd, 2016 by

Rob and Frog play some favorite fall jams including an all Ian MacKaye set. Earphones on and volume up! All on MRR Radio!


Intro song:

The Mummies! (pic by Mark Murmann)

The Mummies! (photo by Mark Murrmann)

Rob – All Ian MacKaye all the time
THE TEEN IDLES – The Teen Idles
SKEWBALD/GRAND UNION – Sorry/Change for the Same
EMBRACE – Give Me Back
EGGHUNT – We All Fall Down
FUGAZI – Burning
PAILHEAD – I Will Refuse

Frog – Hula Hoops to the Classics
VIVID SEKT – Common Disinterest
WIRE – I Am the Fly

Frog – Smashes the State With Just Six Songs
DUTRONC – Les Cactus
THE SQUARES – Delmona, the Temptress of Love
THE JUDYS – Ghost in a Bikini
MUMMIES – Hairy Mary
BIG BLACK – The Ugly American
TRIBE 8 – Wrong Bathroom

Outro song:

Maximum Rocknroll Radio is a weekly radio show and podcast featuring DIY punk, garage rock, hardcore, and more from around the world. Our rotating cast of DJs picks the best of the best from MRR magazine’s astounding, ever-growing vinyl archive. You can find MRR Radio archives, specials, and more at radio.maximumrocknroll.com. Thanks for listening!


October 20th, 2016 by

“New Blood” is our weekly feature spotlighting new bands from around the world! See below for info on how to submit. Now, check out some killer new shit…

img_4389Band name

Date & location formed:
Jan 2016, Seattle.

Reason for forming:
We all wanted to fulfill our dreams of being in a band, learn our instruments, go on tour, and all that. It was a bonus that we all are girls and share similar values.

What are your lyrics about?
Empowering one another, spreading a positive message, and creating awareness for issues in our community, primarily those
that marginalized groups face.

How would you describe your sound?
Fun & positive & fast.

What’s in the future for this band?
Currently working on writing new tunes.


Lowest Priority (photo by Dan Gonyea)

Links and contact info:

Instagram: @lowestxpriority
Twitter: @lowestxpriority




Band name:

Artwork by Hailee Evans

Artwork by Hailee Evans


Date & location formed:
May, 2015. Portland, Oregon.

Reason for forming:
We were reading a lot about the riot grrl movement of the 90’s as well as listening to a bunch of female fronted punk from the 70’s and 80’s and our formation had a lot to do with wanting to be a part of that continuum. A means of expressing the many emotions that come with being a twenty something woman in the modern era.
Our songs came out of hanging out all the time, drinking beers in our basement and grappling with learning our instruments. Neither of us (at the beginning it was just two of us- Ursula &Moff) had much experience being in bands so it was a very spontaneous, anything goes type of environment.

What are your lyrics about?
We write about whatever’s on our minds, what we feel strongly about. Things that make us scream, laugh, or cry.
There’s a lot to do with the effects of patriarchy and how it infiltrates our daily lives and relationships. We also have songs like “Schaudenfreude”, a battle cry against the gentrification of Portland and all the fat cat construction companies that are destroying our historic buildings and pricing us out of our homes. We sing about love, hate, being witchy, being weird, and trying to find your place in this fucked up world.

How would you describe your sound?
Angry, melodic girlpunk.

Mr. Wrong (photo by the photobooth at The Knockback. Collaging by Moff)

Mr. Wrong (photo by the photobooth at The Knockback. Collaging by Moff)

What’s in the future for this band?
We’ve got a lot of dreams for the future. We’d love to put out a record, go on tour, we recently added a bassist and we are really excited about having a fuller, more dynamic sound and increased output of energy, and what we can do with that. We want to continue to play lots of shows, connect with like minded folks, and have fucking fun and express ourselves. That’s what it’s all about for us, and as long as we can continue to do that, we’re very happy.

Links and contact info:

Instagram: @mrwrongband




Band name:

Date & location formed:
Fall 2015 / Salt Lake City, Utah

Reason for forming:
KerriBeth and I have been playing hardcore punk and pv bands for like 10 years so we decided to do something new and just do it ourselves (two-piece) with a bunch of old amps. Kerri’s always played bass so this is her first band on drums. Salt Lake has a lot of raw punk noise, screamo and indie-goth, so we are switching it up a bit. Eyesore started as a cathartic zine that turned into a band by utilizing the poetry found therein.


