Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies

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Technoprogressive? BioConservative? Huh?
Quick overview of biopolitical points of view

ieet books

Philosophical Ethics: Theory and Practice
by John G Messerly

TECHNOPROG, le transhumanisme au service du progrès social
by Marc Roux and Didier Coeurnelle

eHuman Deception
by Nicole Sallak Anderson

Keywords for Environmental Studies
by eds. Joni Adamson, William A. Gleason, David N. Pellow

ieet events

Posthuman and Transhuman Bodies in Religion and Spirituality Panel
October 28 , 2016
Harvard University

IEET Fellow Kevin LaGrandeurto Speak at Society for Literature, Science and the Arts
November 4 , 2016
Atlanta, Georgia

Stefan Sorgner @ Meditation & Wirklichkeit Conference in Berlin
November 25 -26, 2016

Hughes @ Transhumanist Culture Festival
November 27 , 2016
Stockholm, Sweden

Hughes @ Singularity Salon
November 28 , 2016
Stockholm, Sweden

Transpolitica 2016 Conference
December 3 , 2016
London, England

Humans, Machines, and the Future of Work Conference
December 5 -6, 2016
Rice University, Houston, Texas

ieet news

IEET Affiliate Scholar Steve Fuller Publishes New Article in The Telegraph on AI
(Oct 22, 2016)

Stephen Hawking summed up the thinking of many of the researchers and funders behind artificial intelligence this week when he launched the new Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at Cambridge by claiming that AI is “either the best or worst thing to happen to humanity.”

[Full Article]

IEET Scholars Cited in New Book ‘The Posthuman Body in Superhero Comics’
(Oct 20, 2016)

Many of IEET’s scholars have been published in new book, The Posthuman Body in Superhero Comics, this book “examines the concepts of Post/Humanism and Transhumanism as depicted in superhero comics. Recent decades have seen mainstream audiences embrace the comic book Superhuman.” (Palgrave)

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IEET Fellows Kevin LaGrandeur and John Danaher interviewed on Future of Work (Oct 15, 2016)

IEET Affiliate Scholar Melanie Swan Interviewed on Finance Disrupted (Oct 14, 2016)


ieet articles

Melanie Swan Blockchain Fintech: Programmable Risk and Securities as a Service
by Melanie Swan
Oct 22, 2016 • (0) CommentsPermalink

Access instead of Ownership
One of the most radical and potentially disruptive ideas for the near-term blockchain financial services market is Securities as a Service. Consider the music industry, where in the past, it was quite normal to purchase and own records and CDs, but now music is often accessed through digital media services like Spotify. There is access to music, but not much thought of ownership. “Listening to music” is the consumable asset, which is priced per network models for its access and consumption.

Steve Fuller Brexit for Transhumanists: A Parable for Getting What You Wish For
by Steve Fuller
Oct 21, 2016 • (1) CommentsPermalink

For the past two years, Zoltan Istvan has been campaigning for the US presidency on the Transhumanist Party, a largely one-man show which nevertheless remains faithful to the basic tenets of transhumanism. Now suppose he won. Top of his policy agenda had been to ensure the immortality of all Americans. But even Zoltan realized that this would entail quite big changes in how the state and society function. So, shortly after being elected president, he decides to hold a national referendum on the matter.

Rick Searle What democracy’s future shouldn’t be
by Rick Searle
Oct 20, 2016 • (1) CommentsPermalink

As William Gibson has famously pointed out, the job of the science fiction writer is not to predict the future but to construct one plausible version of it from the pieces already laying around.  I assume that Malka Older was trying to do this deliberately low key Gibsonian thing with her novel Infomacracy, but given the bizarre nature of this current election cycle she instead, and remarkably, ended up anticipating not merely many of its real or feared events, but even ended her novel on the same note of exhaustion and exasperation and even dread resulting from the perceived failures of representative democracy now expressed by many among the elites, and from another the other angle, the young.

George Dvorsky Why the Human Lifespan Ends at 122
by George Dvorsky
Oct 19, 2016 • (0) CommentsPermalink

The oldest human to have ever lived died at the age of 122—and that was nearly 20 years ago. A recent analysis of global demographic data suggests this may very well be the maximum age attainable by humans, and that it’s extremely unlikely anyone will ever live much beyond this advanced age. That is, unless we science the shit out of this problem.

