
You’d think Octopolis would be a lovely place, but then you discover it’s a junk-covered slum where the octopuses are engaged in street warfare.

Friday Cephalopod: Fear them

You knew that one beneficiary of over-fishing (it removes competition) and climate change (they like it warm) is that cephalopod populations are booming, right? Those of us who love the little beasties also have appreciate that they are a portent of coming oceanic doom. Spooky.

Any biologists looking for a job?

My university is hiring for a full-time, tenure-track biology position. Take a look at our job ad: Duties/Responsibilities: Teaching undergraduate biology courses including cell biology, genetics, electives in the applicant’s areas of expertise, and other courses that support the biology program; advising undergraduates; conducting research that could involve undergraduates; and sharing in the governance and…

Little known fact: like Costa’s hummingbird, the facial plumage has an iridescent underside that I can flash with muscle contractions.

Autophagy wins a Nobel

Well, actually, Yoshinori Ohsumi has won the prize for his work on autophagy, a cellular process you may have never heard of before. The word means “self eating”, and it’s an important pathway that takes chunks of the internal content of the cell and throws them into the cell’s incinerator, the lysosome, where enzymes and…

Friday Cephalopod: Net traps and chiller

If you ever wondered how to breed nautiluses…

Friday Cephalopod: It’s a trap!

Don’t let the pokeboys and pokegirls enslave you!

…snake, that is.

Friday Cephalopod: Epic Battle!