

There's an obvious way for Malcolm Turnbull to beat the politics of fear: leadership

The politics of fear have replaced the politics of courage.

With today's politics little better than a media game, short-term, populist, opportunistic, and mostly negative, it has become more effective to try to "frighten" the voter about some policy proposed, or neglected, by the other side, than to try to convince them to support a particular new policy initiative.

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I propose; you oppose: You propose; I oppose.  Jettison good policy, and good government. Lose the confidence and trust of the Australian people.

The whole political process over the past several decades has been a very unsavoury race to the bottom, delivering very little real/effective government.

Over this time, there has been very little real debate on issues or policy challenges. So called "policies" have been reduced to simple slogans, expressed as dot points, or sound bites, with little or no detail, evidence, or substance. The last election, with a historic high vote against the three major parties, in favour of minor parties and independents, clearly revealed the electorate's dissatisfaction.

It has been so much easier and more effective to simply bag the other side, or alternative opinion, asserting some sort of draconian outcome, designed to frighten the voter, rather than to inform – to scare them about the likely impact of a particular policy, or of some person, or of some "hidden agenda".


In the end, the electorate has been forced to select the lesser of two evils and, then, having voted, has been forced to live with the evil of two lessers!

Scare campaigns and negative politics have resonated over the past several decades – the Australia Card, the anti-GST campaigns, various health and Mediscares, WorkChoices and various IR scares, scares about attacks on schools, higher education, childcare, and women, about boat people, about terrorists, and so on.

Globally, now, there is the Big Scare that is anti-establishment, anti-globalisation, anti-freer trade, anti-immigration – very nationalistic and isolationist. To varying degrees this gave us Brexit, Trump, Hanson, and more.

This "movement" threatens to undo all the economic development and progress of the post-World War II period, if it spreads.

Scare campaigns are relatively easy to run – indeed, mostly just an oft-repeated assertion, based on little evidence, but confirming a perception. For example, as we saw in the last election, Labor is consistently perceived as "better able to manage health", so it easily mounts a Mediscare campaign suggesting that the Liberals will "destroy" Medicare.

As we've seen in referendums, the "No" case is so easy to run. "If you don't understand it, don't vote for it!"  "Don't believe them, don't trust them to do what they say!" Recall the Toowoomba referendum a few years ago concerning a sewage recycling project in response to a potential water shortage, where the "No" case was, "If you don't want to drink shit, don't vote for it!"

So, political and policy courage has essentially evaporated. Turnbull promised to be different, encouraging all policy options to be put on the table.

But he took them off the table, almost faster then they were put on.

To some extent, I am blamed these days for the lack of political courage. My Fightback package, running to hundreds of pages of policy detail, is now easily dispensed with as "the longest political suicide note in history". I am easily tagged as being politically naive.

But, even so, it is stretching it to now go to the other extreme, running in fear of saying very much at all! Especially as the policy drift has meant that the magnitude and urgency of the issues/challenges is much greater today than was the case in the early '90s.

Fear only works, sustainably, in a leadership vacuum. The outcome of the last election, which saw Turnbull's standing collapse relative to the enormous expectations with which he assumed the prime ministership, was much more about his failure to deliver the expected leadership than his stand on any particular issue.

To be fair, Bill Shorten was given some credit for his leadership calling for reform of negative gearing/capital gains tax, especially as the government's only response was a scare campaign that it would "smash" housing, against the background of  the budget repair task, and the threat of a downgrade in our AAA status.

I would suggest that the most effective response to a scare campaign is to counter with policy substance.  If Turnbull went on the front foot, setting out, say, a detailed health policy, and being prepared to debate and defend it, setting out a clear strategy to deliver it, I believe that, in time, the electorate would cut him considerable slack.

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.