Marcelo Rinesi For the unexpected innovations, look where you’d rather not
by Marcelo Rinesi
Oct 18, 2016 • (1) CommentsPermalink

Before Bill Gates was a billionaire, before the power, the cultural cachet, and the Robert Downey Jr. portrayals, computers were for losers who would never get laid. Their potential was of course independent of these considerations, but Steve Jobs could become one of the richest people on Earth because he was fascinated with, and dedicated time to, something that cool kids — specially from the wealthy families who could most easily afford access to them — wouldn’t have been caught dead playing with, or at least loving.

Marc Roux Interdire le transhumanisme ?
by Marc Roux
Oct 18, 2016 • (0) CommentsPermalink

Le neuro-oncologue François Berger s’apprête, avec des confrères, à lancer un appel à un moratoire contre le transhumanisme. Ce serait, à notre connaissance, une première mondiale. Voici notre réaction.

David Orban Have you ever inspired the greatest villain in history? I did, apparently
by David Orban
Oct 17, 2016 • (1) CommentsPermalink

In 2010 when I organized the H+ Summit conference at Harvard University, together with my friend Alex Lightman, I would not have imagined that it would be a key event in the history of Inferno. Instead it seems that, according to the protagonists of the book, the villain of the story got his ideas at the conference. On Saturday, October 15 I organized a special screening of the film Inferno, with SingularityU Milan, followed by a debate on the limits of technology and how to apply it in a positive direction for the development of humanity.

George Dvorsky Nobel Prize For Chemistry Awarded to Creators of the World’s Tiniest Machines
by George Dvorsky
Oct 16, 2016 • (0) CommentsPermalink

The 2016 Nobel Prize for Chemistry has been awarded to a trio of scientists for their pioneering work in developing molecular machines. These gadgets measure just a thousandth of a human hair in width, and they’re poised to revolutionize everything from manufacturing and materials to medicine and the functioning of the human body.

Rick Searle Is the internet killing democracy?
by Rick Searle
Oct 15, 2016 • (1) CommentsPermalink

Standing as we are with our nose so tightly pressed against the glass, it’s impossible to know what exactly the current, crazy presidential election will mean, not just for American, democracy, but for the future of democracy itself. Of course, much of this depends on the actual outcome of the election, when the American public will either chose to cling to a system full of malware, corrupted and buggy, yet still functional, or risk everything on a hard reboot. This would include the risk that we might never be able to reset the clock to the time before we had plunged over the abyss and restore an order that while outdated, ill-designed, and running up against the limits of both still managed to do the job.

George Dvorsky Astronomers Spot a Massive Black Hole That’s Gone Rogue
by George Dvorsky
Oct 14, 2016 • (1) CommentsPermalink

Using the Chandra X-ray Observatory, astronomers have found evidence of a “wandering” black hole on the outskirts of a distant galaxy. It’s too far away to cause us any trouble, but the discovery of this homeless ball of gravitational despair affirms a long standing theory about the existence of such objects.

John Danaher How do we Enhance Cognition through External Representations? Five Ways
by John Danaher
Oct 13, 2016 • (1) CommentsPermalink

I use pen and paper to do most of my serious thinking. Whether it is outlining blogposts or academic papers, taking notes or constructing arguments, I pretty much always take out my trusty A4 pad and pen when I run into a cognitive trough. To be sure, I often mull ideas over in my head for a long time beforehand, but when I want to move beyond my muddled and incoherent thoughts, I will grab for my pen and paper. I am sure that many of you do the same. There is something cognitively different about thinking outside your head: creating an external representation of your thoughts reveals their strengths and weaknesses in a way that internal dialogue never can.

George Dvorsky The Nearest Earth-Like Planet Outside Our Solar System Could Be a Water World
by George Dvorsky
Oct 12, 2016 • (0) CommentsPermalink

At a distance of 4.2 light years, Proxima b is the closest potentially habitable Earth-like planet outside our solar system. New research suggests this distant orb could be completely covered in water. So when do we go?

