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Preston Market’s new parking ticket machines ‘a shambolic mess’

PRESTON Market’s new parking ticket system has been labelled a shambolic mess, with drivers struggling to use the machines.

media_cameraOne of the new Preston Market parking machines. Picture: Supplied

The new machines, which are privately owned and council enforced, have been widely rejected as too confusing.

Leader spent an hour at the market this week asking people for their opinions on the new machines, with all 12 drivers we spoke to describing them as confusing.

HAVE YOUR SAY: What do you think of the new machines? Tell us below

Preston state Labor MP Robin Scott has called on the council to further delay issuing parking fines at the market until the machines are better understood by users.

“The community is confused and worried about the new arrangements,” Mr Scott said.

“People from a non-English-speaking background are experiencing particular difficulty.

“The council should not begin issuing infringement notices until confusion and community concerns are resolved.”

Mr Scott also said the council needed to explain why it had decided to enforce parking restrictions in the privately-owned market.

Preston Market manager Chris Giannopoulos said the new system was brought in to reduce the number of commuters using the market carpark before travelling on trains.

Mr Giannopoulos said attendants had been told to assist drivers in using the system, and confirmed the issuing of fines had been delayed until last weekend following an initial request from Mr Scott.

“Council will start enforcing parking regulations from this Saturday, 29 October, and we will have plenty of people on hand to assist customers so that they don’t risk a fine,” he said.

To gain a ticket from the machines drivers must enter the licence plate number, with the first two hours free on market days and in the lot in front of ALDI, and metered parking at all other times.

Preston Market Traders advocate Manny Spiteri labelled the parking system as “nothing short of a shambolic mess”.

“The system has been rushed, poorly managed, poorly explained and poorly executed,” Mr Spiteri said.


1. Turn on by touching white ‘power’ button on bottom left corner of keyboard

2. Enter licence plate number using keyboard

3. Hit green tick at bottom of keyboard

4. Hit green tick again for free two hour parking, or press 1 and insert $2.50 for additional hours (four hours maximum) before hitting green tick

5. Collect ticket from bottom slot