Daily Life

What arguing type are you?

The first time I had an argument with the man who is now my husband – a man I'd already identified as the love of my life – I thought we'd have to break up.

It had all been going so well that I'd mentally planned the wedding. But as soon as we didn't see eye to eye about something, I thought I'd ruined it.

Everyone handles conflict differently.
Everyone handles conflict differently. Photo: Stocksy

As luck would have it, even though he also had a pathological fear of fighting, he was more fearful of the prospect of never seeing me again. So he initiated a heated conversation that sorted out the dispute. (What was it about? I honestly can't remember.)

I never once saw my parents argue, so I grew up thinking that conflict and arguing were a terrifying threat to harmony, and my new beau had a similar fear. So for ages we just avoided it – until our frustrations reached bursting point.

Today, we're happily married, probably partly because we've faced up to that dread. We talk things through, sometimes argue, but usually find a positive resolution.

Everyone handles conflict differently. I have some friends who bicker nonstop, to the point that it's uncomfortable to be around them, while others seem to be constantly having explosive rows – the thought of which (though I've come a long way) still terrifies me.


Through counselling couples, relationship experts – and married couple of 35 years – Judith Wright and Bob Wright have identified an inventory of "conflict styles" that apply to most of us, which they detail in a recent book.

"In any argument there are two things at stake: the outcome of whatever is being argued about, and the relationship itself," says Bob. "If someone values the outcome at all costs – even at the cost of the relationship – then it's problematic. But it's also very dangerous if someone values the relationship so highly they can't fight for what they want or need." 

And, as in my case, arguing is often learnt behaviour. "When it comes to fighting with our partner, our stance and style has more often than not been learned and formed by our childhoods," says Judith. Intrigued? Read on to see if you recognise your type.

You know you're a pleaser when ...

You give in a lot to your partner's point of view. "Pleasers tend to think that anger is wrong or bad, often because when a parent was cross it meant something scary," says Judith, who believes she used to be this type.

"As a result they have very little experience of anger leading to a positive outcome, so feel much safer avoiding conflict, which at the start of a relationship is a shortcut to harmony."

Pleasers are often attracted to people who are very assertive. "There are times that it really does make sense to avoid conflict," says Bob. "If one of you is particularly stressed out, say, it's genuinely helpful to bite your tongue.

"But giving in to your partner's desires and views all the time ultimately builds up resentments. And never arguing can mean you periodically explode, which, paradoxically, reinforces the belief that conflict is 'dangerous'."

How to argue better … Put simply, Pleasers need to learn how to compete. Often they're brilliant at assessing their partner's needs and desires but have no idea what they want or need themselves. If you're a Pleaser, start by asking what you like and want – from food to music to films. It sounds basic, but this will help you to express what you need in the relationship.

You know you're a sulker when ... 

You're so afraid of conflict that you avoid it at all costs. So while Pleasers avoid arguing because they're prioritising their partner's needs, Sulkers do it because they are not properly engaged in the relationship.

"Sulkers often punish their partner – with frosty silence or by withholding sex – rather than directly saying what they are upset about," says Judith. "This often becomes your style because as a child you never learnt to assert yourself: maybe you felt powerless – and so made sure that nobody else got what they wanted either."

According to Bob, underneath this behaviour is almost always an earnest desire to be heard and respected – coupled with a fear of directly expressing that desire. "In its most extreme form, being a Sulker means you're just 'existing' in a relationship," he says. "By avoiding conflict, you are not engaging properly, maybe because you are afraid of intimacy." 

How to argue better … If it feels safer to avoid conflict, try revisiting a disagreement once the heat of the moment has passed. Say, "I avoided saying this at the time, but what I was really thinking was this, and what I wish we could agree on is that."

You know you're a big-banger when ... 

You just can't bear to "lose" – even if it comes at a cost. Big Bangers are almost always created by their birth order – but this is very specific to each family.

"Sometimes the oldest child might compete to maintain 'top dog' position when siblings come along," says Bob, who used to be a Big Banger himself. "In other families, the oldest has a 'golden child' attitude, so the other siblings end up competing to be as good.

Even more nuanced is the middle child, who can have feelings of inferiority and might feel their only way of competing is by saying, 'I told you so.' "

This is probably a useful arguing style if you find yourself with another Big Banger because it means you can hold your own, says Judith.

"But that fixation on winning can damage a relationship. Even when you are right, if fighting your corner until you win the argument is a pattern, you may lose intimacy because your partner doesn't get a look-in." 

How to argue better … It may sound cheesy but Big Bangers are often just yearning to be loved. If this is you, take a step back and ask yourself why it's so important to win. Reflect on your childhood. Could your desire for one-upmanship be a yearning to be affirmed, respected and heard?

You know you're a negotiator when ... 

You approach an argument with a view to keeping the peace by meeting in the middle. This often applies to people from large families – but generally not the first-born. It's quite common to have two negotiators in a partnership.

"Negotiation skills are great to have, but not if it means neither party is happy," says Bob. "If it's a one-off, say if you are deciding what movie to watch, then being a negotiator ('Let's see yours tonight – and mine next time') is a good skill because it can solve a dispute without building up resentment. But long-term it can cause a problem because negotiators 'solve' arguments without really fully winning."

He tells of a couple with dramatically different tastes who furnished a house together and negotiated a style compromise – that they both hate. "Sooner or later you'll become very unhappy because meeting in the middle each time is really frustrating."

How to argue better … Negotiators are often out of touch with their deeper desires and yearnings and need to learn to fight their corner and compete more. The first step is to think more honestly about what you want and prefer. The second is to pluck up the courage to start expressing it, even if in little ways at first.

You know you're a synergiser when ... 

You can have differences of opinion and fight for what you want, but – crucially – work as a team to come up with creative solutions rather than one person winning and the other capitulating.

"For example, if you don't want to go to your partner's work party, rather than just refusing, you might explain that since you don't know anyone, you're scared you'll feel abandoned," says Bob, who believes he and Judith have become Synergisers, which is the ideal type.

"Your partner might then come up with the idea of you checking in with each other every half hour, which should make it more fun for you."

Synergisers fight for their side of an argument, but not at the cost of the relationship. They are more likely to listen to their partner, express their point of view, and then come up with new ways of thinking to solve the issue. Sounds perfect? "Both halves of the couple really need to have the same approach," says Judith. "Also, this style of arguing is time consuming!"

How to argue better … If you keep reaching the same brick walls, suggest that you each come up with at least three solutions – no matter how hare-brained. You might be surprised by the results. 

The Heart of the Fight by Judith Wright and Bob Wright (New Harbinger Publications) is out now.