What are your lyrics about?
Hating the mistakes I’ve made and rationalization of why I’ve made ’em. Embodying the anti-hero and neurosis. Quality of life in 2016. Bottling all that shit up into aggressively catchy songs and spewing it out depending on the way the chemicals in my brain and triggers are functioning that day.

How would you describe your sound?
A stench-core band covering the Dicks or Unfun for Halloween.

What’s in the future for this band?
Putting out as many songs as possible in short ep’s and touring here and there to see old friends and make new ones. Thanks to City of Dis for helping put our full length out there.

Eyesore (photo by Jay Downer)

Eyesore (photo by Jay Downer)

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Date & location formed:
2015, Denver CO.

Reason for forming:
Formed as a side project for kicks, the band took on a life of its own as other members joined.

What are your lyrics about?
Weird tales of death and supernatural horror.

How would you describe your sound?
Deathrocking space punk.

What’s in the future for this band?
The augury has been consulted, and the future brings only death.

Grave Moss (photo by Claudia Woodman)

Grave Moss (photo by Claudia Woodman)

Links and contact info:




Band name:

Date & location formed:
We formed a little over a year ago. We live in Boston.

Reason for forming:
Evan’s band Life Problem was splitting up, so he and Tann jammed on some pop punk stuff that Evan was working on. Eric joined when Evan saw him walking past the practice space and asked him to come upstairs and play some music. He never left. Jack joined a few months later because he just moved back into the city and we wanted a second guitar.

What are your lyrics about?
Mostly introverted topics; the complicated nature of friendships, nostalgia, etc, but also class related frustrations stemming from having labor jobs.

How would you describe your sound?
Pop punk, emphasis on punk. Big influences have been Boilerman, Witches with Dicks, Chinese Telephones, and Ringers.

What’s in the future for this band?
We just out out a new ep digitally, so we gotta work on getting physical copies made, and doing some touring, hopefully early next year.

Hospital Beds (photo by Kristin Recker)

Hospital Beds (photo by Kristin Recker)

Links and contact info:





Band name:

Date & location formed:
June 2015, Seville, Andalucía.


Reason for forming:
We are a group of friends that had been playing in bands and doing stuff together for a while, and we had been talking for some time of forming a new band to try sounds that we all liked but hadn’t played before, so one day we met at the rehearsal room and it just came out by itself.

What are your lyrics about?
Power, end of civilization, mother culture, sex, hope…

How would you describe your sound?
80’s punk.

What’s in the future for this band?
Record new songs and play as much as we can.

Links and contact info:





Do you have or know of an awesome new band*? It’s easy to submit to be in MRR’s New Blood feature — just email us the following info, and keep keeping’ it real…

1) Band name:
2) Date & location formed:
3) Reason for forming:
4) What are your lyrics about?
5) How would you describe your sound?
6) What’s in the future for this band?
7) Links and contact info:

Along with the answers please send a band photo at least 600px on the longest side (with photo credits), and a logo if you have one, to:

*By “new band” we mean a band that formed within the past year or year and a half.

MRR Radio #1527 • 10/16/16

October 16th, 2016 by

Is it moshable? Well, a little bit.


Intro song:

Pretty sure the photo says it all

Pretty sure the photo says it all

Langford and the New Gnu (not moshable)
PRE NUMPS – Cleansing Flood
MOLAR – Sylvia
RED MASS – Re-mi-si

Pete Park Ranger and the Indoor Voices
TOXIK EPHEX – Bonnie Wee Jeanie McColl
CHOOK RACE – At Your Door

Langford and the Sports Socks
VEHICLE FLIPS – Welcome to the Big Ten Conference
DAHLIA SEED – Standing 8 Count
TSUNAMI – Ski Trip
AIR MIAMI – World Cup Fever
SHELLAC – Billiard Player Song

Pete and the Pits
BAD FUTURE – Injection Burn
SWIZ – Down

Outro song:
SWELL MAPS – Border Country

Maximum Rocknroll Radio is a weekly radio show and podcast featuring DIY punk, garage rock, hardcore, and more from around the world. Our rotating cast of DJs picks the best of the best from MRR magazine’s astounding, ever-growing vinyl archive. You can find MRR Radio archives, specials, and more at radio.maximumrocknroll.com. Thanks for listening!