
Memorial Gifts to cancer research

memorial gifts

Honour a loved one with memorial gifts

Giving memorial gifts to cancer research in tribute to a family member or friend who has passed away is a very special way of honouring their memory. There are a number of ways you can support cancer research in memory, including direct donations, donations in lieu of flowers at a funeral, and ongoing contributions to mark a birthday or other event in your loved one’s life.

When you make a memorial gift, and if you are able to provide us with the relevant details, the ACRF will send an acknowledgement of your kind donation to the deceased’s Next of Kin. We are very happy to include a personal message of support for you, but please note we will keep your donation amount private.

How to arrange memorial gifts at a funeral:

memorial gifts

One of the first ways to notify funeral guests of your wishes for memorial gifts in lieu of flowers is to include a message in the funeral notice: Your funeral director will assist you with this, but please feel free to use our recommended wording: “In lieu of flowers, donations in memory can be made to the Australian Cancer Research Foundation, GPO Box 9989, SYDNEY 2001.”

Donations in lieu of gifts

The ACRF can also provide donation envelopes and cancer research ribbons for the guests attending your loved one’s funeral. With support from your funeral director, you can place these at the entrance of the funeral service. Once the envelopes have been collected, please send them through to the ACRF for processing and receipting. The ribbons are for your guests to keep. Order these materials here.

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If you wish to continue making memorial gifts in honour of your loved one, the ACRF can assist with automated monthly donations. Many of our monthly donors – known as Partners in the Cure – make their regular contributions in tribute to someone special. If you wish to set up a less frequent donation that celebrates your loved one’s birthday, or another milestone, please speak with our friendly staff.

We thank our memorial givers for their generosity and bravery in the face of such sadness:

“I feel a warmth around me like your presence is so near,
And I close my eyes to visualize your face when you were here,
I endure the times we spent together, they are locked inside my heart,
For as long as I have those memories we will never be apart,
Even though we cannot speak, your voice is always there,
Because every night before I sleep I have you in my prayer.”

© Louise Bailey