Alexandre Maurer Le vieillissement est-il une maladie ?
by Alexandre Maurer
Oct 11, 2016 • (0) CommentsPermalink

Qu’est-ce qui différencie le vieillissement d’une maladie, au fond ? Il en a toutes les caractéristiques ! Cette question un brin provocatrice est une invitation à nous interroger sur l’arbitraire de nos catégories.

Maria Ramos Personal Security in the Age of Digital Assistants
by Maria Ramos
Oct 10, 2016 • (0) CommentsPermalink

Fully-realized artificial intelligence has long been the holy grail for daydreamers and forward-thinking inventors alike. We aren’t quite there yet, but modern virtual assistants are making the case that we aren’t so very far off. Whether it’s a feature integrated into your smartphone or a standalone assistant like the Amazon Echo, digital assistants have shown great strides in the ability to recognize and parse your spoken commands and respond to them appropriately.

George Dvorsky Listen to the First Music Ever Made With a Computer
by George Dvorsky
Oct 9, 2016 • (0) CommentsPermalink

Researchers from New Zealand have restored the very first recording ever made of computer generated music. The three simple melodies, laid down in 1951, were generated by a machine built by the esteemed British computer scientist Alan Turing.

George Dvorsky New Wind Turbines Could Power Japan for 50 Years After a Single Typhoon
by George Dvorsky
Oct 8, 2016 • (0) CommentsPermalink

Typhoons are generally associated with mass destruction, but a Japanese engineer has developed a wind turbine that can harness the tremendous power of these storms and turn it into useful energy. If he’s right, a single typhoon could power Japan for 50 years.

George Dvorsky FDA Approves World’s First Automated Insulin Pump for Diabetics
by George Dvorsky
Oct 7, 2016 • (0) CommentsPermalink

The US Food and Drug Administration has approved Medtronic’s MiniMed 670G, a medical device that monitors a diabetic’s sugar levels, and then automatically injects the required dose of insulin.

George Dvorsky All the Incredible Things We Learned From Our First Trip to a Comet
by George Dvorsky
Oct 6, 2016 • (0) CommentsPermalink

The historic Rosetta mission has finally come to an end. Over the past two years, the probe’s many instruments have scanned virtually every nook and cranny of this weirdly shaped rock, unleashing a treasure trove of new information about comets in general, and 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko in particular.



The IEET is a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax-exempt organization registered in the State of Connecticut in the United States. Please give as you are able, and help support our work for a brighter future.

ieet multimedia

Can we build AI without losing control over it?
Guest image
Sam Harris

How we’re harnessing nature’s hidden superpowers
Guest image
Oded Shoseyov

The era of personal DNA testing is here
Guest image
Sebastian Kraves

The Future of Pain!
Guest image
FW: Thinking

Gene Drives: Saving Lives Or Powering Extinctions?
(Oct 18, 2016)

Do Death Differently!
(Oct 17, 2016)

Want to Make Better Decisions? Know the Difference between Engineering and Design Thinking
(Oct 16, 2016)


spud100 on 'For the unexpected innovations, look where you'd rather not' (Oct 22, 2016)

spud100 on 'Have you ever inspired the greatest villain in history? I did, apparently' (Oct 22, 2016)

RJP8915 on 'Brexit for Transhumanists: A Parable for Getting What You Wish For' (Oct 21, 2016)

instamatic on 'What democracy’s future shouldn’t be' (Oct 20, 2016)

instamatic on 'Is the internet killing democracy?' (Oct 17, 2016)

RJP8915 on 'The Ethics of a Simulated Universe' (Oct 17, 2016)

Nicholsp03 on 'The Ethics of a Simulated Universe' (Oct 17, 2016)


Enframing the Flesh: Heidegger, Transhumanism, and the Body as “Standing Reserve”

Moral Enhancement and Political Realism

Intelligent Technologies and Lost Life

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The IEET is a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax-exempt organization registered in the State of Connecticut in the United States.

East Coast Contact: Executive Director, Dr. James J. Hughes,
56 Daleville School Rd., Willington CT 06279 USA 
Email: director @     phone: 860-428-1837

West Coast Contact: Managing Director, Hank Pellissier
425 Moraga Avenue, Piedmont, CA 94611
Email: hank @