Trump supporter
media_cameraTrump supporter

Clinton fans assault black woman backing Trump

Hillary Clinton supporters like to believe they are more tolerant and Trump supporters are more violent. In fact, the exact opposite is true, as the cartoonist behind Dilbert wrote so powerfully. And now a homeless black woman attacked by Clinton supporters can testify to that.

A black homeless woman guarding Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star was the victim of violent harassment by an anti-Trump crowd. Videos of the abuse show people yelling at the woman and knocking her to the ground...



A number of videos titled ‘Crazy 4 Trump’ posted on YouTube show a crowd of people surrounding the woman as she holds up banners in support for the Republican presidential nominee. Her hand-written signs promote pro-Trump messages like “Twenty million illegals and Americans sleep on the streets in tents” and “Donald Trump - keeping it real”...

People are heard yelling insults at the woman... Soon, the situation turned violent, with some physically assaulting the woman and damaging her property. She was knocked off her feet, her cart overturned and her banners torn to pieces...

The woman had been guarding Trump’s star since millionaire activist James Otis hammered it beyond recognition on Wednesday night. Otis was arrested for felony vandalism...

Otis said Thursday that he took a sledgehammer and destroyed Trump’s star as a show of support for women who accused the GOP candidate of sexual assault.


Such tolerance. Imagine the media uproar if a Trump crowd had done this to some homeless black woman guarding a defaced Clinton tribute.

With so many on the Left it's not the principle that counts but the side.

(Thanks to reader Nigel.)